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A curated list of awesome Apache Spark packages and resources.

  • Flambo - commit/yieldbot/flambo.svg"> - Clojure DSL.
  • Mobius - commit/Microsoft/Mobius.svg"> - C# bindings.
  • sparklyr - commit/rstudio/sparklyr.svg"> - An alternative R backend, using [`dplyr`](
  • sparkle - commit/tweag/sparkle.svg"> - Haskell on Apache Spark.
  • Apache Zeppelin - commit/apache/zeppelin.svg"> - Web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics with plugable backends, integrated plotting, and extensive Spark support out-of-the-box.
  • Spark Notebook - commit/spark-notebook/spark-notebook.svg"> - Scalable and stable Scala and Spark focused notebook bridging the gap between JVM and Data Scientists (incl. extendable, typesafe and reactive charts).
  • sparkmagic - commit/jupyter-incubator/sparkmagic.svg"> - [Jupyter]( magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters, for interactively working with remote Spark clusters through [Livy](, in Jupyter notebooks.
  • Succinct - commit/amplab/succinct.svg">- Support for efficient queries on compressed data.
  • Spark CSV - commit/databricks/spark-csv.svg"> - CSV reader and writer (obsolete since Spark 2.0 [[SPARK-12833]](
  • Spark Avro - commit/databricks/spark-avro.svg"> - [Apache Avro]( reader and writer.
  • Spark XML - commit/databricks/spark-xml.svg"> - XML parser and writer.
  • Spark-Mongodb - commit/Stratio/Spark-MongoDB.svg"> - MongoDB reader and writer.
  • Spark Cassandra Connector - commit/datastax/spark-cassandra-connector.svg"> - Cassandra support including data source and API and support for arbitrary queries.
  • Spark Riak Connector - commit/basho/spark-riak-connector.svg"> - Riak TS & Riak KV connector.
  • Mongo-Spark - commit/mongodb/mongo-spark.svg"> - Official MongoDB connector.
  • OrientDB-Spark - commit/orientechnologies/spark-orientdb.svg"> - Official OrientDB connector.
  • ADAM - commit/bigdatagenomics/adam.svg"> - Set of tools designed to analyse genomics data.
  • Hail - commit/hail-is/hail.svg"> - Genetic analysis framework.
  • Magellan - commit/harsha2010/magellan.svg"> - Geospatial analytics using Spark.
  • GeoSpark - commit/Sarwat/GeoSpark.svg"> - Cluster computing system for processing large-scale spatial data.
  • Spark-Timeseries - commit/cloudera/spark-timeseries.svg"> - Scala / Java / Python library for interacting with time series data on Apache Spark.
  • flint - commit/twosigma/flint.svg"> - A time series library for Apache Spark.
  • Mazerunner - commit/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-mazerunner.svg"> - Graph analytics platform on top of Neo4j and GraphX.
  • GraphFrames - commit/graphframes/graphframes.svg"> - Data frame based graph API.
  • neo4j-spark-connector - commit/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-spark-connector.svg"> - Bolt protocol based, Neo4j Connector with RDD, DataFrame and GraphX / GraphFrames support.
  • SparklingGraph - commit/sparkling-graph/sparkling-graph.svg"> - Library extending GraphX features with multiple functionalities useful in graph analytics (measures, generators, link prediction etc.).
  • dbscan-on-spark - commit/irvingc/dbscan-on-spark.svg"> - An Implementation of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm on top of Apache Spark by [irvingc]( and based on the paper from He, Yaobin, et al. [MR-DBSCAN: a scalable MapReduce-based DBSCAN algorithm for heavily skewed data](
  • Apache SystemML - commit/apache/systemml.svg"> - Declarative machine learning framework on top of Spark.
  • Mahout Spark Bindings - linear algebra DSL and optimizer with R-like syntax.
  • spark-sklearn - commit/databricks/spark-sklearn.svg"> - Scikit-learn integration with distributed model training.
  • KeystoneML - Type safe machine learning pipelines with RDDs.
  • JPMML-Spark - commit/jpmml/jpmml-spark.svg"> - PMML transformer library for Spark ML.
  • Distributed Keras - commit/cerndb/dist-keras.svg"> - Distributed deep learning framework with PySpark and Keras.
  • ModelDB - commit/mitdbg/modeldb.svg"> - A system to manage machine learning models for `` and [`scikit-learn`]( <img src="">.
  • Sparkling Water - commit/h2oai/sparkling-water.svg"> - [H2O]( interoperability layer.
  • BigDL - commit/intel-analytics/BigDL.svg"> - Distributed Deep Learning library.
  • MLeap - commit/combust/mleap.svg"> - Execution engine and serialization format which supports deployment of `` models without dependency on `SparkSession`.
