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A community-driven curated list of SwiftWasm projects and content

  • The SwiftWasm Book - The primary collaborative documentation project for SwiftWasm.
  • WebAssembly example with React and SwiftWasm - A quick overview (with [example code]( provided) of how SwiftWasm code can be integrated in a React app.
  • Write WebAssembly in Swift and use it in Swift App - A tutorial about how to use SwiftWasm to write wasm app and intergate into Swift App.
  • JavaScriptKit - Swift framework to interact with JavaScript through WebAssembly.
  • SwiftWebUI - SwiftUI with support for WebAssembly.
  • Tokamak - SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly.
  • BluetoothWeb - Swift framework to interact with [Web Bluetooth API]( through WebAssembly.
  • Compute - Swift runtime for building server side applications on [Fastly Compute@Edge](
  • FlatBuffers - Memory Efficient Serialization Library.
  • carton - Watcher, bundler, and test runner for your SwiftWasm apps.
  • swift-webpack-plugin - [webpack.js]( plugin for SwiftWasm.
  • swiftwebui-scripts - Scripts to make working with SwiftWebUI and SwiftWasm easier.
  • webidl2swift - Generate Swift bridging code from Web IDL files.
  • Chrome Timeline Demangler - Modify Chrome Timeline profiles to show demangled Swift symbols, which makes it easier to analyze how your code is performing. A [Firefox version]( is also available.
  • WasmTransformer - A Swift package for reading, writing, and transformation of Wasm binaries.
  • WAKit - A WebAssembly Runtime written in Swift.
  • wamr-swift - Swift bindings for [WebAssembly Micro Runtime](
  • SwiftyWasmer - A Swift API for the Wasmer WebAssembly Runtime.
  • LifeGame with SwiftWasm - The Conway's Game of Life built with SwiftWasm.
  • swift-web-github-example - Demo project built with SwiftWasm that utilizes the GitHub search API.
  • swift-webpack-template - Kickstart your Swift, WebAssembly and webpack.js project.
  • SwiftWebUI-Wasm-CFs - An example of a SwiftWebUI project deployed to Firebase Cloud Functions.
  • Swift + WebAssembly - Use Swift + WebAssembly in a Go application.
  • Swift, Wasm, and Algorithms - Interactive documentation for [the Swift Algorithms project](
  • tic-tac-toe - [Tic-tac-toe game]( built with SwiftWasm.
  • memes - An online Multi-Player Meme Party Game that uses Vapor for backend, and SwiftWasm/Tokamak for frontend.
  • Ogol - A compiler and virtual machine for [Ogol]( Ogol is currently a variant of the Logo computer language, and its browser version is built with SwiftWasm.
  • Luminal - Clean, transform and analyze spreadsheets at lightspeed with AI.
  • Become a gold or platinum sponsor