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A curated list of OpenSees resources

  • the repository
  • the package
  • GiD+OpenSees - An OpenSees add-on for [GiD](, A general graphical pre/post processor. ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![linux][linux] ![oss][oss]
  • Build-X - An Expert Tool for Seismic Analysis and Assessment of 3D Buildings with OpenSees. ![win][win]
  • NextFEM - A user friendly Finite Element Analysis program, which can be used alone or to be a pre- or post- processor for several widely used FEM programs (i.e. OOFEM, SAP2000, Midas GEN, OpenSees, ABAQUS/CalculiX, Zeus-NL, and others). ![win][win]
  • OpenSees Navigator - A stand-alone Matlab interface allowing users to quickly create models, perform analysis, and look at the results. ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![matlab][matlab]
  • ETO (Etabs To OpenSees) - A pre- and post-processor which is able to import `.s2k` file generated by ETABS. ![win][win] ![chinese][chinese]
  • STKO (Scientific ToolKit for OpenSees) - A cutting-edge pre- and post-processor for both serial and parallel versions of OpenSees. ![win][win]
  • eSEES - A scripting and graphical user interface for OpenSees ![win][win]
  • Cypress Editor - A better editor for who does OpenSees code. ![win][win]
  • Sublime-OpenSees - A [Sublime Text]( plug-in for the OpenSees extension language of TCL. ![oss][oss]
  • OpenSEESAutoComplete - An auto-complete plugin to make writing OpenSees file easier on [Notepad++]( ![oss][oss]
  • Atom Language Package - An [Atom]( text editor package that provides syntax highlighting and auto-completion for OpenSees tcl scripts. ![oss][oss]
  • VSCode Language Support - An extension that adds rich language support for OpenSees flavoured TCL language in [Visual Studio Code]( ![oss][oss]
  • OpenSees Model View - A Python package that can be used to visualise your OpenSees model as the tcl file is written. ![oss][oss] ![python][python]
  • OpenSees 3D Visualisation - A Python script that reads OpenSees simulation input and output files to create a 3D visualisation of your displaced model. ![oss][oss] ![python][python]
  • OpenSees Model Plotter Matlab - A Matlab-based plotter for models developed in OpenSees. ![oss][oss] ![matlab][matlab]
  • OpenSees Online Visualizer - Copy and paste your tcl code in browser, and your visualized model is there.
  • OpenSeesPy PostProcessor - OpenSeesPy includes post-processing commands that can be used to visualize 2D and 3D models with beam-column elements, Tri, Quad, and brick elements with only a single command. Users can plot deformed shapes, mode-shapes and time-hostory animations for both OpenSees Python and Tcl models. The animations can be saved as a movie file. ![oss][oss] ![python][python]
  • OpenSees Cloud - SaaS implementation of OpenSees, hosted on AWS, accessed through user accounts. ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![linux][linux]
  • OpenSees Virtual Machine - Amazon Machine Image with OpenSeesPy, Python, OpenSeesMP, Tcl, and MPI pre-installed. [Usage Instructions]( ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![linux][linux]
  • Amazon EC2 - A guideline to running OpenSees Sequentially and in Parallel on Amazon EC2. ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![linux][linux]
  • Docker Image - A light-weight [docker]( image to run OpenSees on any cloud or local platform easily. ![win][win] ![mac][mac] ![linux][linux] ![oss][oss]
  • The OpenSeesPy Library - A Python 3 interpreter library from the official website. ![python][python]
  • OpenSeesAPI - A Python package that is used to write OpenSees tcl scripts quickly. ![oss][oss] ![python][python]
  • OpenSeesAPI.m - An OpenSees API for MATLAB. ![oss][oss] ![matlab][matlab]
  • Script Generation via Templates - An inspiring example of using Python template engine [Jinjia2]( to generate massive tcl scripts. ![oss][oss]
  • Node-OpenSees - A [Node.js]( bind for OpenSees. (Not maintained, just for inspiration) ![oss][oss] ![skull][skull]
  • Smart Analyze - A helper user procedure to improve convergence and speed up for both quasi-static and time-history analyses.
  • Official Getting Started Manual - A brief introduction to get started.
  • Official Examples Collection - All the examples provided by the OpenSees developing group.
  • Getting Started Tutorial in Chinese - A simple but powerful tutorial for brand new users. ![chinese][chinese]
  • OpenSees Tutorials by Christian Slotboom - Youtube channel with getting started videos.
  • Silvia's Brainery - Numerous Tcl and Python examples, videos, and tutorials. Also available at [Silvia's Brainery on YouTube](
  • Official Community - The official community where you can get help from software developers.
  • in Chinese - Blog of Dr. Chen Xue Wei, Senior Associate, WSP Hong Kong Ltd. ![chinese][chinese]
  • Portwood Digital - Blog of Dr. Michael Scott, Oregon State University. He is one of the core developers of OpenSees.
  • Jose Abell's Research Blog - Blog of Dr. Jose Abell focused on Geotechincal research using OpenSees.
  • ![CC0
  • Hanlin Dong - opensees. This work is published from: Mainland China.