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A list of Flutter related talks
Last synced: 4 days ago
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- **Accessibility in Flutter|Lara Martín & Miguel Beltran**
- **Flutter, what are Widgets, RenderObjects and Elements? - Norbert Kozsir | Flutter Europe**
- **Navigator and Routes and Transitions... Oh, My! - Simon Lightfoot | Flutter Europe**
- **Apps for Everyone with Flutter - Lara Martin & Miguel Beltran | Flutter Europe**
- **Bloc Library: Basics & Beyond - Felix Angelov | Flutter Europe**
- **Implementing complex UI with Flutter - Marcin Szałek | Flutter Europe**
- **Bring Flutter to web - Rihanna Kedir | Flutter Europe**
- **Lessons learned building the Invoice Ninja Flutter app - Hillel Coren | Flutter Europe**
- **Strategic Domain-Driven Design for Improving Flutter architecture - Majid Hajian | Flutter Europe**
- **Flutter State Management with Provider Scott Stoll - Aug 25, 2020**
- **Flutter Day: Responsive Designs in Flutter with Nash Ramdial**
- **Flutter Day: Flutter in Big Applications with Tomek Polanski**
- **Flutter Quiz League - Day 05 | Nawal Alhamwi- More Than Just, Widgets**
- **Krzysztof Sroka - Fluttering at 60 FPS - Flutter Warsaw #10**
- **Localisation in Flutter - Suesi Tran**
- **CI / CD in Flutter | Codemagic | Flutter Stream Day Season 1 | Martin Jeret**
- **Flutter, Why it's the Right Choice for Business - Ohio DevFest 2019 | Scott Stoll**
- **Muhammed Salih Güler: Making the most out of your Flutter development**
- **Simon Lightfoot: Declarative Navigation in Flutter [Flutter OnAir: Summer Talks
- **DC Flutter Jun, 2020: Firebase Cloud Functions | Andrea Bizzotto**
- **DC Flutter: Aug 2020: Full Stack Flutter Series: OAuth**
- **DC Flutter Feb, 2020: You say testing, I say Codemagic! | Jorge Coca && Felix Angelov**
- **Albertus Angga: Understanding Flex Layout in Flutter with Flutter Layout Explorer**
- **Taking Flight with VelocityX - Pawan Kumar (Flutter Week)**
- **An Inside Look at Flutter for Web, by Kevin Moore**
- **Rody Davis: Building Adaptive UI/UX in Flutter**
- **Katarina Sheremet: The sharp Corners of BLoC**
- **Drinking the Flutter Coolaid - Simon Lightfoot**
- **[Webinar
- **The Flutter Team - Flutter Live - Flutter Announcements and Updates**
- **Filip Hráček, Jose Alba Aguado, Simon Lightfoot: Q&A [Flutter OnAir: Summer Talks
- **The Flutter Team - Flutter Live - Flutter Announcements and Updates**
- **Muhammed Salih Güler - Animations in Flutter**
- **Rémi Rousselet - The real reasons why you should care about Provider**
- **Rémi Rousselet - Widget Boilerplate Considered Harmful**
- **Emily Fortuna and Lara Martin - Flutter: Mobile Development for Busy People**
- **Frederik Schweiger - Meaningful Motion**
- **Brian Egan - Learn Scoped Model by building Scoped Model**
- **Didier Boelens - BLoC pattern - Practical Use Cases**
- **Pavan Podila - Port of MobX to Dart & Flutter**
- **Andri Jasinski - CI as Smooth as Flutter**
- **Nic Ford & Steve Alexander - Flutter: An Approach to Architecture**
- **Simon Lightfoot - Flutter for the Discerning Android Developer**
- **Flutter Platform Channels @ Cross-platformxWRO #3 Meetup | Krzysztof Sroka**
- **Rona Kilmer: Flutter for Web and Other News in the Flutter and Dart Ecosystem**
- **Maksim Lin - Real world Flutter**
- **Become a Pro Flutter Developer | Pawan Kumar & Sayak Paul | DevFest Kolkata 2019**
- **Amr Yousef: Implementing Clean Architecture in Flutter using BLoC**
- **Tomek Polanski, "True Effort Reusability" - FlutterLDN Meetup May 2019**
- **Pavan Podila - Port of MobX to Dart & Flutter**
- **Matt Sullivan - Flutter in Action**
- **Brian Egan & Filip Hracek - Practical Rx with Flutter**
- **Nitya Narasimhan - Get Animated with Flutter!**
- **Emily Fortuna & Emily Shack - Total mobile development made fun with Flutter and Firebase**
- **Scott Stoll & Simon Lightfoot - Flutter: 60 frames of AOT Badassery**
- **Filip Hracek & Matt Sullivan - Build reactive mobile apps with Flutter**
- **Brian Egan - Keep it Simple, State: Architecture for Flutter Apps**
- **Faisal Abid - From Zero to One – Building a real world Flutter Application**
- **Eugenio Marletti & Sebastiano Poggi - Portable Material: Flutter physical models**
- **Thomas Burkhart - Flutter and RxVMS pattern**
- **Andrea Bizzotto - Flutter State Management**
- **Pascal Welsch - Heavy lift work in Flutter get started with Isolates**
- **Michael Thomsen - A fresh perspective on multi-platform UI**
- **Rafal Wachol - built_value & built_collection**
- **Scott Stoll & Simon Lightfoot - Flutter Makes Wicked Animations Easy!**
- **Iiro Krankka - Flutter Best of Both Worlds**
- **Swav Kulinski - Flutter CI**
- **Ifeoma Okereke - Flutter + ML Kit: Building smart cross-platform apps**
- **Muhammed Salih Güler - Animations in Flutter**
- **Paulina Szklarska — Flutter — how to make a beautiful app in an hour?**
- **Lessons Learned from Writing Flutter Apps - Matt Sullivan - Flutter LDN**
- **#DevFestAhm - Reactive Architecture for Flutter by Burhanuddin Rashid - GDG Ahmedabad DevFest 2018**
- **DartConf 2018: Day 1 Livestream**
- **Matt Sullivan - Flutter in Action**
- **Brian Egan & Filip Hracek - Practical Rx with Flutter**
- **Nitya Narasimhan - Get Animated with Flutter!**
- **Emily Fortuna & Emily Shack - Total mobile development made fun with Flutter and Firebase**
- **Filip Hracek & Matt Sullivan - Build reactive mobile apps with Flutter**
- **Brian Egan - Keep it Simple, State: Architecture for Flutter Apps**
- **Faisal Abid - From Zero to One – Building a real world Flutter Application**
- **Eugenio Marletti & Sebastiano Poggi - Portable Material: Flutter physical models**
- **Pascal Welsch - Heavy lift work in Flutter get started with Isolates**
- **Michael Thomsen - A fresh perspective on multi-platform UI**
- **Ifeoma Okereke - Flutter + ML Kit: Building smart cross-platform apps**
- **Muhammed Salih Güler - Animations in Flutter**
- **Paulina Szklarska — Flutter — how to make a beautiful app in an hour?**
- **Eugenio Marletti & Sebastiano Poggi - A new hope**
- **David DeRemer & Seth Ladd - In Record Time: How we Quickly Built a Serverless app with Firebase and Flutter**
- **Emily Fortuna & Emily Shack - Single Codebase, Two Apps with Flutter and Firebase**
- **Eric Seidel - Flutter: How we're building a UI framework for tomorrow at Google**
- **Gavin Doughtie - Architecting the Reactive Flutter App**
- **Fiona Yeung and David Yang - Prototyping to Production: Bridging the Gap with a Common Tool**
- **Kasper Lund - Flutter: The Best Way to Build for Mobile?**
- **Sergi Martinez - What is Flutter and why should I care**
- **Wm Leler - What's Awesome about Flutter**
- **Roberto Orgiu - How I met Flutter**
- **Tim Messerschmidt - Hands on Flutter**
- **David DeRemer & Seth Ladd - In Record Time: How we Quickly Built a Serverless app with Firebase and Flutter**
- **Emily Fortuna & Emily Shack - Single Codebase, Two Apps with Flutter and Firebase**
- **Eric Seidel - Flutter: How we're building a UI framework for tomorrow at Google**
- **Gavin Doughtie - Architecting the Reactive Flutter App**
- **Fiona Yeung and David Yang - Prototyping to Production: Bridging the Gap with a Common Tool**
- **Kasper Lund - Flutter: The Best Way to Build for Mobile?**
- **Sergi Martinez - What is Flutter and why should I care**
- **Wm Leler - What's Awesome about Flutter**
- **Roberto Orgiu - How I met Flutter**
- **Tim Messerschmidt - Hands on Flutter**
- **Adam Barth - Flutter's Rendering Pipeline**
- **Ian Hickson - The Mahogany Staircase - Flutter's Layered Design**
- **Vyacheslav Egorov & Florian Schneider - AOT compiling Dart for iOS Android**
- **Eric Seidel - Keynote: Flutter**
- **Adam Barth - Flutter's Rendering Pipeline**
- **Ian Hickson - The Mahogany Staircase - Flutter's Layered Design**
- **Vyacheslav Egorov & Florian Schneider - AOT compiling Dart for iOS Android**
- **Eric Seidel - Keynote: Flutter**