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A list of papers about monocular reconstruction (processing)
Last synced: 5 days ago
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- [pytorch+tensorflow
- [pytorch
- [Arxiv - Scale Local Planar Guidance
- [CVPR - Image Depth from Videos using Quality Assessment Networks [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [WACV - Toward Higher Resolution Maps with Accurate Object Boundaries. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - CNNs-for-monocular-depth-estimation)] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICLR - to-end Deep Plane Sweep Stereo. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__] :fire: :star:
- [3DV
- [CVPR - resolution Multi-view Stereo Depth Inference. [[tensorflow](] [[__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - Based Multi-View Stereo Network. [[pytorch](] [[__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - MVSNet: Learning Patch-wise Matching Confidence Aggregation for Multi-view Stereo. [[__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [ICCV - view Stereo with Conditional Random Fields. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [ICLR - Net: Dense Bundle Adjustment Network. [[tensorflow](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - supervised Learning with Geometric Constraints in Monocular Video
- [NIPS - View Stereo Machine. [__`seq.`__ __`recon.`__]
- [CVPR - freiburg/demon)] [__`dep.`__ __`pos.`__ __`seq.`__] :fire: :star:
- [NIPS - View Stereo Machine. [__`seq.`__ __`recon.`__]
- [ICCV - to-end 3D Neural Network for Multiview Stereopsis. [[theano](] [__`seq.`__ __`recon.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Zhan/Depth-VO-Feat)] [__`dep.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Motion from Monocular Video
- [tensorflow
- [CVPR - View Depth Prediction from Internet Photos. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - view Stereopsis [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - view Stereo [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [3DV - time Multiview Depth Estimation Neural Network [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - freiburg/deeptam)] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - Net: Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Monocular Stereo [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Zhan/Depth-VO-Feat)] [__`dep.`__ __`pos.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`uns.`__] :fire: :star:
- [3DV - time Multiview Depth Estimation Neural Network [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - Net: Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Monocular Stereo [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__] :fire: :star:
- [Arxiv - invariant Depth Prediction Using Diverse Data. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Guided Ranking Loss for Single Image Depth Prediction [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__] :fire: :star:
- [TPAMI - shot Cross-dataset Transfer[[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Assisted-Stereo)] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - Aware Depth Estimation with Adaptive Normal Constraints. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__]
- [TOG
- [AAAI - View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume [[code](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - Resolutoin Multi-View Stereo and Stereo Matching [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - View Stereo. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - MVSNet: Sparse-to-Dense Multi-View Stereo with Learned Propagation and Gauss-Newton Refinement. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - Aware Multi-View Stereo. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - Decoder Structure for Large-Scale Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction from An Open Aerial Dataset. [[tensorflow](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [ECCV - view Stereo Net with Self-adaptive View aggregation. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [ECCV - view Stereo Net with Dynamic Consistency Checking. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [BMVC - aware Multi-view Stereo Network. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [ICLR - vl/DeepV2D)] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation [[tensorflow](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - ML/packnet-sfm)] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ECCV - Supervised Long-Term Modeling. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__]
- [BMVC - aware Multi-view Stereo Network. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [AAAI - Wise Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation. [__`dep.`__ ]
- [CVPR - uofa/AdelaiDepth)] [__`dep.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - uofa/AdelaiDepth)] [__`dep.`__ __`recon.`__] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - org/DPT)] [__`dep.`__ __`oth.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Time Coherent 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video. [[pytorch](] [__`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`recon.`__] :fire: :star:
- [3DV
- [WACV - range Attention Network for Multi-View Stereo. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - View Patchmatch Stereo [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - RMVSNet: Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - MVSNet: Epipolar-Assembling Based Depth Prediction for Multi-View Stereo [[404](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [ICCV - view Stereo: A Novel Semi-supervised Learning Method for Multi-view Stereo. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [3DV - View Stereo gone wild. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [IJCV - consistent Depth Learning from Video. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__] :fire: :star:
- [NIPS - SLAM: Deep Visual SLAM for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras. [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`oth.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - View Structure-from-Motion Revisited. [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`oth.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Object 3D Reconstruction [ __`recon.`__ __`oth.`__]
- [NIPS - view 3D Reconstruction in the Wild [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`recon.`__ __`oth.`__] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - View Patchmatch Stereo [[pytorch](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ] :fire: :star:
- [CVPR - Efficient Multi-View Stereo. [[code](] [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - View Stereo: A Unified Representation and Focal Loss . [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
- [CVPR - Supervised Monocular Indoor Depth Estimation [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`video.`__ __`pose.`__ __`uns.`__]
- [CVPR - View Stereo: A Unified Representation and Focal Loss . [__`dep.`__ __`seq.`__ __`recon.`__ ]
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