  • Livy - commit/cloudera/livy.svg"> - REST server with extensive language support (Python, R, Scala), ability to maintain interactive sessions and object sharing.
  • spark-jobserver - commit/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver.svg"> - Simple Spark as a Service which supports objects sharing using so called named objects. JVM only.
  • Mist - commit/Hydrospheredata/mist.svg"> - Service for exposing Spark analytical jobs and machine learning models as realtime, batch or reactive web services.
  • Apache Toree - commit/apache/incubator-toree.svg"> - IPython protocol based middleware for interactive applications.
  • silex - commit/willb/silex.svg"> - Collection of tools varying from ML extensions to additional RDD methods.
  • sparkly - commit/Tubular/sparkly.svg"> - Helpers & syntactic sugar for PySpark.
  • pyspark-stubs - commit/zero323/pyspark-stubs.svg"> - Static type annotations for PySpark.
  • Flintrock - commit/nchammas/flintrock.svg"> - A command-line tool for launching Spark clusters on EC2.
  • spark-corenlp - commit/databricks/spark-corenlp.svg"> - DataFrame wrapper for [Stanford CoreNLP](
  • spark-nlp - commit/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp.svg"> - Natural language processing library built on top of Apache Spark ML.
  • Apache Bahir - commit/apache/bahir.svg"> - Collection of the streaming connectors excluded from Spark 2.0 (Akka, MQTT, Twitter. ZeroMQ).
  • Apache Beam - commit/apache/beam.svg"> - Unified data processing engine supporting both batch and streaming applications. Apache Spark is one of the supported execution environments.
  • Blaze - commit/blaze/blaze.svg"> - Interface for querying larger than memory datasets using Pandas-like syntax. It supports both Spark `DataFrames` and `RDDs`.
  • spark-testing-base - commit/holdenk/spark-testing-base.svg"> - Collection of base test classes.
  • spark-fast-tests - commit/MrPowers/spark-fast-tests.svg"> - A lightweight and fast testing framework.
  • Cromwell - commit/broadinstitute/cromwell.svg"> - Workflow management system with [Spark backend](
  • Learning Spark, Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis - Slightly outdated (Spark 1.3) introduction to Spark API. Good source of knowledge about basic concepts.
  • Advanced Analytics with Spark - Useful collection of Spark processing patterns. Accompanying GitHub repository: [sryza/aas](
  • Mastering Apache Spark - Interesting compilation of notes by [Jacek Laskowski]( Focused on different aspects of Spark internals.
  • Spark Gotchas - Subjective compilation of tips, tricks and common programming mistakes.
  • Spark in Action - New book in the Manning's "in action" family with +400 pages. Starts gently, step-by-step and covers large number of topics. Free excerpt on how to [setup Eclipse for Spark application development]( and how to bootstrap a new application using the provided Maven Archetype. You can find the accompanying GitHub repo [here](
  • Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing - Paper introducing a core distributed memory abstraction.
  • Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark - Paper introducing relational underpinnings, code generation and Catalyst optimizer.
  • Data Science and Engineering with Apache Spark (edX XSeries) - Series of five courses ([Introduction to Apache Spark](, [Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark](, [Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark](, [Advanced Apache Spark for Data Science and Data Engineering](, [Advanced Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark]( covering different aspects of software engineering and data science. Python oriented.
  • Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark (Coursera) - Scala oriented introductory course. Part of [Functional Programming in Scala Specialization](
  • AMP Camp - Periodical training event organized by the [UC Berkeley AMPLab]( A source of useful exercise and recorded workshops covering different tools from the [Berkeley Data Analytics Stack](
  • Oryx 2 - [Lambda architecture]( platform built on Apache Spark and [Apache Kafka]( with specialization for real-time large scale machine learning.
  • Photon ML - A machine learning library supporting classical Generalized Mixed Model and Generalized Additive Mixed Effect Model.
  • PredictionIO - Machine Learning server for developers and data scientists to build and deploy predictive applications in a fraction of the time.
  • Crossdata - Data integration platform with extended DataSource API and multi-user environment.
  • Spark Technology Center - Great source of highly diverse posts related to Spark ecosystem. From practical advices to Spark commiter profiles.
  • jupyter/docker-stacks/pyspark-notebook - PySpark with Jupyter Notebook and Mesos client.
  • sequenceiq/docker-spark - Yarn images from [SequenceIQ](
  • Spark with Scala Gitter channel - "_A place to discuss and ask questions about using Scala for Spark programming_" started by [@deanwampler](
  • Apache Spark User List - - Mailing lists dedicated to usage questions and development topics respectively.
  • sindresorhus/awesome