An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc.
Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation
Datasets :dvd:
Human Anatomy :bone:
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- paper
- paper
- paper
- here
- paper
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- dataset
- dataset in NIfTI format
- dataset segmented 2023
- website
- paper
- dataset
- website
- related website
- paper
- website
- how to cite
- :dvd: dataset | :computer: website
- :dvd: dataset | :computer: website
- paper
- dataset
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- website
- ![DOI
- paper
- dataset
- resources
- paper
- dataset
- website
- paper
- dataset
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- dataset
- ![DOI
- paper
- dataset
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- dataset
- dataset
- paper 2021 (MRI and mechanical testing)
- paper 2016
- paper 2013
- paper
- ASB abstract 2010
- User's Guide 2010
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- website
- ![DOI
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- dataset
- website
- dataset
- PhD thesis
- paper
- dataset (paywalled)
- paper
- paper
- dataset
- AnyBody model's paper
- dataset
- paper1991
- paper1992
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- paper-lumbar spine
- paper-thoracic and cervical
- PhD thesis
- :computer: website | :dvd: dataset
- paper
- dataset
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- dataset
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- website
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- website
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Walking :walking:
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- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
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- paper
- paper
- dataset
- metadata
- paper
- dataset
- website
- resources
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- website
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- website
- website
- website
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
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- dataset
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- paper
Running :running:
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- dataset
- website
- ![DOI
- paper
- dataset and resources
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- dataset
- paper
- dataset
- paper
- paper
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- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Hand :palms_up_together:
Animal Anatomy and Anthropology :crocodile:
Balance :balance_scale:
Energetics :fire:
Instrumented Prostheses :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Upper Limb Movements :muscle:
Soft Tissue Artefacts :leg:
Reference Joint Kinematics
Health Datasets :heart:
Rugby :rugby_football:
- RFU IPF - cazzola) at the University of Bath. The aim of this project is to unveil the injury mechanisms related to rugby activities such as scrummaging and tackling, with the final aim to inform the design of injury prevention strategies. The MSK models implemented for this project are based on population specific (DXA) and subject specific (MRI) data and optimised to be used during impact events. Kinematics and kinetic data of rugby scrummaging and tackling are also available.</br>
- paper Rugby Model
- paper bushing parameters
- paper EMG-assisted
- simulations data impacts
- simulations data scrummaging
- website
EMG :electric_plug::muscle:
Gait Analysis and Motion Capture :cartwheeling:
Motion Capture Data Import and Processing
- paper
- paper
- website
- paper
- c3dserver
- ![DOI
- paper
- documentation website
- paper
- website
- conda
- pyBTK (Python>=3.7)
- (unofficial) tutorial by
- paper
- conda
- PyPI
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- S2M Lab
- paper
- website
- Ryan Alcantara - source Python :snake: and MATLAB package that corrects running ground reaction force signal drift. It also contains an optimized utility function `dryft.signal.splitsteps()` for identifying start/end of stance phase from vertical ground reaction force data without loops.</br>
- publication
- website
- publication
- Adrian R Rivadulla et al. - learning based algorithm for the detection of foot-strike and toe-off events during treadmill running. The repository includes notebooks to replicate model development, the algorithm and implementation examples in Python and a workaround for Matlab.</br>
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Burke's paper 2016
- website
- preprint
- website
- website
- website
- The Open Source Physics Project
- website
- website
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- resources
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Gait Analysis Markersets :globe_with_meridians:
Videoradiography (Model-based and Marker-based Tracking)
Modelling and Simulation :computer:
Multibody and Physics Engines :sleeping::arrow_lower_left::apple:
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Quick Start Guide
- website
- website
- website
- source
- book
- paper
- website
- paper
- YouTube tutorials
- Roy Featherstone
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- source
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
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- paper
Computational Muscle Models :mechanical_arm:
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- paper
- source
- Webinar
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- paper
- webpage
- paper
- source
- Manual
- video
- paper
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- webpage
- installation package (includes source)
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- paper
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- paper
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
- Campbell Lab - sarcomeres by extending Huxley-based cross-bridge distribution techniques with Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. MyoSim can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher.</br>
Biomechanical and Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Software :brain::arrow_right::leg:
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- website
- tutorials
- Wiki
- model repository
- Python tools
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper-downloadable
- website
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- Config Reference Manual
- Animal Simulation Laboratory website
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- paper2007
- paper2019
- website
- binaries
- paper
- website
- binaries
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
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- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Anthropometric Models :standing_person:
- website
- paper
- Hatze's paper - 2) |
Real-Time Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Software
Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Tools :brain::hammer:
Biomechanical Models
Optimal Control and Trajectory Optimization :rocket:
Biomechanical Models
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- webinar
- Carlos Mastalli
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- webinar
- website
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper
- website
- SymPy - linear programming. </br>
- paper
- documentation
- paper
- paper
- webinar
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- :computer: website | :floppy_disk: source
- :computer: website | :floppy_disk: source
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Subject-Specific Modelling
Segmentation of Medical Images :artist:
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- 3DSlicer - dimensional visualization.</br>
- paper (Slicer v4)
- website
- Documentation
- Youtube tutorials
- preprint
- website
- tutorials
- paper
- source
- Video tutorials
- ITK-Snap
- paper
- Video tutorials
- InVesalius
- paper list
- Youtube tutorials
- Materialise Mimics
- paper
- tutorials
- paper
- website
- resources
- Rhino3Dmedical
- webinar
- Seg3D
- Simpleware ScanIP
- paper
- webinar
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Automatic Segmentation :mage_man:
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies - segmented slices taking into account the complete underlying image data. It can be used in addition to segmentation tools like Amira, ImageJ/Fiji and MITK. </br>
- website
- paper
- paper
- pre-print
- Avizo
- pre-print
- test micro-CT scans
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Automatic Definition of Bony Landmarks and Reference Systems :skull:
Manipulation, Processing and Comparison of Surface Meshes
- paper
- **Autodesk Netfabb**
- website
- **Gmsh**
- paper
- website
- **MeshMixer**
- Graphics, Geometry and Multimedia software page
- website
- source
- **Salome**
- **CloudCompare** - allows quantitative comparison of surface meshes.
