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📺 A collection of useful YouTube channels for javascript developers and web designers
Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation
- Chris Coyier
- Alex Carpenter - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
- Ana Tudor
- AngularAir - A live videocast all about Angular
- Ania Kubów
- Ben Awad
- Byte-Sized Javascript - to-ten minute) screencasts about JavaScript and related technologies
- CJ Gammon
- ClojureTV
- Coder's Guide
- CodeWorkr
- Coding Math
- Coding with Dom - Javascript, End-to-end testing, NightwatchJS, live coding
- Computerphile
- Daniel Stern
- DECODED chats
- Derek Banas
- Design Code Blade Nepal
- Dev Coffee
- DevMarketer
- devmentorlive
- DevTips
- Dr Richard Stibbard
- easydevtuts
- Envato Tuts+
- Facebook Developers
- Fireship
- freeCodeCamp
- Front End TV
- funfunfunction
- GitHub Training & Guides
- Google Chrome Developers
- Google Developers
- Helping Develop
- Ihatetomatoes
- Jakob Jenkov
- Java Brains
- Kent C. Dodds - Javascript, React, live coding
- kevinpowell
- Kirupa Chinnathambi
- Kyle Robinson Young
- LearnWebCode
- LevelUpTuts
- Low Level JavaScript
- Meteor
- Meth Meth Method
- Mindspace
- mjdwebdesign
- Mozilla Developer - CSS, DevTools, tips & tricks
- Paul Lewis - JavaScript, WebComponents, HTML, CSS
- Prisma
- Quentin Watt
- Rally Coding
- ReactCasts
- Rem Zolotykh
- RoboSquidTV
- Ryan Christiani - alongs
- Sam Saccone
- Sass Bites Podcast
- SitePoint
- SketchpunkLabs
- Source Decoded
- The Coding Train
- The Net Ninja
- The Web Platform Podcast
- thenewboston
- Tim Ermilov - ready product
- Traversy Media
- Treehouse
- Up & Running Tutorials - React, Gatsby
- Watch and Learn
- Wes Bos
- Zaiste Programming - TypeScript/JavaScript & Node.js
- Zell Liew
- CodyHouse - CSS, Sass, tutorials, screencasts
- keyframers - CSS, Sass, animations, tutorials, live coding, screencasts
Conferences and meetups recordings
- Async
- BlinkOn
- Bocoup LLC
- BristolJS
- Codegram Technologies
- ColdFront
- Compose Conference
- Confreaks
- CSS-Minsk-JS Conference
- CSScamp
- CSSConf Australia
- Design Systems Coalition NYC
- Dev Edmonton
- DinosaurJS
- dotconferences
- Ember.js NYC
- EmpireJS
- Front-Trends
- Fronteers
- Frontend Love
- Frontend NE
- Frontend United
- GitNation React Conferences
- GOTO Conferences
- GraphQL Finland
- JAMstack Conf
- JS Kongress
- JSCamp
- JSConf
- JSNation
- London Accessibility Meetup
- MelbCSS
- Modern Web
- NebraskaJS
- Netflix UI Engineering
- ng-conf
- Nordic.js
- React Conf
- React Conference
- React Day Berlin
- React Finland
- React NYC
- ReactEurope
- ReactiveConf
- ReactJS Vancouver Meetup
- ReactRally
- ScotlandJS
- Script
- Sessions by Pusher - end London, AsyncJS, JS Monthly London, JSOxford
- Smashing Magazine
- ViennaJS
- WeAreDevelopers
- Web Audio Conf
- Web Conferences Amsterdam
- Web Rebels
- White October Events
- You Gotta Love Frontend
Conferences and meetups recordings
- ALL YOUR HTML (Юрий Артюх)
- Artem Demo - технологиях, Angular, jQuery mobile
- Ausite Blog
- CodeDojo
- Dev Talk
- devschacht - скринкасты, подкасты, интервью, Node.js
- FrontCoder
- Glo Academy
- Habrahabr
- Hexlet - курсы по Computer Science, введение в JavaScript, вебинары, подкаст об информатике
- HTML Academy
- Javascript.Ninja
- JSPirates
- loftblog
- Magisters
- Master-CSS
- Monsterlessons
- Moscow Coding School
- ngRuAir - лайвстримы про Angular
- Pa Dam Tuts
- Procode
- roman01la
- Ros Ivanov
- SkanerSoft
- SkillBranch
- Sorax
- Timur Shemsedinov
- uWebDesign
- Vadim Makeev - CSS, SVG, доступность, скринкасты, разборы сайтов
- Vladilen Minin
- Web Developer Blog
- WebDesign Master
- webDev
- webformyself
- webtheory
- WebUpBlog
- Блог о веб-разработке
- Дмитрий Лаврик
- Илья Кантор - скринкасты по Node.js, Gulp и Webpack
- Технострим Mail.Ru Group
- Точка.dev
- 404fest
- 4front
- Angular Moscow
- AvitoTech
- Badoo Development
- ChernivtsiJS
- CodeFest
- FPConf
- FrontendDevConf
- FrontendFellows
- FrontFest
- Fronthub
- HolyJS
- FrontTalks
- fwdays
- it73 — ИТ в Ульяновске
- JSib Community
- KharkivCSS Conf
- KharkivJS Community
- Krasnodar Dev Days
- KyivJS
- LvivJS
- MinskJS
- moscowcss
- MoscowJS
- Novosibirsk DevDays
- Odessa GeeksLab & WebCamp
- Odessa WebCamp
- OdessaJS
- Ontico Team
- PenzaJS
- pitercss_meetup
- PiterJS
- React Kyiv
- SPB Frontend
- TomskJS
- UralJS
- Yaroslavl Frontend
- Веб-стандарты
- Яндекс.Фронтенд
- TverIO
- Yaroslavl Frontend
Conferences and meetups recordings
Conferences and meetups recordings
- Elzero Web School - HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Ajax, Bootstrap, MySQL, WordPress.
Conferences and meetups recordings
Conferences and meetups recordings
- - end
Conferences and meetups recordings
- GoCode Sderot - Stack course (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vue.js, Node.js) with presentations & live coding
- AngularJS Israel
- FullStack Developer Israel
- GDG Israel
- Javascript Israel
- ReactIL
Conferences and meetups recordings
Conferences and meetups recordings
Live coding streams
Conferences and meetups recordings