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Lista de recursos (links, livros, Q&A) discutidos no canal do Telegram Devops-BR (
Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation
- uber-postgresql-mysql - Artigo sobre a mudança de SGDB do Uber
- devops-enterprise - Apresentação sobre a adoção de Devops em grandes corporações
- remote-jobs - Awesome remote jobs
- htop-distilled - Excelente explicação sobre as informações do utilitário htop
- devops-periodic-table - "Tabela periódica" de ferramentas Devops
- circuit-breaker - Artigo Martin Fowler sobre o mecanismo "circuit-break"
- software-devlopers-readlist - Lista com boas referências para leitura
- 12-factor - Metodologia para desenvolver aplicações modernas e escaláveis
- terraform x cloudformation - Comparação do Terraform com Cloudformation e outras ferramentas de nuvem
- 8practices-containers-apps - Melhores práticas para construção de aplicações baseadas em containeres
- learncodethehardway - Site para aprender a programar
- 12-licoes-performance-tests - Lições aprendidas em testes de performance
- destilando-jmeter - Destilando Jmeter (ferramenta de teste de performance)
- why-google-uses-single-repository - Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository
- evolution-of-container-usage-netflix - The Evolution of Container Usage at Netflix
- play-with-docker - Excelentes labs para estudar docker
- not-run-database-inside-container - Artigo com considerações sobre porque não rodar databases em containers
- 3-Git-Commands-i-use-every-day - Artigo com 3 comandos git que o autor usa todo dia
- rachel-by-the-bay - Software, technology, sysadmin war stories, and more
- how-to-write-a-git-commit-message - Dicas de como fazer uma boa mensagem de commit
- why-you-shouldnt-use-env-variables-for-secret-data - Why you shouldn't use ENV variables for secret data
- unikernels-docker-e-o-futuro-da-infraestrutura-imutavel - Unikernels, Docker e o futuro da infraestrutura imutável
- ops-and-operability - Ops and operability
- logs-and-metrics - Logs and Metrics
- working-at-netflix-2017 - Working at Netflix 2017
- productivity-secrets - Artigo com dicas para aumento de produtividade
- performance-testing - Guia sobre teste de performance
- precisamos-falar-sobre-teste-de-infra - Precisamos falar sobre teste automatizado de infraestrutura
- maneiras-de-atuar-positivamente - 5 maneiras de atuar positivamente em projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software
- how-i-went-from-zero-to-sanfrancisco-sw-engineer-in-12-months - Como se tornar um desenvolvedor no Freecodecamp
- devops-conferences - Devops Conferences
- continuous-integration - Artigo Martin Fowler integração contínua
- continuous-delivery - Artigo Martin Fowler "continuous delivery"
- deployment-pipeline - Artigo Martin Fowler sobre deployment pipeline
- git-branching - A interactive Git visualization tool to educate and challenge!
- git-branching-successful - Como trabalhar com branches
- git-branching-merging - Branching and Merging: Ten Pretty-Good Practices
- serverless - Serverless presentation
- julia-evans - Blog técnico com a sysadmin Julia Evans
- the-technical-blog-of-james - Technical articles, writeups and discussion!
- charity-majors - Blog de uma Production Engineering Manager do Facebook
- is-serverless-the-new-visual-basic - Is Serverless the New Visual Basic?
- -o-que-eu-preciso-saber-para-subir-um-cluster-swarm - O QUE EU PRECISO SABER PARA SUBIR UM CLUSTER DOCKER SWARM
- 15-things-you-shoud-know-about-ansible - 15 Things You Should Know About Ansible
- access-and-secret-management-in-cloud-services - Access and Secret Management in Cloud Services
- sw-management-with-powershell-chocolatey - Software Management with PowerShell DSC and Chocolatey
- container-performance-analysis - Container Performance Analysis
- run-stuff-deploy-stuff - Run stuff, Deploy Stuff, Jax London 2017 Edition
- serverless-concepts - Artigo Martin Fowler
- expondo-a-porta-de-um-servico-no-swarm - Expondo a porta de um serviço no Swarm
- kubernetes-vs-mesos-vs-swarm - Kubernetes vs. Mesos vs. Swarm — An Opinionated Discussion
- persistindo-dados-glusterfs - Persistindo dados - GlusterFS
- awesome-sre - A curated list of awesome Site Reliability and Production Engineering resources
- enough-with-the-microservices - Enough with the microservices
- threads-em-python-e-claro - Artigo sobre a utilização de threads em Python
- do080-deploying-containerized-applications - Deploying Containerized Applications Tech Overview (DO080)
- do007-ansible-essentials - Ansible Essentials Technical Overview video series course
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- apache-vs-nginx-practical-considerations - Apache vs Nginx: Practical Considerations
- globo-com-delivers-live-video-streaming-to-500000-viewers-with-nginx - Uses NGINX to Stream Media to 500,000+ Viewers
- why-netflix-chose-nginx-as-the-heart-of-its-cdn - Why Netflix Chose NGINX as the Heart of Its CDN - NGINX
- books-for-sre - Books for SRE/System Engineer
- firing-people - Firing People
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- command-line-tools-can-be-235x-faster-than-your-hadoop-cluster - Command-line Tools can be 235x Faster than your Hadoop Cluster
- qual-futuro-dos-sysadmins - Qual o futuro dos Sysadmins (Gomex)
- microservices-prerequisites - Microservices Prerequisites
- devops-bootcamp - Devops Bootcamp
- infraestrutura-agil-tem-que-morrer - Infraestrutura ágil tem que morrer
- devops-or-goodops - Devops or Goodops?
