
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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Last synced: 3 days ago
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  • C

  • C# #

    • plyoung/Unity-Cameras - Examples of camera controllers in Unity.
    • netchx/netch - A simple proxy client
    • lionsoul2014/ip2region - Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
  • C++

  • Go

    • zu1k/proxypool - 自动抓取tg频道、订阅地址、公开互联网上的ss、ssr、vmess、trojan节点信息,聚合去重后提供节点列表。欢迎star
  • HTML

  • Java

    • kon9chunkit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts - :cn: GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
  • JavaScript

  • Others

    • sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
    • freefq/free - 翻墙、免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费节点、免费梯子、免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点、蓝灯、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子
    • lxgw/LxgwWenKai - An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款基于 FONTWORKS 的 Klee One 的开源中文字体。
    • zealotCE/America-Against-America - 《美国反对美国》是王沪宁先生在上世纪80年代末赴美观察写作的。我们知道在那个年代中国对西方特别是美国的追捧有多高,所以突然看到一个学者在80年代就有如此清楚的认识,十分钦佩。由于网上只有效果很差的PDF扫描版,所以我想利用OCR技术和肉眼(人体OCR)来转成现代化的文本格式。目前已经全部完成。
    • opendigg/awesome-github-vue - Vue相关开源项目库汇总
    • Alvin9999/new-pac - 科学上网/自由上网/翻墙/软件/方法,一键翻墙浏览器,免费shadowsocks/ss/ssr/v2ray/goflyway账号/节点分享,vps一键搭建脚本/教程
    • liuchengxu/git-commit-emoji-cn - 😁 git commit message emoji 使用指南
  • PHP

    • easychen/howto-make-more-money - 程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱,2.0版,升级为小书了。Most of this not work outside China , so no English translate
  • Rust

    • starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
  • Shell

    • romkatv/powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
    • haoel/
    • DamionGans/ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script - Script to enable systemd support on current Ubuntu WSL2 images [Unsupported, no longer updated]
    • ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1800+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
    • ToyoDAdoubi/doubi - 一个逗比写的各种逗比脚本~
  • TypeScript

    • chnirt/nestjs-graphql-best-practice - NestJS (Express + TypeORM + GraphQL + MongoDB) codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc).
    • Seo-Rii/electron-acrylic-window - Add acrylic effect to your electron application
    • slidevjs/slidev - Presentation Slides for Developers (Beta)
    • motere/fower - An utility-first CSS in JS library
    • wechat-miniprogram/api-typings - Type definitions for APIs of Wechat Mini Program in TypeScript
    • graphql-editor/graphql-editor - 📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE. Draw GraphQL schemas using visual 🔷 nodes and explore GraphQL API with beautiful UI. Even 🐒 can do that!
    • doug-martin/nestjs-query - Easy CRUD for GraphQL.
    • kuangshp/nestjs-mysql-api - NestJs CRUD for RESTful API使用nestjs+mysql+typeorm+jwt+swagger企业项目中的RBAC权限管理、实现单点登录。
    • ReactiveX/rxjs - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
    • amplication/amplication - Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks.
    • wenqiyun/nest-admin - 采用nestjs typeorm vue开发的一套权限管理系统
    • TuSimple/naive-ui - A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Customizable Themes. Uses TypeScript. Not too Slow.
    • codekcv/headless-commerce - An open-source pluggable full-stack headless commerce solution made with TypeScript, React, Node.js, and GraphQL.
    • bytedance/IconPark - 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons
    • Maronato/vue-toastification - Vue notifications made easy!
    • iamhosseindhv/notistack - Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other
    • TimurRK/nestjs-example - NestJS example with GraphQL, Schema-Stitching, Dataloader, GraphQL Upload, RabbitMQ, Redis, Scalable Websocket and JWT authentication
    • typestack/class-validator - Decorator-based property validation for classes.
    • xtermjs/xterm.js - A terminal for the web
    • vitejs/vite - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
    • vueuse/vueuse - Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
    • wei/socialify - 💞 Socialify your project. 🌐 Share with the world!
    • cawa-93/vite-electron-builder - Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla
    • ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy - 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme
    • neatfx/tiny-evt - Vite2 + Vue3 + Electron12 + TypeScript
    • typeorm/typeorm - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
    • atzcl/z - 基于 MidwayJS(EggJS) + TypeScript 的多模块应用 [ NodeJS 版 ]
    • Vanessa219/vditor - ♏ 一款浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器,支持所见即所得(富文本)、即时渲染(类似 Typora)和分屏预览模式。An In-browser Markdown editor, support WYSIWYG (Rich Text), Instant Rendering (Typora-like) and Split View modes.
    • viserjs/viser - viser is a toolkit fit for data vis engineer.
    • michaelolof/vuex-class-component - A Type Safe Vuex Module or Store Using ES6 Classes and ES7 Decorators written in TypeScript.
    • vuetifyjs/vuetify - 🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue
    • lingxiaoguang/remote-monitor-server - 远程监控服务端(start remote monitor server by one command)
    • posva/pinia - 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
    • luin/ioredis - 🚀 A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
    • motere/fower - An utility-first CSS in JS library
    • ykfe/ssr - A most advanced ssr framework support React/Vue2/Vue3 on Earth that implemented serverless-side render specification.
    • motere/fower - An utility-first CSS in JS library
  • Vue