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Awesome Ruby Security resources

  • secure-headers - Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults.
  • Rack::Attack - Middleware for blocking and throttling requests.
  • Ronin - Ronin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development.
  • Salus - Multi purpose security scanning tool supporting Ruby, Node, Python and Go.
  • Snyk - Continuously and automatically finds & fixes vulnerabilities for Ruby and other languages.
  • brakeman - A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • rubocop-gitlab-security - A set of rules to extend rubocop with additional security rules.
  • dawnscanner - A static analysis security scanner for ruby applications. It supports Sinatra, Padrino and Ruby on Rails frameworks.
  • git-secrets - Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories.
  • DevSkim - DevSkim is a set of IDE plugins and rules that provide security "linting" capabilities. Also has support for CLI so it can be integrated into CI/CD pipeline.
  • ban-sensitive-files - Checks filenames to be committed against a library of filename rules to prevent storing sensitive files in Git. Checks some files for sensitive contents (for example authToken inside .npmrc file).
  • rails_best_practices - A static code analyzer for Ruby on Rails applications that finds - among other things - common patterns that might lead to security vulnerabilities.
  • Rails Application Routes Parser - A script that print out ruby on rails application routes/URLs.
  • Bearer - A code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.
  • bundler-audit - Patch-level verification for Ruby apps.
  • ruby-advisory-db - Open source database of security advisories that are relevant to Ruby libraries.
  • GemScanner - GemScanner identifies depreciated versions of gems in your ruby on rails project.
  • RailsGoat - A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10 .
  • DeleteMe - Educational insecure Rails application.
  • Rails Security Guides - The essentials to read when dealing with Rails Applications.
  • Securing Ruby and Rails Apps - Applying static code analysis and dependency checking in your CI/CD pipeline.
  • OWASP Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet - This Cheatsheet intends to provide quick basic Ruby on Rails security tips for developers. It complements, augments or emphasizes points brought up in the rails security guide from [rails core](
  • Rails security checklist - 🔑 Community-driven Rails Security Checklist.
  • Attacking Ruby on Rails Applications - Phrack article by [joernchen]( on finding security vulnerabilities in Rails applications.
  • Zen Rails Security Checklist - A well-documented Rails security checklist.
  • Rails security best practices - A good overview of usefull things to look out for when working with Rails.
  • Securing Rails Application from developers perspective - A detailed blog on Ruby on Rails security from developers perspective that contains OWASP Top & other application issues with fixes / recommendation and fix codes.
  • Rubyfu - Offensive security book for rubyist ([Source](
  • Ruby gem installations can expose you to lockfile injection attacks - security blindspots of lockfile injection in the Ruby ecosystem
  • Security for Developers - Newsletter catering towards developers and covering many languages.
  • Ruby Bug Bounty Program - Found a bug in the Ruby language? Report it there.
  • Ruby Security Updates - Follow the latest security announcements.
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