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A curated list of resources, projects, and tools using or for the pest parser generator in Rust

  • Book - The recommended way to start parsing with pest is to read this official book.
  • API reference on
  • fiddle editor on - Play with grammars and share them on the official website (and format them!).
  • Gitter
  • Discord
  • GitHub Discussions
  • pest_meta - The pest itself is bootstrapped using pest.
  • AshPaper - Rust Inpterpreter for Esopo language AshPaper conceived by William Hicks.
  • cicada - An old-school bash-like Unix shell written in Rust.
  • comrak - CommonMark + GFM compatible Markdown parser and renderer.
  • elastic-rs - Convert bool expressions to Elasticsearch DSL in Rust.
  • handlebars-rust - Rust templating with Handlebars.
  • hexdino - A hex editor with vim like keybindings written in Rust.
  • insta - A snapshot testing library for rust.
  • jql - A JSON Query Language CLI tool.
  • json5-rs - A Rust JSON5 serializer and deserializer which speaks Serde.
  • mt940 - A MT940 parser in Rust.
  • py_literal - Rust crate for parsing/formatting Python literals.
  • rouler - An easy to use dice rolling library for Rust.
  • RuSh - RuSh aims to be a bash compatible shell with candies, written in Rust.
  • rs_pbrt - Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code.
  • stache - A Mustache template compiler.
  • tera - A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django.
  • ZoKrates - A toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum.
  • Vector - A high-performance observability data pipeline.
  • AutoCorrect - A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
  • yaml-peg - PEG parser for YAML written in Rust.
  • qubit - A handy calculator, based on Rust and WebAssembly.
  • caith - A dice roller crate.
  • Melody - Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable.
  • PTA-Parser - A Plain Text Accounting parser built in Rust for [Beancount](, [Ledger](, and other PTA formats.
  • Keadex Mina - Open Source, serverless IDE to code with C4-PlantUML and organize at a scale C4 model diagrams.
  • pest IDE tools - A main repository with LSP server and VSCode extension.
  • VSCode Extension
  • IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
  • pest.vim
  • pest-fmt - It can help to format
  • pest web debugger - Try it [online](
  • pest-ast - It can help to reduce boilerplate when converting pest parse trees to abstract syntax trees.
  • pest_consume - This crate can help with the parse tree traversing boilerplate.
  • pest-test - It is a testing framework for pest grammars.
  • pest_debugger - It is a crate for debugging pest grammars. It can be used as a CLI tool or as a library. [See instructions for using the CLI debugger](