
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


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  • ngx-count-animation (⭐1) - A package that elegantly animates number changes, creating a visually engaging transition from one value to another, perfect for counting or displaying real-time data updates.
  • ngx-drag-scroll (⭐343) - A lightweight responsive Angular carousel library.
  • ngx-image-hero (⭐1) - A package to implement hero animations, allowing users to click on images and smoothly zoom them into a larger, immersive view, enhancing the user experience and interaction with images.
  • ngx-scroll-animations (⭐2) - This minimalistic Angular directive, free from external dependencies, empowers you to effortlessly implement CSS animations on elements. These animations trigger when an element comes into view through scrolling on the page. It seamlessly integrates with your choice of CSS animations.
  • OverlayScrollbars (⭐3.6k) - A javascript scrollbar plugin that hides native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars and keeps the native functionality and feeling.
  • ng-table-virtual-scroll (⭐133) - Virtual Scroll for Angular Material Table.
  • PocketBase (⭐530) - An open-source, Go-based backend in one file.
  • Detection Engineering (⭐564) - Design, build, and operate detective cybersecurity controls.
  • ColorBeta - Advanced CSS Gradient Generator.
  • Menu Bar Calendar - A monthly calendar right in your menu bar. ![Freeware]( "Freeware") [![App Store]( "App Store Software")](
  • Day Progress - Time remaining today in your menu bar. ![Freeware]( "Freeware") [![App Store]( "App Store Software")](
  • eslint-plugin-exception-handling (⭐4) - Lints unhandled functions that might throw errors.
  • PHP AST Viewer - A tool for viewing the Abstract Syntax Tree of PHP code.
  • JSON Schema (⭐3.5k) - A [JSON Schema]( validation library.
  • Bigcapital - A self-hosted financial accounting and inventory management software for small to medium businesses. ([Source Code (⭐2.1k)]( `AGPL-3.0` `Docker`
  • ipfs (⭐777) - Distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files.
  • Meltano - CLI & code-first ELT.
  • Singer SDK - The fastest way to build custom data extractors and loaders compliant with the Singer Spec.
  • Asigna - Multisig Wallet for Bitcoin, Ordinals, BRC20s, and Stacks.
  • Leather Wallet - Open Source wallet for connecting to Bitcoin and Stacks web applications. Also for [desktop](
  • Xverse Wallet - Mobile wallet application and browser extension for managing Bitcoin, STX and stacking (partly open source).
  • Hiro Explorer - An application for reviewing transactions on the Stacks blockchain.
  • STX Scan - An explorer for Stacks transactions.
  • Blocksurvey - AI-driven survey platform with focus on data ownership and privacy.
  • MultiSafe (⭐26) - MultiSafe is a shared crypto vault for managing Stacks (STX) and Bitcoin (BTC).
  • Charisma (⭐1) - Community-run memecoin DAO on the Stacks blockchain.
  • Bitflow - Decentralized Exchange.
  • Velar - Swapping, trading, launching assets on premier Bitcoin L2s.
  • STX20 (⭐26) - Protocol to create and share digital artifacts on Stacks.
  • STXTools - Charts, transactions, price alerts for DeFi on Stacks.
  • Stacks Pulse (⭐10) - Real-time on-chain Stats for Stacks DeFi.
  • Signal21 - On-chain analysis for Bitcoin L1, L2 and Dapps.
  • CityCoins - Tokens for cities (winding down).
  • Fast pool - Trust minimized stacking pool.
  • Stacking DAO - Liquid stacking on Stacks.
  • Lisa - Liquid stacking on Stacks using rebasing.
  • Smart Contract GPT (⭐5) - Chat bot trained to create SIP-009 contracts.
  • Nothing - A fungible token that does nothing ([contract](
  • Stacks Pools (⭐0) - Decentralized Stacking Pool.
  • (⭐4) - A Rust toolkit to interact with the Stacks Blockchain.
  • Metriport (⭐442) - Open-source universal API for healthcare data.
  • Generative AI Explained by NVIDIA - coding course by NVIDIA that presents Generative AI concepts and applications, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the field
  • Competitor Research
  • naklecha/llama3-from-scratch (⭐8.1k)
  • ragapp/ragapp (⭐246)
  • nosduco/remote-sshfs.nvim (⭐120) - Explore, edit, and develop on a remote machine via SSHFS.
  • react-simple-captcha (⭐38) - [npm]( - [demo]( - React Simple Captcha is a very powerful, highly customizable and easy to use captcha for React JS.
  • urlbox (⭐24) - Quickly generate screenshots, PDFs and other renders using the urlbox screenshot as a service API.
  • In situ bidirectional human-robot value alignment - ***Science Robotics***, 2022. \[[All Versions](]. \[[Preprint](]. This paper proposes an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) system in which a group of robots predicts users’ values by taking in situ feedback into consideration while communicating their decision processes to users through explanations. To learn from human feedback, the XAI system integrates a cooperative communication model for inferring human values associated with multiple desirable goals. To be interpretable to humans, it simulates human mental dynamics and predicts optimal explanations using graphical models.
  • Camera Preview - Preview your webcam, take photos, and use it as a mirror. ![Freeware]( "Freeware") [![App Store]( "App Store Software")](
  • Command X - Cut and paste files in Finder. ![Freeware]( "Freeware") [![App Store]( "App Store Software")](
  • Foso/Cabret-Log (⭐196) - Method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • bluefireoly/SimpleKotlinMail (⭐64) - A simple, modern and coroutine based Kotlin Email API, supporting both clientside and serverside projects.
  • mariomac/codebuilder (⭐6) - Demo app about asynchronous architectures for long-response-time web applications.
