
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


A curated list of Fabric libraries and tools - contributions welcome

  • Fabric Wiki - The official Fabric wiki with a lot of tips and tutorials. `CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0`
  • MixinTrace - Adds a list of related mixins to crash reports. `MIT`
  • Fabric API - Essential hooks and patches for modding with Fabric. ([Wiki]( `Apache-2.0`
  • Mesh - A modding library with various utilities, such as auto-registration of items and blocks, or crafting recipe generation. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • oωo (owo-lib) - A general utility library for content-focused modding on Fabric. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • Sound Categories - Allows mods to add more sound categories, and modifies the Minecraft sound settings menu to fit as many categories as required. ([Wiki]( `Apache-2.0`
  • AdvancedChatCore - The base mod of all AdvancedChat modules and features, presenting an API to achieve many different functionalities related to the Minecraft chat. ([Wiki]( `MPL-2.0`
  • AutoConfig - A full-fledged, annotation-based configuration library. ([Wiki]( `Apache-2.0`
  • Cloth Config - A client side API for creating configuration screens. ([Wiki]( `Unlicense`
  • Bow Tie - Data loading interceptor that enables the use of Hjson, YAML, XML and more instead of JSON. `Apache-2.0`
  • ARRP - **A**dvanced **R**untime **R**esource **P**acks (for Fabric). ([Wiki]( `MPL-2.0`
  • Patchouli - A mod that aims to provide easy to implement, data-driven documentation for minecraft modders and modpack makers alike. ([Wiki]()) `BY-NC-SA 3.0`
  • DisguiseLib - A (server-side) library for disguising entities in Minecraft. `MIT`
  • Impersonate - Allows players to take on the name and appearance of other players. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • SimpleJsonVillagerTrades - A small jar-in-jar-able or standalone library to modify/add merchant trades via datapacks. ([Wiki]( `CC0`
  • Piglib - Adds item tags for various Piglin related things that Mojang were too silly to add themselves! ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • Air Strafing Attribute - Adds an attribute for the flyingSpeed variable so multiple mods can safely modify the air strafing speed of entities. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • Terraformers' Shapes - A context independent library for generating voxel shapes using mathematical equations. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • SpruceUI - Utilities for creating GUIs. `MIT`
  • Main Menu Credits - Adds a way of adding information to the user's title screen. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • Amecs' API - Allows to define modifier keys (control, shift, alt) for keybindings. `Apache-2.0`
  • No More Useless Keys - NMUK - Allows you to specify an arbitrary amount of alternative key combinations for key bindings. `Apache-2.0`
  • Trinkets - A data-driven accessory mod that adds a slot group and slot system to Minecraft. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • LibBlockAttributes - ([Wiki]( `MPL-2.0`
  • Fabric Shield Lib - Library mod for easily adding shields, and shield enchantments into the game. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-2.1`
  • Fabrik - An API for using FabricMC with Kotlin. It is the bridge between Minecraft and common Kotlin language features, libraries, [DSLs]( and more. ([Wiki]( `GPL-3.0-only`
  • Fabric-ASM - Utilities for manipulating Java byte code and extending enums. `MPL-2.0`
  • owo - [Zuzak]('s JS [furry-speak transformation library]( ported to a Java library.
  • LibMultiPart - Adds support for multiple "parts" (such as pipes, facades, wires, etc) in a single block. ([Wiki]([]( `MPLv2.0`
  • LibNetworkStack - Adds a networking layer for mods to communicate data more easily. ([Wiki]( `MPL-2.0`
  • Nbt Crafting - JSON-driven nbt data in recipes and remainders as well as brewing recipes and a lot more. ([Wiki]( `Apache-2.0`
  • Push To Craft - Allows to provide alternatives for recipe ingredients in a general fashion. `MIT`
  • Smart Recipes - Extends the recipe format with conditions. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • GeckoLib - Forward kinematic gui-based animation engine. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • LibZoomer - A library for Minecraft 1.17+ that allows other mods to zoom easily while being able to customize it for their own needs. `MIT`
  • JsonEM - Library for modders, resource pack makers, and modpack makers to create and edit entity models with JSON. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • JSON Model Extensions - Adds support for [FREX Rendering API]( features to Minecraft JSON model loading. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3`
  • FREX - A rendering API for Minecraft mods to create content that wouldn't normally be possible. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • UltralightFabric - A HTML renderer for Fabric. ([Wiki]( `LGPL-3.0-only`
  • Renderer - An easy-to-use rendering library for modern FabricMC. ([Wiki]( `BSD-3-Clause`
  • Entity Model Remapper - An [online tool]( to convert entity models between Yarn and MCP mappings. `MIT`
  • mod_jar_inspector - Allows you to inspect mods in a directory like listing all jar-in-jars or all mixins. `GPL-3.0-only`
  • GeneratorFabricMod - Prompts for various information and outputs a skeleton mod, ready to be modified. `Apache-2.0`
  • GIUP - Allows to maintain mods that are spread across branches for different MC versions. `Apache-2.0`
  • Minecraft Development for IntelliJ - Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that helps with mixins, fabric.mod.json files and contains a lot of other small tweaks. ([Wiki]( `MIT`
  • yarn-cli - CLI to look up yarn/intermediary mappings. `MIT`