Resources for Building Biomechanical Models from Medical Images :woman_technologist:
- paper - source toolchain to create patient-specific rigid body models from MRI images._ is cited in the paper, but not retrievable). |
- preprint
- paper
- website
- paper
- website
- YouTube tutorial
- paper
- website
- step-by-step guide
- scripts (MATLAB)
- ![DOI
- paper
Uncertainty Quantification in Musculoskeletal Simulations :question:
Meshers of Surface Models
- Hypermesh - disciplinary finite element pre-processor which manages the generation of large, complex models, starting with the import of a CAD geometry.</br>
- CUBIT (The CUBIT™ Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit) - TODO description
- TetGen
- NetGen
Statistical Shape Modelling :bone:
- list of papers
- website
- paper
- website
- docs
- source
- plugins
- Graphics and Vision Research Group - based image analysis in Scala. </br>
- website (includes tutorials)
- SPHARM-PDM website
- SlicerSALT website
- website
- paper
- website
- website
- paper
- source
- paper
- website
- GIAS2 library
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis Software
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Abaqus
- Ansys
- Strand7
- paper
- website
- website
- paper
- website
- source
- website
- source
- Aster leaflet
- Salome 7 leaflet
- tutorials
- tutorials
- paper
- website
- source
- Youtube channel
- paper
- tutorials
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Aster leaflet
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- Salome_meca
- Salome 7 leaflet
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Finite Element Models
Statistical Shape Modelling :bone:
Finite Element Libraries
- **FreeFEM**
- **Firedrake**
- **FEniCS Project** - source (LGPLv3) computing platform for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). FEniCS enables users to quickly translate scientific models into efficient finite element code using high-level Python and C++ interfaces.
- **deal.II**
- **MFEM**
- **GLVis**
Finite Element Analysis Software Tools
- paper
- source
- Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna
- paper
- website
- paper
- Kevin Moerman - Based Bioengineering add-On) is an open-source MATLAB toolbox that includes an array of image and geometry visualization and processing tools and is interfaced with free open source software such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshing, and FEBio and Abaqus for finite element analysis. The combination provides a highly flexible image-based modelling environment and enables advanced inverse finite element analysis. </br>
- paper
- website
- paper
- paper2013
- paper2015
- website
- paper
- website
- :computer: website | :floppy_disk: source
- website
- paper
- Users' Guide
- :computer: website | :floppy_disk: source
Reproducibility :gem:
Finite Element Models
- paper
- CreativeCommons
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- RESCIENCE C website
- paper
- GitHub page
- paper
- website
- project wiki
- website
- blog-repro-pack-example
- slides
- Docker
- Binder
- Colab
- container including Mathworks dependencies (NO MATLAB)
- Choose a license
- YouTube video
- slides
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
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- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
- paper
Online Courses :clapper:
- KNES 789W - Advanced Projects in Kinesiology; Modeling & Simulation of Human Movement
- Robotics 101: Computational Linear Algebra
- Lectures on animal locomotion
- Lectures on multibody dynamics
- KNES 789W - Advanced Projects in Kinesiology; Modeling & Simulation of Human Movement
- Mechanical Systems Design - level course that develops experience and confidence with: 1. An approach to mechanical systems design that incorporates ideation, back-of-the-envelope analysis, computational analysis, and prototyping, iteratively and with an appropriate balance for the domain. 2. Designing custom mechanical components, finding and selecting common machine elements, and selecting electric motors and transmission elements to meet performance, efficiency and reliability goals. A Twitter describing the materials is available [here](
- Neuromatch Academy
- BPK 409: Wearable Technology and Human Physiology - of-the-art wearable technology to measure, analyze, and understand human physiological systems including muscular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.</br>
- description of labs
- Statistical shape modelling
- Lectures on multibody dynamics
- Mathematical Tools for Neuroscience (Neurobio 212 at Harvard)
- Neuromechanics course material
- Graduate Level Statistics Course with Biomedical Engineering Examples