  • gradle/kotlin-dsl-samples (⭐3.7k) - Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts.
  • nebula-plugins/nebula-kotlin-plugin (⭐57) - Provides the Kotlin plugin via the Gradle plugin portal, automatically depends on the standard library, and allows Kotlin library versions to be omitted.
  • kpspemu/kpspemu (⭐72) - Multiplatform (JS and JVM) PSP Emulator written in Kotlin.
  • chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor (⭐431) - An audio custom remix editor designed for the Rhythm Heaven series, using libGDX and Kotlin.
  • yschimke/okurl (⭐125) - cURL-like client based on OkHttp.
  • hazae41/Kotlin-Compiler-GUI (⭐1) - Easily compile Kotlin classes (.kt) and run Kotlin scripts (.kts)
  • Kotlin/kotlin-koans (⭐2.6k) - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax.
  • JetBrains/kotlin-examples (⭐3.2k) - Various examples for Kotlin.
  • skydoves/githubfollows (⭐294) - A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
  • JakeWharton/kotterknife (⭐2.2k)
  • nsk-mironov/kotlin-jetpack (⭐184)
  • ragunathjawahar/kaffeine (⭐155)
  • GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework-android (⭐5) - OpenGL made simple.
  • Jintin/MixAdapter (⭐19) - Compose multiple Adapter for RecyclerView in Android.
  • hanjoongcho/aaf-easyphotomap (⭐40) - This is a photomap app that shows photos taken on a map.
  • mustafaberkaymutlu/uv-index (⭐67) - A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
  • hanjoongcho/aaf-easypassword (⭐34) - A password manager using a single lock pattern for various type passwords management.
  • AnkitSuda/Rebound (⭐175) - Feature Rich & Highly Customizable Workout Log App.
  • rosariopfernandes/fireXtensions (⭐29) - Unofficial Kotlin Extensions for the Firebase Android SDK.
  • KakaoCup/Kakao (⭐307) - Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
  • pixijs/pixi-native (⭐86) - The aim of this project is to provide a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices.
  • Kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-sample (⭐1.2k) - Kotlin Full-stack Application Example.
  • Foso/MpApt (⭐237) - Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library
  • Kotlin/kotlin-frontend-plugin (⭐564) - Gradle Kotlin plugin for frontend development.
  • kotlin/ts2kt (⭐318) - Converter of TypeScript definition files to Kotlin declarations (stubs).
  • JetBrains/kotlin-native (⭐7k) - Kotlin/Native is a LLVM backend for the Kotlin compiler, runtime implementation and native code generation facility using LLVM toolchain.
  • Clean Architecture with .NET MAUI, Blazor, and ASP.NET Core - ![duration](\&cacheSeconds=maxAge\&logo=youtube)May 22, 2024 - We've heard a lot about how using .NET to build our UI applications lets us share code across our whole stack, but finding the best way to do this isn't straightforward. UI code and API code can sometimes seem at cross-purposes and it's not always obvious how using .NET code across your whole stack provides any advantages over using different technologies for your UI and API. It's easy to fall into the trap of underutilizing the right code-sharing techniques. Or, at the other extreme, butchering your architecture for the sake of sharing code. In this talk, Matt Goldman (author of .NET MAUI in Action) will look at extending Clean Architecture to incorporate UIs built with .NET MAUI and Blazor. See sensible ways to write clean, testable, re-usable code that can be shared across the different layers of your solution, and across different solutions in your enterprise, to optimize efficiency and minimize duplication. We'll also see how to avoid the common pitfalls of over-engineering or under-sharing. You will walk away knowing how to make full-stack code shared with .NET a reality.
  • Supercharging Blazor SSR with htmx - ![duration](\&cacheSeconds=maxAge\&logo=youtube) April 29, 2024 - Are you using a front-end framework with Blazor? In this week's episode, community MVP Egin Hansen shows us how to supercharge Blazor static server-side rendering (SSR) with the htmx front-end library. Adding htmx gives you access to another level of interactivity while still retaining all the advantages of Blazor SSR stateless nature.
  • Gemfast (⭐60) - A drop in replacement for geminabox written in Go.
  • Gem in a box (⭐1.5k) - Really simple rubygem hosting.
  • Gemirro (⭐137) - Gem to automatically make a rubygems mirror.
  • Gemstash (⭐740) - A cache and private gem server.
  • Spark vs Polars. Real-life Test Case - A blog post in which the author tests whether Polars is able to handle "real amounts of data" and "really replace some production Spark workloads." by [@danielbeach]( Code used is available on Github [here (⭐5)](
  • Age of DataFrames II: Polars Edition - A blog post that illustrates the features of Polars through the analysis of a tournament from the video game Age of Empires II by \[@woutergins]. Source code available [here (⭐0)](
  • Site
  • Blog
  • Documentation
  • Getting Started Tutorial
  • Past Documentation Site
  • Google Developer Experts
  • angular - Official Angular blog.
  • Google Developer Experts
  • Past Angular Cheatsheet - Note: *NEW* official docs do not have a cheatsheet.
  • Official web page
  • Angular Dev Tools - Angular DevTools is a browser extension that provides debugging and profiling capabilities for Angular applications.
  • Angular Security - Best Practices
  • angular-oauth2-oidc (⭐1.8k) - Support for OAuth 2 and OpenId Connect (OIDC) in Angular.
  • keycloak-angular (⭐697) - Easy Keycloak setup for Angular applications.
  • Firebase Hosting
  • angular update guide - Interactive guide to help you migrate from one version of Angular to another.
  • Twitter
  • Telegram
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