- for-inclusive-culture-maybe-less-is-more - For an Inclusive Culture, Try Working Less
- whats-a-service-mesh-and-why-do-i-need-one - What's a service mesh? And why do I need one?
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- puppet x ansible - Comparativo Puppet x Ansible
- play-with-docker - Excelentes labs para estudar docker
- when-to-make-git-commit - Artigo com 2 regras que o autor usa para saber quando fazer um commit
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- ansible-windows - Artigo de automação com ansible no windows
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- spotify-scaling - Scaling operations at Spotify
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- the-state-of-modern-secret-management - Secrets and LIE-abilities: The State of Modern Secret Management (2017)
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- the-guilt-of-not-testing-everything - Artigo sobre a sensação de culpa quando se acredita que o teste criado não cobre todas as possibilidades
- testando-sua-infraestrutura - Testando sua infraestrutura de forma rápida e fácil
- nova-metodologia - A Nova Metodologia (tradução do texto "[The New Methodology](" de Martin Fowler)
- padroes-a-evitar - 5 padrões para evitar em seu projeto de Desenvolvimento de Software
- linuxkit - Artigo introdutório sobre o LinuxKit
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- introducing-aardvark-and-repokid - Introducing Aardvark and Repokid
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- persistindo-dados-glusterfs - Persistindo dados - GlusterFS
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
- globo-com-delivers-live-video-streaming-to-500000-viewers-with-nginx - Uses NGINX to Stream Media to 500,000+ Viewers
- scaling-nagios
- devops-antipatterns - Apresentação Fernando Ike
- you-are-not-google - you are not google
Por onde começar
- quora - What are the best resources for learning about Devops?
- opsschool - Learn to be an operations engineer
- jedi - What is this devops thing?
- newrelic - Devops origins
- newrelic-devops - How New Relic does Devops
- what-is-devops - What is Devops
- devops-topologies - Artigo que apresenta exemplos do que é e do que não é devops
- gutocarvalho - Por onde iniciar os estudos sobre Devops?
- origens - Origens da cultura Devops
- perguntas comuns
- netdata - Ferramenta de monitoramento
- chocolatey - Ferramenta de pacotes para windows
- testinfra - Ferramenta para teste de infra
- hygieia - Hygieia, um dashboard para agregar informações
- linux-performance-tools - Excelente gráfico de ferramentas para profiling no Linux
- supervidord - Supervisor: A Process Control System
- traefik - A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease
- jenkins - Jenkins, ferramenta de CI e CD
- envoy - Envoy, a network proxy
- cloudcraft-aws-diagrams - Cloudcraft – Draw AWS diagrams
- pinpoint-apm - Pinpoint - APM Opensource
- namecom - Registro de nomes
- dnssimple - Registro de nomes DNS
- dynatrace - Dynatrace - APM
- rollbar - Rollbar - Monitoramento de erros
- smartbear - SmartBear - Ferramenta de testes, monitoramento e APM
- databaselabs - Postgres Database as a Service
- hystrix - Biblioteca do Netflix que implementa mecanismos de tolerância a falhas
Blogs técnicos de grandes empresas
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Pinterest Engineering Blog
- Quora Engineering
- Slack Engineering Blog
- Spotify Labs
- Uber Engineering Blog
- Yahoo Engineering Blog
- Yelp Engineering Blog
- Zynga Engineering Blog
- Airbnb Engineering
- Atlassian Developers
- Autodesk Engineering
- AWS Blog
- Bitly Engineering Blog
- Box Blogs
- Cloudera Developer Blog
- Dropbox Tech Blog
- Engineering at Quora
- Evernote Tech Blog
- Etsy Code as Craft
- Facebook Engineering
- Flickr Code
- Foursquare Engineering Blog
- GitHub Engineering Blog
- Google Research Blog
- Groupon Engineering Blog
- Heroku Engineering Blog
- Hubspot Engineering Blog
- Instagram Engineering
- LinkedIn Engineering
- Microsoft Engineering
- Microsoft Python Engineering
- LinkedIn Engineering
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Paypal Developer Blog
- Salesforce Engineering Blog
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Google Research Blog
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Pinterest Engineering Blog
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Twitter Engineering
- devopssec - Livro sobre segurança de sw com CD
- - Hardening Framework
Sub Categories