
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


✨ A curated list of BitCoin services and tools for software developers

  • Technical Summary from nChain
  • The Metanet Starts
  • Part1 - cases-the-metanet-blog-92f43c48490d) [Part2.1](
  • metanet - and-returning-ip-and-domain-based-transfers-9943d32bd38e) [2]( [3]( [4]( [5](
  • Twetch - An on-chain twitter.
  • WeiBlock - An on-chain microblog.
  • - Social network client using the Memo protocol. It's powered by Bitdb and only communicates with a Bitdb node.
  • MetaTalk - An on-chain chatroom, with multiple channels.
  • BitStagram - Share pictures and get tips.
  • Yours - A social network where you can earn Bitcoin SV if you create value.
  • Showjob - A freelance app with BSV.
  • BlockPost - The decentralized, permissionless, social network.
  • Relica - Post photos. Make money. Maintain ownership.
  • BitSurf - Alternative application to browse Twetch posts.
  • WeiBlock - Social media application based in China.
  • Opassum - An onchain password manager.
  • Bitsent - Easily share encrypted immutable files.
  • BitPaste - Store and share plain text snippets on the Bitcoin (SV) blockchain.
  • CryptoGraffiti - Store text/files on-chain. [Introduction](
  • BitDiary - An on-chain diary.
  • sCrypt - Write Bitcoin smart contracts in a modern high-level programming language.
  • - An open source way to make money from organizing links on the blockchain.
  • etched - An internet archive tool that permanently timestamps and stores web pages and images directly onto bitcoin itself.
  • PageShot - Generate image from URL and store it in blockchain.
  • Codeonchain - Upload a repository to metanet.
  • PayPresto - The simplest way to let your users fund data transactions in your BSV app.
  • GoBitFundMe - GoBitFundMe is designed to help people come together to raise money using the full power of blockchain technology.
  • CityOnChain - City album.
  • SporeStack - Launch VPS servers for Bitcoin SV. API-driven.
  • audioB - Discover and share original audio created by independent music producers, podcasters, DJs and more.
  • TonicPow - Promotion marketplace built using Bitcoin
  • Chronos - Chronos Labs is a small Bitcoin software house, building products and open source software on Bitcoin (SV).
  • Threshold Signature by Bitmesh
  • Machine Learning
  • Wish
  • Video
  • BitChat - An on-chain chatroom, free for now.
  • BSV Controlled Device - Control the LEDs with an payment tx.
  • TxGun - A stress test prototype.
  • Monkeylord's blog
  • Bitcoin SV Lib - A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin SV library. A fork of BitPay's bitcore-lib-cash, but for Bitcoin SV only. Maintained by Yours Inc.
  • bitcoinj-sv - The bitcoinj-sv library is a Java implementation of the Bitcoin SV protocol. This library is a fork of Mike Hearn's original bitcoinj library aimed at supporting Bitcoin SV.
  • BitSV - An easy-to-use Python 3, Bitcoin SV library.
  • Electrum Client - Electrum Protocol Client for Node.js.
  • bitcoinfilesjs - A JavaScript Library for building transactions for Bitcoin Files Protocol (BFP). [SDK](
  • JavaScript - ecies)
  • Polynym - Simple BSV address resolution for Twetch, HandCash, RelayX and PayMail handles.
  • Go Bitcoin - Bitcoin libraries in Golang.
  • BitSocket - Message Bus for Bitcoin.
  • B Protocol - Bitcoin Simple Storage Protocol. [Try it](
  • Datapay - Build and broadcast data transactions to the Bitcoin SV blockchain.
  • Planaria - Infinite API over Bitcoin.
  • paymail - BSV paymail protocol. [express implementation]( [client](
  • bottle - A bitcoin browser.
  • BSV Editor - A Bitcoin script compiler/debugger with GUI.
  • planter - A library for fetching and creating Metanet nodes on the Bitcoin SV blockchain.
  • BoostPow - Boost is a signaling method that associates content with spent energy.
  • MetaStore - Economically incentivized to be the richest & most up-to-date app store on the blockchain.
  • Bico.Media
  • miniGate - launch your personal light-weight gateway.
  • BitDB - An autonomous database that continuously synchronizes itself with Bitcoin. See [planaria](
  • BitBus - Build your app or a smart wallet backend without running a Bitcoin full node.
  • Oyo
  • BitIndex - Easily query utxo's and wallet balances from a simple API.
  • MatterCloud - A Bitcoin Service Provider.
  • Money Button - A digital currency payments button for websites and apps.
  • Tokenized - A comprehensive platform that makes it easy for users to issue, manage and trade security and utility tokens controlled by low-cost and secure smart contracts.
  • HandCash - The best way to join Bitcoin apps - download the wallet today!
  • Set in stone
  • The resolution of the Bitcoin Cash experiment
  • Craig S Wright
  • unwriter
  • Jack Davies
  • Metanet-ICU
  • unwriter's slack
  • Craig S Wright on Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Another Reddit
  • bitcoins the hard way: Using the raw Bitcoin protocol
  • BSV Planaria框架技术总结一 节点搭建
  • BSV Planaria框架技术总结二 Bitquery
  • ![CC0
  • Monkeylord