
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


😎 List of awesome french thing

  • Le Wagon - Coding Bootcamp.. :fr::euro: (5k5€)
  • L'École LDLC - Code training.. :fr::euro: (50€)
  • 42 - Code training.. :fr::free:
  • Gaming Campus - First school of management dedicated to the professions of gaming.. :fr:
  • OpenClassrooms - Free course on everything that touch code.. :fr: :euro:/:free:
  • Awesome Freelance FR - Tools for freelance in France.. :fr::free:
  • Awesome French - Tools to study French. :fr::free:
  • Awesome French - Tools translated in French. :fr::free:
  • Awesome Lyon - List of things to eat/drink in Lyon. :fire::free:
  • Awesome Montréal - List of things to eat/drink in [Montreal]( :lollipop::free:
  • FUN Made In France - List of neat projects made in France :fr::free:
  • Mrs Yéyé - French rock. :fr:
  • Jimmy Magardeau - Rock/Pop. :fr:
  • Caravan Palace - Electro Swing. :fr:
  • Shaka Ponk - Rock. :fr:
  • La Secte Phonétik - French Rap & Beatbox. :fr:
  • Orelsan - French Rap. :fr:
  • Joyca - Pop. :fr:
  • The Noface - Rock. :fr:
  • Hippocampe Fou - Member of the band "La Secte Phonétik". :fr:
  • L.E.J. - 3 womens who do awesome things. :fr:
  • Thérapie Taxi - Rock. :fr:
  • Kikesa - Rap. :fire:
  • Rilès - Rap. :fr:
  • Linotte - « codez dans un langage simple et en français » (from official website). :fr::free:
  • WinDev - « Développez 10 fois plus vite » (from official website). :fr: :euro:/:free:
  • Translation of NodeJS Docs - Translation in french of the NodeJS Docs :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • MicroAlg - Pseudocode in french :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • JavaScripte - JS in french :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • HTMLFR - HTML in french :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • Orvet - code in french :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • Mon chat est un geek comme les autres - Humor book about a cat. :fr::euro: (10)
  • Putain de chat - Humor book about a cat. :fr::euro: (10€)
  • Donjon de Naheulbeuk - Humor book about tabletop RPG. :fr::euro: (15€)
  • Astérix - French comic book. :fr::euro: (10€)
  • Kaamelott - French comic book. :fr::euro: (15€)
  • Ankama Games - French company that made "Wakfu" and "Dofus". :fr:
  • Ubisoft - Well knows French company. :fr:
  • DONTNODE - French company that made "Life is Strange" and "Remember Me". :fr:
  • DigitalPulseSoftware - They made one game and one engine. :fr:
  • LOL Engine - Minimalist game engine. :fr::free:
  • Nazara Engine - Complete and cross-platform engine. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Once Upon A War - Unity game about war :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • Fantasy - Tabletop game. :fr::euro: (10€)
  • Donjon de Naheulbeuk - Humor serie about tabletop RPG. :fr::free:
  • Wakfu - French animation serie. :fr:
  • Dofus - French animation serie. :fr:
  • Kaamelott - French serie based on arthurian legend. :fr:
  • La Quadrature du Net - A french organization for net neutrality in France. :fr:
  • Framasoft - A french organization for open source software in France. :fire:
  • La SPA - A french organization for animals in France. :fr:
  • 30 millions d'amis - A french organization for animals in France. :fr:
  • L214 - A french organization for animals in France. :fr:
  • PETA France - A french organization for animals in France. :fr:
  • Emmaus - A french organization that help poor people (they made [Emmabuntus](#os)). :fr:
  • VideoLan - A french organization that made VLC. :fr:
  • BigBen - Accessories for everything. :fr::euro:
  • Bidul & Co - Accessories for Apple/Surface products. :fire::euro:
  • Way of Gamers - crowfunding for geeks. :fire::euro:
  • KNG eSport - eSport for everyone. :fire:
  • La Source - eSport for everyone. :fire:
  • GeekOtter - 5 people that want to create a numeric book about animals. :fr:
  • EmoteBot Devs - My discord bot and a friend's discord bot. :fr:[:octocat:](
  • Escadron Griffons - French/Francophone (owners are from Quebec) steam group (<800 members). :lollipop:
  • - French hosting. :fr::euro:[:octocat:]([:octocat:](
  • Online - French hosting. :fr::euro:
  • - Speedtest powered by OVH. :fr::euro:
  • Lilo - Search engine that collect water (like [Ecosia]( but with water). :fr::free:
  • .fr - TLD for France. :fr::euro:
  • .re - TLD for l'île de la Réunion. :lollipop::euro:
  • .mq - TLD for Martinique. :lollipop::euro:
  • .gp - TLD for Guadeloupe. :lollipop::euro:
  • .gf - TLD for Guyane Française. :lollipop::euro:
  • .yt - TLD for Mayotte. :lollipop::euro:
  • .tf - TLD for Terres Australes et Antarctiques. :lollipop::euro:
  • .nc - TLD for Nouvelle-Calédonie. :lollipop::euro:
  • .pf - TLD for Polynésie Française. :lollipop::euro:
  • .wf - TLD for Wallis and Futuna. :lollipop::euro:
  • .pm - TLD for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. :lollipop::euro:
  • .alsace - TLD for Région Alsace. :fr::euro:
  • .paris - TLD for Paris. :fr::euro:
  • .aquarelle - TLD for Société Aquarelle. :fr:
  • .frogans - TLD for Project Frogans. :fr:
  • .ovh - TLD for OVH. :fr::euro:
  • .sncf - TLD for SNCF. :fr:
  • .ml - TLD for Mali (free with [Freenom]( :lollipop::free:
  • .ga - TLD for Gabon (free with [Freenom]( :lollipop::free:
  • .cf - TLD for Centrafique (free with [Freenom]( :lollipop::free:
  • .gq - TLD for Guinée Équatoriale (free with [Freenom]( :lollipop::free:
  • .quebec - TLD for Quebec. :lollipop::euro:
  • - Old TLD for Quebec. :lollipop::euro:
  • .cg - TLD for Congo. :lollipop::euro:
  • .bj - TLD for Bénin. :lollipop::euro:
  • .bf - TLD for Burkina Faso. :lollipop::euro:
  • .ci - TLD for Côte D'Ivoire. :lollipop::euro:
  • .ng - TLD for Nigeria. :lollipop::euro:
  • .cd - TLD for Republique Democratique du Congo. :lollipop::euro:
  • .sn - TLD for Sénégal. :lollipop::euro:
  • .tg - TLD for Togo. :lollipop::euro:
  • Asimov - Bot based on RED :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • Fortnite stats - Bot that give stats from fortnite. :fr::free:
  • l4p1n-bot - Multifunctionnality bot made by a cool guy (l4p1n). :lollipop::free:
  • EnderBot - cool RPG bot. :fr::free:
  • EmoteBot - Bot based on RED :free::fire:[:octocat:](
  • Potato Juice - Tiny Telegram bot :free::fire:[:octocat:](
  • Français mofo - Suggest appropriate translations to English words used in French :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • @[email protected] - bot based on mastodon-ebooks. :lollipop:[:octocat:](
  • YesWiki - Wiki CMS :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • MineWebCMS - Minecraft CMS :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • NeoFratCMS - Gaming-based CMS :free::fr:[:octocat:](
  • Free - French ISP. :fr::euro:
  • Orange - Historical French ISP. :fr::euro:
  • OVH - French ISP. :fr::euro:[:octocat:]([:octocat:](
  • Altice / SFR - French ISP (no one like this one). :fr::euro:
  • Bouygues Telecom - French ISP (no one like this one too). :fr::euro:
  • FDN - French Data Network - French ISP. :fr::euro: (40€/month ADSL)
  • ILOTH - Internet Libre et Ouvert à Tous dans l'Hérault - French ISP. :fr::euro: (40€/month ADSL)
  • Rhizome - French ISP. :fr::euro:
  • Quantic Telecom - French ISP. :fr::euro: (95€/month FTTO)
  • Franciliens - French ISP. :fr::euro: (43€/month (A/V)DSL)
  • Grifon - French ISP. :fr::euro: (42€/month ADSL)
  • FAIMaison - French ISP. :fr::euro: (40€/month ADSL)
  • TDN - Tourraine Data Network - French ISP. :fr::euro: (40€/month ADSL)
  • OxidTelecom - French ISP. :fr::euro:
  • Rézine - French ISP. :fire::euro: (37€/month (A/V)DSL)
  • Illyse - French ISP. :fire::euro: (37€/month (A/V)DSL)
  • Ilico - French ISP. :fr::euro: (36€/month (A/V)DSL)
  • Aquilenet - French ISP. :fr::euro:
  • FFDN - Fédération French Data Network - Federation of ISP. :fr:[:octocat:](
  • - Collectif des Hébergeurs Alternatifs,Transparents, Ouverts, Neutres et Solidaires. :fr:
  • Manjaro Linux - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • Lubuntu - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • Mageia - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • Emmabuntus - OS made by a French organization (Emmaüs). :fr::free:
  • Lakka - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • PureOS - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • Toutou Linux - OS made by a (group of) French. :fr::free:
  • VLC - A media player. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Sielo - Web Browser made with Qt and by a French. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • - « Genethumb is a quick and dirty shell script aimed at generating HTML indexes with thumbnails from a directory full of images. » (from official website). :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • PWNtcha - « This project’s goal is to demonstrate the inefficiency of many captcha implementations. » (from official website). :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Marcel - French Docker. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Guitte - French Git. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • BonPatron - Online spelling and Grammar checker for french. :fr::free:
  • Dawn Of Light - Server emulator for Dark Age Of Camelot (not completly french but have a lot of french in staff). :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • OpenFisca France - French tax and benefit system. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Doochronos - Timer. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Doosearch - Homepage. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • MushRaider - Raid Planner. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Mumble - Open Source VOIP softwaree. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • - French-Technologic word. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • WTFPL - do What The Fuck you want to Public License - Everything is in the name. :fr::free:
  • The I don't care License - A license that say "I dont care about my code". :fire::free:
  • Le Code Civil Français, sous Git - Everything is in the name. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • Parcoursup - Code source de Parcoursup disponible sur Framagit. :fr::free:[:octocat:](
  • La Brique Internet - self host and vpn. :fr: :free:/:euro: [:octocat:](
  • ROTI-json - Human&Robot readable api for **R**ules **O**f **T**he **I**nternet. :fire::free:[:octocat:](
  • ROTI-xml - Human&Robot readable api for **R**ules **O**f **T**he **I**nternet. :fire::free:[:octocat:](
  • The Freaks - Ecology with french Stars :fr:
  • EveIF - Tools for Eve Online (i love this game) in french :fr::free: