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A curated list of multi party computation resources and links.
Last synced: 3 days ago
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- A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation - A broad introduction to the field of secure multi-party computation, covering both the fundamental constructions and many of the recent improvements. The book emphazises the intuition and ideas behind the protocols rather than rigorous proofs.
- Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation - Collection of MPC protocols for several real-world tasks such as statistics.
- Secure Multiparty Computation and Secret Sharing - Comprehensive treatment of unconditionally secure techniques for multiparty computation (MPC) and secret sharing.
- Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols - Comprehensive study of efficient protocols and techniques for secure two-party computation – both general constructions that can be used to securely compute any functionality, and protocols for specific problems of interest.
- Cryptographic Computing Course - Course on MPC, Homomorphic Encryption and related topics given by Claudio Orlandi at Aarhus University.
- FHE-MPC Advanced Grad Course - 'Informal grad course' in FHE and MPC.
- Secure Computation - Secure Computation course offered by Indian Institute of Science covering secret sharing schemes, oblivious transfer to impossiblity results and zero-knowledge proofs.
- Secure Multi-Party Computation at Scale - Boston University course that covers mathematical and algorithmic foundations of MPC, with an additional focus on deployment of state-of-the-art MPC technologies.
- FHE-MPC Advanced Grad Course - 'Informal grad course' in FHE and MPC.
- Getting Started with MPC - Light compilation of basic resources for getting started in MPC study and research.
- How To Simulate It - A Tutorial on the Simulation Proof Technique.
- OSU Bibliography - An Annotated Bibliography of Practical Secure Computation.
- UC Security - Video lectures on UC security delivered by Ran Canetti.
- Getting Started with MPC - Light compilation of basic resources for getting started in MPC study and research.
- ePrint papers - Frequently updated list of secure computation papers appearing on IACR eprint.
- Carbyne Stack - MPC cloud platform that combines state-of-the-art MPC with cloud-native technology like Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative to enable MPC deployments at scale.
- EMP-toolkit - 2PC and MPC with garbled circuits; secure against semi-honest adversaries (emp-sh2pc). There are also ones resistant against malicious parties (emp-[ag2pc|m2pc|agmpc]) | eprint: [2017/189](, [2016/762](, [2017/030](
- FRESCO - MPC supporting TinyTables or SPDZ protocols; secure against semi-honest or malicious adversaries. | [Practice'15](
- MPyC - BGW honest majority multi-party protocol; secure against semi-honest adversaries. | [TPMPC'18](
- Obliv-C - 2PC with garbled circuits; secure against semi-honest adversaries. | eprint: [2015/1153](
- Sharemind - 2PC or 3PC with secret sharing; secure against semi-honest adversaries. | [Cyber'13](
- TNO-MPC - Collection of MPC generic software components, procedures, functionalities, and solutions based on secret sharing and (partially) homomorphic encryption developed in Python and Go. | Blogs and principles: [TNO MPC Lab](
- ORAM (Obliv-C) - Oblivous RAM. | [S&P'16](
Retired software
- Frigate - C-style compiler for optimizing boolean circuits. | [Euro S&P'16](
- SCALE-MAMBA - General MPC with secret sharing; secure against various adversaries including malicious with a dishonest majority. Software closer to a production system. | documentation: [link](
- SPDZ - General MPC with secret sharing; secure against malicious adversaries | eprint: [2017/1230](
- VIFF - 3+PC with secret sharing; secure against semi-honest adveraries.
- Wysteria - Multparty computation with GMW, written in a functional PL; secure against semi-honest adversaries | [S&P'14](
- SCALE-MAMBA - General MPC with secret sharing; secure against various adversaries including malicious with a dishonest majority. Software closer to a production system. | documentation: [link](
Retired software
- IIT Bombay MPC school - Covers basic and advanced topics related to the theory of MPC aimed at CS students and researchers interested in cryptography.
- Securing Computation - Conducted at Simons institute for Theory of Computing.
- The 1st BIU Winter School - Introductory lectures for basic secure computation constructions.
- The 5th BIU Winter School - Tutorials and recent advances in secure computation delivered in video format.
- TPMPC - Yearly workshop that started in Aarhus 2012. It has now become one of the biggest workshops for MPC people.
- The 1st BIU Winter School - Introductory lectures for basic secure computation constructions.
- The 5th BIU Winter School - Tutorials and recent advances in secure computation delivered in video format.
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