- Quantitative methods in biomedical sciences - level class designed for PhD students and others who wish to develop skills relating to data analysis and interpretation, including data handling, plotting, statistics, and image analysis. The course uses MATLAB and materials are available on [GitHub](
- code
- Lectures on animal locomotion
Videos :video_camera:
- CNB-ASB Muscle Workshop
- A critique of Induced Acceleration Analysis
- CNB-ASB Muscle Workshop
- A critique of Induced Acceleration Analysis
- Biomechanics playlist
- F8 2019 - VR Full Body Tracking & Avatars - f8-2019-body-tracking/)
- Running with bone pins
- Introduction to Trajectory Optimization
- A free/opensource workflow from CT scan to FEA - source software (Dragonfly for segmentation, Blender for mesh refinement and FEBio for finite element analysis. Quick overview of the main steps.<br/>
- Biomechanics playlist
Learning to Code :construction:
- Version Control for Researchers - Tutorial for ASB2020 introducing GitHub and version control for biomechanists. Accompanying tutorial material located at the [ASB_Tutorial repository](
- Python website
- Scipy Lecture Notes
- Python for Everybody -
- Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists
- Google Python Style Guide
- Python testing style guide
- Matplotlib cheatsheet
- Biomechanical Analysis using Python and Kinetics Toolkit
- Julia Language website
- Julia Academy
- Version Control for Researchers - Tutorial for ASB2020 introducing GitHub and version control for biomechanists. Accompanying tutorial material located at the [ASB_Tutorial repository](
- Atlassian Git tutorial
- Scientific Python Lectures
- Notes on Scientific Computing for Biomechanics and Motor Control
- Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists
YouTube Channels :tv:
- Stuart McErlain-Naylor channel
- AnyBody Technology Videos and Webcasts
- American Society Biomechanics (ASB)
- BassettBiomechanics
- Biomch-V
- Dynamic Walking
- European Society of Biomechanics (ESB)
- International Society of Biomechanics (tutorials and lectures)
- International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS)
- Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
- OpenSim Videos and Webinars
- UCalgary Human Performance Lab
- Manoj Srinivasan's channel
- Ross Miller's channel
- Analysis of upright posture by force platform
- International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS)
- Analysis of upright posture by force platform
Teaching Resources :triangular_ruler:
- Anatomy Standard - based 3D model of the human body, create high-quality, interactive illustrations of the model, and share them here to provide a resource for teaching and explaining anatomy. Images are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License]( </br>
- Anybodyrun - body models of running based on principal components analysis. The approach behind the application is described on John Rasmussen's [blog](
- book
- Biomch-L discussions - L database:
- Joint Attitude Debate Summary
- 3D Joint Power Debate Summaary
- Engineers Code
- How to get meaningful and correct results from your finite element model
- Muscle Atlas - atlas).
- ASB Teaching Repository
- Biomechanics Toolbar
- Biomechanics of Movement
- Scientific Animation of Muscle Contraction
- Scientific Animation of Human Locomotion
- Kwon3d website
- GitHub resources for teaching
- How to review a paper
- How to write a systematic review for Health
- A roadmap for searching literature in PubMed
- Interactive Simulations for Science and Math
- Kuo's course homeworks
- MoLib (Motion Library) - to-use-motion-library/) by Markus Kurz.
- Optimal Control Workshop - funded Optimal Control Workshop held on July 9, 2015 at the University of Edinburgh as part of the XV International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics.
- ODE Integration Best Practices With Octave/Matlab
- Seeing theory
- Tips for setting up remote lessons
- Tutorial: 3D Kinematics and Inverse Dynamics MATLAB scripts
- Tutorial: Musculoskeletal Model for Simulation of Walking
- Tutorial: Kane’s Method for an inverted pendulum
- Jumping model (5 dof)
- Jumping model with foot (6 dof)
- Sit-to-stand model
- Elbow model in Matlab
- Understanding p-values Through Simulations: An Interactive Visualization - values through an interactive simulations.
- Python Tutor - Visualize code execution
- Scientific Animation of Muscle Contraction
- Bayesian Data Analysis course
- code
- Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for Research - for-RS). Recording of the lessons are available on [Youtube](
- Julia notebooks on dynamic systems
- Manim: Mathematical Animation Engine
- Trajectory Optimization Toolbox
- Notes on Scientific Computing for Biomechanics and Motor Control
- Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
- *VIRTUAL LAB: Australopithecus afarensis KNEE JOINT* - Madison).
