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A curated list of PEP8 goodies

  • PEP8 Official Style Guide
  • Google Python Style Guide
  • Flake8 - A tool that glues together pep8, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins like :
  • PEP8-Naming - Check the PEP-8 naming conventions.
  • flake8-import-order - Checks the ordering of your imports.
  • flake8-blind-except - Checks for blind except statements.
  • flake8-debugger - Checks for looks for outstanding pdb/ipdb imports that were probably left after a debugging.
  • Frosted - A fork of pyflakes.
  • AutoPEP8 - A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide.
  • PyFlakes - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors.
  • PyLint - A very feature-packed tool that checks your code for PEP 8 errors among others.
  • PyLama - A code audit for python that wraps these tools: pep8, pep257, pyflakes, mccabe and pylint.
  • PEP257 - Docstring style checker.
  • Prospector - A tool to analyse Python code and output information about errors, potential problems, convention violations and complexity.
  • Flake8Lint - SublimeLinter plugin: lint Python files with pep8, pep257, pyflake, mccabe and pep8-naming.
  • SublimeAutoPEP8 - PEP8 auto-formatter for Sublime Text.
  • Syntactic - Syntax checker for Vim.
  • AtomLinter-Flake8 - Flake8 provider for Atom linter.
  • PEP8 Online Check - Check your code for PEP8 requirements online.