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😎 A curated list of libraries/tools that compiles a given language to other languages.

  • Opal - Ruby to JavaScript compiler.
  • 8ball - a ruby-to-javascript source-to-source transformer.
  • ruby2js - Ruby to Javascript conversion.
  • PYXC-PJ - A Python to JavaScript compiler, similar in spirit to CoffeeScript
  • pyjs - is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development Platform for both Web and Desktop. With pyjs you can write your JavaScript-powered web applications entirely in Python.
  • Pyjaco - Python to JavaScript translator
  • RapydScript - Python-inspired, decluttered JavaScript
  • metapensiero.pj - Javascript for refined palates: a Python 3 to ES6 Javascript translator.
  • Transcrypt - Python in the browser.
  • Batavia - is an implementation of the Python virtual machine, written in JavaScript. It enables you to run Python bytecode in the browser.
  • pypyjs - PyPy compiled to JavaScript.
  • elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript.
  • CoffeeScript - is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
  • GWT - is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based application.s.
  • java2script - provides an Eclipse Java to JavaScript transpiler (source-to-source compiler) and a nearly complete JavaScript implementation of the Java runtime environment (including AWT and Swing).
  • ST-JS - is a Java-to-JavaScript transpiler that outputs readable, recognizable code. It lets you write code that uses the JavaScript and DOM APIs using Java's syntax and tooling.
  • J2CL - J2CL is a powerful, simple and lightweight transpiler from Java to Closure style JavaScript.
  • GrooScript - library to convert groovy code to javascript.
  • Scala.js - The official Scala to JavaScript compiler.
  • SharpKit - C# to JavaScript compiler.
  • Bridge.NET - C# to JavaScript compiler.
  • Fable - is a compiler powered by Babel designed to make F# a first-class citizen of the JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Fengari - is the Lua VM written in JavaScript. It uses JavaScript's garbage collector so that interoperability with the DOM is non-leaky.
  • ClojureScript - Clojure to JS compiler.
  • dart2js - Dart-to-JavaScript compiler.
  • TypescriptToLua - Write Lua with TypeScript.
  • MoonScript - is a dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua.
  • CSharp.lua - The C# to Lua compiler.
  • Wu - Rust-like language that compiles to Lua.
  • Amulet - is a simple, modern programming language based on the long tradition of the ML family, bringing improvements from the cutting-edge of programming language research.
  • Haxe - is an open source high-level strictly-typed programming language with a fast optimizing cross-compiler.
  • Nim - is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula.
  • pseudo-python - a restricted python to javascript / c# / go / ruby compiler.
  • Rusthon - multilang markdown: python, c/c++, java, nim, js, go, rust.
  • Perlito - a compiler collection that implements Perl 5 and Perl 6 programming languages.
  • Kotlin - Programming language for mobile cross-platform and web development, server-side, native and data science.
  • Ceylon - is an object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat. Ceylon programs run on the Java virtual machine, and can be compiled to JavaScript.
  • JSweet - A transpiler from Java to TypeScript/JavaScript.
  • ReasonML - Reason lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems.
  • Netjs - is a .NET to TypeScript and JavaScript compiler. It uses multiple stages to produce JavaScript for your web apps.
  • Oczor - is a simple statically typed language that compiles to JavaScript, Lua, Ruby and Emacs Lisp.
  • WebSharper - the C#+F#-to-JavaScript framework