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  • Plugins

    • Zinit (née zplugin)

      • cmd-architect - Build commands from what's in history and at prompt, move, delete, add command segments and search history with multi-word queries.
      • morpho - Terminal screen savers written in pure ZSH, and also screen saver framework.
      • msf - Metasploit handler plugin for starting handlers easily.
      • background - ZSH plugin which executes functions in the background.
      • declare-zsh - A command-line parser for Zinit commands in `zshrc`.
      • geeknote - [Geeknote]( plugin for ZSH.
      • github-issues - Subscribe to projects on Github and receive within shell (under prompt) notifications about new issues.
      • intellij - Extract intellij bookmarks into markdown format.
      • tmux-fork - my-zsh tmux plugin.
      • npm - Add `npm` aliases & command completion. Based on the Oh-My-Zsh [npm]( plugin.
      • nvm-auto - Aims to alleviate needing to type `nvm use` as much as possible, especially if you often switch between versions of node.js and use `.nvmrc` files in your project to manage what version of node your project needs.
      • peco-history - Search shell history with Peco when pressing ctrl+R.
      • rbpi - Raspberry Pi utility scripts.
      • zsnapshot - Adds command to dump the current ZSH state into a file, for later restoration by sourcing the snapshot file.
      • Ztrace - Catches output of commands, allows to reuse that output, glue it with history content.
      • ZUI - ZSH User Interface library – CGI+DHTML-like rapid TUI application development with ZSH.
      • diff-so-fancy - Simplify installing the `diff-so-fancy` project into your user account.
      • simpleserver - Plugin to easily start python SimpleHTTPServer and SimpleHTTPSServer.
      • zgdbm - Adds GDBM as a plugin.
      • windows-title - Dynamically updates terminal window title with current directory and the last command run.
      • goenv (CDA0) - Plugin for installing, updating and loading goenv.
      • iterm2-utilities - Helps download various iTerm2 utilities and lets you omit cloning of the whole iterm2-website repository or relying on other repos which may be out of sync.
      • ruby-switch - Switch ruby versions and manage the PATH variable at the same time.
      • z-a-bin-gem-node - Zinit extension that exposes binaries without altering `$PATH`, installs Ruby gems and Node modules and easily exposes their binaries, and updates the gems and modules when the associated plugin or snippet is updated.
      • z-a-patch-dl - Zinit extension that downloads files and applies patches through the provided `dl''` and `patch''` ices.
      • z-a-rust - Zinit extension that that installs rust and cargo packages inside plugin directories.
      • z-a-submods - Zinit extenstion allows installing and managing additional submodules within a plugin or snippet.
      • z-a-test - Zinit extension that runs tests (via `make test`, for example) – if it finds any of them – after installing and updating a plugin or snippet.
      • editing-workbench - Adds sane, complex command line editing (e.g. incremental history _word_ completion).
      • select - Multi-term searched selection list with approximate matching and uniq mode.
      • zconvey - Adds ability to send commands to other ZSH sessions, you can use this to `cd $PWD` on all active Z shell sessions, for example.
      • antigen-git-store - Antigen/ZSH script to store `git`'s current working directory. For working with `git` between two computers without forcing arbitrary commits.
      • betterbrew - Add more command aliases for `brew`
      • basex - Adds several [BaseX]( aliases for simplified usage.
      • accurev - ZSH plugin for [accurev](
      • zflai - A fast logging framework for ZSH.
      • fixnumpad-osx - Enables numpad keys of Apple keyboards to be recognized in ZSH.
      • phpenv - Auto-load [phpenv]( and its completions.
      • redis - Will run `redis-server` pointing it to the `redis.conf` configuration file. This can be used with the [zdharma/zredis]( plugin to share variables between shells.
  • Frameworks

  • Themes

    • Zinit (née zplugin)

      • radium - Designed for dark terminals, (works best with [Solarized]( iTerm 2 theme) (prezto).
      • rainbowie - Colorful theme with `git` information.
      • astro - Based on the [`ys`]( and [robbyrussell]( themes.
      • hedgehog - Simple, no-nonsense and clean, with support for `git` and return codes.
      • random-emoji - Random emoji.
      • feder - Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful. Tested on Linux, Unix and Windows under ANSI colors.
      • adlee - macOS theme, requires a Powerline-compatible font.
      • frisk-red - Red version of the [frisk]( theme from oh-my-zsh.
      • hapin - Based on oxide, includes `git` status decorations and current user/host information.
      • hub - Simple and clean, includes the return code of the last command executed.
      • lambda (azahi) - Minimalist ZSH theme.
      • lone-star - Texas-themed theme based on Sindre Sorhus' pure theme.
      • snakypy - Focused on the needs of [Python]( developers. Displays `git` and `venv` status decorations. Includes an installer script.
      • sugar-free - Based on the [Pure]( and [Candy]( themes.
      • squanchy - Minimalist theme. Includes `git`, `node` and `rbenv` status decorations.
      • Agnoster - Optimized for solarized terminal color schemes, shows `git` decorations, user@host, working directory, the previous command's exit status and whether you are running with root privileges. Requires a Powerline-compatible font.
      • gitster (shashankmehta) - When in a `git` repo, it shows the location from the `git` repository root folder. When not in a `git` repo, it shows the path relative to home, `~`.
      • mattizer - Includes working directory and `git` status decorations.
      • minima (eduardnikolenko) - A minimal ZSH theme with `git`, `docker`, `go`, `node`, `npm`, `python` and other indicators. Uses unicode characters for some markers.
      • xxf - Shows the current git commit's shortened hash and message.
      • schminitz - Shows if Vim is running in the background when using `:sh` command.
      • af-magic-mod - af-magic-mod theme.
      • bklyn - Variant of [Powerlevel9k]( with customizations applied.
      • parrot - Imitates Parrot Security prompt, includes [tmux]( configuration file.
      • ykmam - Modified from [ys]( theme and optimized for a dark background.
      • saltgen - Variant of the robbyrussell oh-my-zsh theme.
      • webicons - Includes `git` status, node and yarn versions in prompt.
      • seppuku - Clean and minimal theme inspired by [cloud](
      • bougenville - Variant of [dallas](
      • oxide - A Minimalistic and Dark ZSH theme.
    • Fonts

      • Hack - Another Powerline-compatible font designed specifically for source code.
      • Monoid - Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 15px line-height even on low res displays.
  • Status

  • Tutorials

  • Completions

    • Zinit (née zplugin)

      • ctop - Tab completions for [ctop](
      • tmux pane words - Key bindings to complete words from your [tmux]( pane.
      • jumpstorm-completion - Adds autocompletion for [jumpstorm](
      • kompose - Add tab completions for [Kompose](
      • kubeadm - Add tab completions for [kubeadm](
      • bazel - A copy of the zsh completion script from the official [bazel]( repo.
      • startify - vim-startify -like plugin for ZSH.
  • Writing New Plugins

    • [zplug](

  • Other Resources

    • Other Useful Lists

      • awesome-devenv - A curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment
      • Terminals Are Sexy - A curated list for CLI lovers.