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Curated list of awesome books and authors on libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and austrian school of economics
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Awesome Books
- The Law
- An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (vol 2 Classical Economics)
- A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.3](|1988|262|
- The Ethics of Money Production - the-ethics-of-money-production)|2008|242|
- For a New Liberty
- Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics - praxeology-understanding)|1990|80|
- Capital and Interest - Bawerk](|[4.0](|1890|538|
- The Mystery of Banking
- Getting Libertarianism Right - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.2](|2018|126|
- Freedom and the Law
- Individualism and Economic Order
- The Denationalization of Money - denationalisation-of-money)|1976|133|
- Against Intellectual Property - against-intellectual-property)|2008|73|
- Economic Policy, Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow
- The Law
- The Anatomy of the State - anatomy-of-the-state)|1974|55|
- What Has Government Done to Our Money? - what-has-government-done-to-our-money)|1963|112|
- The origin of money - the-origins-of-money)|1892|52|
- The Production of Security - the-production-of-security)|1849|62|
- No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
- Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth
- Atlas Shrugged
- The Fountainhead
- Democracy: The God That Failed - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.2](|2001|304|
- The Theory of Money and Credit
- The Mystery of Banking
- Getting Libertarianism Right - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.2](|2018|126|
- Competition and Entrepreneurship
- Our Enemy, the State
- The Road to Serfdom
- Anthem
- Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market
- Human Action
- Principles of Economics
- For a New Liberty
- The Great Fiction - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.4](|2012|456|
- An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (vol 2 Classical Economics)
- The Private Production of Defense - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.1](|1998|51|
- A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.3](|1988|262|
- Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles
- Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis
- Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship - socialism-economic-calculation-and-entrepreneurship)|1992|374|
- Theory and History - theory-and-history)|1957|379|
- The Economics and Ethics of Private Property - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.3](|1993|446|
- Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature
- Epistemological Problems of Economics - epistemological-problems-of-economics)|1933|246|
- The Enterprise of Law: Justice without the State
- Economy, Society, and History - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.3](|2021|210|
- The Ethics of Money Production - the-ethics-of-money-production)|2008|242|
- The Ethics of Liberty
- Freedom and the Law
- From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.1](|2014|70|
- Economic Science and the Austrian Method - Hermann Hoppe](|[4.0](|1995|82|
- Beyond Democracy - beyond-democracy)|2012|102|
- The Market for Liberty - and-linda-tannehill)|[4.0](|1970|169|
- The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays
- Individualism and Economic Order
- The Denationalization of Money - denationalisation-of-money)|1976|133|
- An Agorist Primer - an-agorist-primer)|1986|112|
- New Libertarian Manifesto
- The Most Dangerous Superstition - the-most-dangerous-superstition)|2011|212|
- What Must Be Done - Hermann Hoppe](|[3.9](|2009|14|
- A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline - Hermann Hoppe](|[3.9](|2015|132|
- Against Intellectual Property - against-intellectual-property)|2008|73|
- Defending the Undefendable
- The Problem of Political Authority - the-problem-of-political-authority)|2012|365|
- Deflation and Liberty - deflation-and-liberty)|2008|44|
- Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics - praxeology-understanding)|1990|80|
- Economics in One Lesson
- The Positive Theory of Capital - Bawerk](|[4.1](|1891|452|
- Anarchy, State, and Utopia
- A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II
- America's Great Depression
- The Case Against the Fed
- Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy - wall-street-banks-and-american-foreign-policy)|1984|108|
- The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
- The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
- Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition
- Bureaucracy
- Planned Chaos
- The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
- Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy
- Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto - against-the-state)|2014|192|
- Capital and Interest - Bawerk](|[4.0](|1890|538|
- The Machinery of Freedom
Personal reviews
[Deflation and Liberty](
[The Law](
[The Production of Security](
[No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority](
[The Enterprise of Law: Justice without the State](
[New Libertarian Manifesto](
[The Most Dangerous Superstition](
[Against Intellectual Property](
[Defending the Undefendable](
[The Problem of Political Authority](
[Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics](
[Capital and Interest](
[The Machinery of Freedom](
[Competition and Entrepreneurship](
[Our Enemy, the State](
[The Denationalization of Money](
[Freedom and the Law](
[Beyond Democracy](
[The Market for Liberty](
[Principles of Economics](
[Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship](
[The Mystery of Banking](
[The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays](
[A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline](
Sub Categories
[The Machinery of Freedom](
[The Enterprise of Law: Justice without the State](
[The Production of Security](
[Freedom and the Law](
[A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline](
[The Law](
[The Most Dangerous Superstition](
[Competition and Entrepreneurship](
[Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics](
[Defending the Undefendable](
[Beyond Democracy](
[Capital and Interest](
[Against Intellectual Property](
[Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship](
[New Libertarian Manifesto](
[Deflation and Liberty](
[The Denationalization of Money](
[No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority](
[Principles of Economics](
[The Market for Liberty](
[Our Enemy, the State](
[The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays](
[The Problem of Political Authority](
[The Mystery of Banking](