- Biomechanics of Movement Classroom - movement). </br>
- OpenSim teaching Hub
Books :blue_book:
- Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems
- Computer Aided Kinematics And Dynamics Of Mechanical Systems
- Convex Optimization
- Dynamics: Theory and Applications
- Dynamics of Human Gait (2nd Edition)
- Experimental Methods in Biomechanics (link)
- Power Analysis with Superpower
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- The ABC of EMG
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics - 1963). Includes audio recordings.
- Dynamics: Theory and Applications
- Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems
Tracking in Ultrasound Video Frames
Fascicle Tracking
Muscle-Tendon Junction Tracking
Muscle Parameter Segmentation in Ultrasound Images
Anatomical Cross Sectional Area
Statistical Analysis
Finite Element Models
- **G*Power**
- **spm1d** - dimensional [statistical Parametric Mapping](
- **SPSS Statistics**
- paper
- **JASP** - source low-cost alternative to commercial statistical software.
- **jamovi** - source statistical software platform based on R, making it accessible to users who are not familiar with R.
- **R**
Scientific Data Visualization
Finite Element Models
- **Mayavi** - Python tool :snake:
- **OpenCmiss**
- website
- website
- website
- website
- How-To
- **MicroDicom** - commercial use.
- website
- paper
Good practices for credible modeling
Finite Element Models
Societies and Initiatives :classical_building:
Finite Element Models
- Americal Society of Biomechanics
- European Society of Biomechanics
- International Society of Biomechanics
- 3-D Analysis of Human Movement
- Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics
- Footware Biomechanics Group
- Hand and Wrist Biomechanics International
- International Shoulder Group
- Motor Control Group
- Technical Group on Computer Simulation (TGCS)
- International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
- National Biomechanics Day
Miscellaneous Online Resources
More Datasets and repositories
Sandbox <!-- omit in toc -->
DTI and fibre tractography <!-- omit in toc -->
Blogging platforms
Resources for learning how to contribute
- Git - novice/) are a perfect place to start with Git and GitHub.
- like this one
Datasets :dvd:
Subject-Specific Modelling
Modelling and Simulation :computer:
Finite Element Analysis
Gait Analysis and Motion Capture :cartwheeling:
Reproducibility :gem:
Optimal Control and Trajectory Optimization :rocket:
Tracking in Ultrasound Video Frames
Miscellaneous Online Resources
Societies and Initiatives :classical_building:
Sandbox <!-- omit in toc -->
Scientific Data Visualization
Statistical Analysis
More Datasets and repositories
Good practices for credible modeling
Muscle Parameter Segmentation in Ultrasound Images
DTI and fibre tractography <!-- omit in toc -->
Sub Categories
Human Anatomy :bone:
Walking :walking:
Finite Element Models
Segmentation of Medical Images :artist:
Biomechanical Models
Biomechanical and Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Software :brain::arrow_right::leg:
Motion Capture Data Import and Processing
Finite Element Analysis Software
Multibody and Physics Engines :sleeping::arrow_lower_left::apple:
Running :running:
Computational Muscle Models :mechanical_arm:
Teaching Resources :triangular_ruler:
Automatic Segmentation :mage_man:
Hand :palms_up_together:
Automatic Definition of Bony Landmarks and Reference Systems :skull:
Statistical Shape Modelling :bone:
Blogging platforms
Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Tools :brain::hammer:
Finite Element Analysis Software Tools
Instrumented Prostheses :chart_with_upwards_trend:
YouTube Channels :tv:
Online Courses :clapper:
Animal Anatomy and Anthropology :crocodile:
Learning to Code :construction:
Resources for Building Biomechanical Models from Medical Images :woman_technologist:
Fascicle Tracking
Manipulation, Processing and Comparison of Surface Meshes
Books :blue_book:
Balance :balance_scale:
Videos :video_camera:
EMG :electric_plug::muscle:
Rugby :rugby_football:
Upper Limb Movements :muscle:
Finite Element Libraries
Soft Tissue Artefacts :leg:
Muscle-Tendon Junction Tracking
Energetics :fire:
Uncertainty Quantification in Musculoskeletal Simulations :question:
Real-Time Neuro-musculoskeletal Simulation Software
Meshers of Surface Models
Health Datasets :heart:
Anatomical Cross Sectional Area
Anthropometric Models :standing_person:
Videoradiography (Model-based and Marker-based Tracking)
Resources for learning how to contribute
Items suggested template
Reference Joint Kinematics
Gait Analysis Markersets :globe_with_meridians:
A python library for (Initial) Boundary Value Problems exploration.