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ARCHIVED:💻🎹🎛🔊 A community curated list of SuperCollider stuff
Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation
Single board computers
- Bela - Bela is an embedded computing platform for creating responsive interactive applications
- Salt - Bela powered programmable Eurorack module
- VCV Rack Prototype Module - A digital Eurorack module scriptable using SuperCollider
- Monome norns, SuperCollider and Lua - Nice tutorial on getting started with SuperCollider/LUA on the Norns platform
Raspberry Pi
- Notes for setting up a Raspberry Pi 4 for audio work - A comprehensive guide for tuning Raspbian and using (latest version of) SuperCollider
- Networked audio using Raspberry Pi 4, zita-njbridge and SuperCollider - Do networked audio on the Pi using SuperCollider
- Prynth - Prynth are programmable sound synthesizers powered by Raspberry Pi
- Building SuperCollider for piCore Linux - Great guide for installing stuff on PiCoreLinux
Learning resources
Written tutorials
- A gentle introduction to SuperCollider
- How to write server plugins using C++ - How to create UGens
- Nick Collins' SuperCollider tutorial - Course material for a 12 week course on SuperCollider
- Pseudoclasses with events - Faking object-oriented programming in SuperCollider with Events
- A-Practical-Guide - A fantastic pattern tutorial (which can also be found in your help files)
- Minibee Tutorial - How to work with the Minibee sensors (for dance performances, etc.) in SuperCollider
- Mads Kjeldgaard's Tech and research - A blog containing a range of tips, tricks and tutorials
- howto_co34pt_liveCode - Livecoding tutorial
- udk00-Audiovisual_Programming - Fredrik Olofsson's course materials for UdK Berlin
- SuperCollider_Tutorials - SC tutorials
- learn - Official SuperCollider tutorial
- Implementing a SuperCollider UGen in Rust
- SolarPowered SuperCollider on a Raspberry Pi Zero - Great little guide for using SC on a solar powered Pi Zero.
- SuperCollider Tutorials - Tutorials by Eli Fieldsteel covering a range of subjects
- Project Free Jazz - A Four part tutorial about algorithmic composition with SuperCollider
- Audio signal processing in SuperCollider - A series of lectures by Zlatko Baracskai focusing on audio signal processing.
- Live Coding Tutorials - Tutorials specifically about live coding
- Masterclass "The Ambisonic Toolkit" - A general introduction to ambisonics and the ATK
- Ultimate Arduino-To-Supercollider Tutorials- Control Signals for Digital Audio - How to use the Arduino micro computers with SC
- Unity 5 and SuperCollider(Custom Sound Engine) - How to setup the Unity game engine to work with SuperCollider
- SuperCollider and Time - James McCartney (author of SuperCollider) giving a talk at IRCAM
- SoundEngraver - video demos showcasing a variety of things in SC
- Musical Sound Design in Supercollider video series - Videos on sound design techniques in SC, including pulsar synthesis examples.
- MAT Seminar | James McCartney | November 8, 2021 - James McCartney speaking about SuperCollider and beyond.
- Podcast 350: James McCartney - Really informative talk with James McCartney about SuperCollider among other things.
- Introduction to SuperCollider - Written by Andrea Valle, includes pdf. Published 2016.
- The SuperCollider Book
- Thor Magnussons Scoring Sound - Cookbook containing synthesis recipes among other things
- Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider - Create interactive and repsonsive audio-visual applications with SuperCollider
- OXford Handbook of Algorithmic Music - Not strictly speaking SuperCollider, but a great resource nevertheless.
- OXford Handbook of Algorithmic Music - Not strictly speaking SuperCollider, but a great resource nevertheless.
Research papers
- Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider - James McCartney, SuperCollider's father, presenting his work on SuperCollider (2002).
- Continued Evolution of the SuperCollider Real Time Synthesis Environment - An even older article concerning SuperCollider (1998)
- It's morphin' time - Sound morphing by Jennifer Hsu
- NNdef: Livecoding Digital Musical Instruments in SuperCollider using Functional Reactive Programming
- Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider - James McCartney, SuperCollider's father, presenting his work on SuperCollider (2002).
- Influx – Loose Control, Gain Influence - Super interesting article about Alberto de Campo's Influx system and gesture control/mapping in general
Other documents
- SuperCollider Tweets - SuperCollider patches in 140 characters.
- SuperCollider Tweets Explained - Comments on some of these tweet-sized patches.
Quarks and extensions
Emulations / Clones
- Benjolis - Instrument inspired by Rob Hordijk's chaotic Benjolin synth
- granular from Discrete Structures course - loads a folder of files into buffers and granulates everything.
- LNX Studio - a Digital Audio Work Station. [Repository](
- TXmodular - TXmodular is a production environment fully written in SC
Language clients
- hsc3 - Haskell client
- ScalaCollider - Scala client
Livecode interfaces
- TidalCycles - Haskell based live coding environment for patterns
- FoxDot
- Overtone - Collaborative live coding using Clojure
- Sonic Pi - Ruby based live coding environment, using SuperCollider as an audio engine
- Ixi Lang - Thor Magnusson's live coding environment based on musical agents
Other tools
- - Official SuperCollider forum
- - A website containing SuperCollider code. Many years worth of good ideas in here.
- Slack - The SuperCollider Slack
- Discord - The SuperCollider Discord Server
- Lurk
- Facebook - The SuperCollider facebook group
- Telegram - Telegram SuperGroup
- Telegram ES - Telegram SuperGroup in Spanish
- Stackoverflow - SuperCollider discussions on StackOverflow
- Mailing list archive - Former official mailing list.
- Facebook - The SuperCollider facebook group
Writing plugins
Other tools
- Server Plugins API - Description of some of the boilerplate you get for writing UGens / plugins
- UGen quality standards
Programming Languages
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