
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


Useful resources for using OrbitDB and building projects on it

  • Desktop - gateway) - A movie platform with a decentralized network approach.
  • Remote Education Log - A tool to help you keep track of your child's remote special education services and instruction while school is closed.
  • smartX - Smart, self-sovereign 🆔 and 💰 for everyone. smartX is a peer-to-peer socio-economic system that empowers people to stay in control of their data, easily send digital money to each other and trade tokens of any good, service or asset in open, intermediary-free markets. [GitHub: @smartXnetwork](
  • 3Box - A decentralized data storage solution called 3Box, which allows Ethereum users to upload and share their information across dapps using any wallet. [GitHub: @uport-project/3box](
  • Orbit - A distributed, serverless chat application built with OrbitDB and IPFS. [GitHub: @orbitdb/orbit-web](
  • Origin Messaging - A protocol for creating sharing economy marketplaces using the Ethereum blockchain and IPFS, built on OrbitDB. [Demo DApp]( [Introduction Medium Article]( [GitHub: @OriginProtocol](
  • Vitriol - A distributed, serverless publishing platform based on OrbitDB. Read an intro (written with Vitriol!) [here]( or find the code [here](
  • d-chat - Distributed, serverless, self-hosting React-based chat app inspired by [Orbit]( with service-worker based implementation. [GitHub: @peterhuba/d-chat](
  • Orbit DNS - A distributed, PKI, cryptograhically signed domain name system built on orbit-db. Open ended system that can be combined with smart contracts or other registration system. Status is work in progress.
  • Sailplane - Collaborative p2p file sharing in the browser. [Code](
  • Berty - A distributed e2e chat application built with OrbitDB and IPFS. [Code](
  • Constellation - A distributed platform scientific database sharing and citizen science. [Code](
  • OrbitDB CLI - Command line tool for managing OrbitDB databases
  • ipfs-coord - npm library for creating subnetworks using IPFS pubsub channels.
  • Bohr-DB - Adds TypeScript and runtime-checked types to your orbit-db databases.
  • Kuiper - Feed, Set and OrderedKeyValue database types for OrbitDB
  • TodoMVC with OrbitDB
  • OrbitDB at DAppHack Berlin 2016
  • Orbit Distributed, Real Time Web3 Apps with IPFS and Ethereum
  • Orbit at CBase 2016
  • Pushing the Limits of IPFS and OrbitDB
  • @OrbitDB