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A list of history's greatest software engineers and tech pioneers

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  • Programming Languages

    • Development Frameworks

      • Rasmus Lerdorf - side scripting language [PHP]( primarily used for web development.
      • Alan J. Perlis - creator [ALGOL]( programming language andhelped standardize education of computer science and programming language design.
      • Chris Lattner - end compiler and the [Swift]( programming language.
      • Kristen Nygaard - inventor of [Simula]( which introduced the formal concept of [object-oriented programming]( paradigm.
      • Ole-Johan Dahl - inventor of [Simula]( which introduced the formal concept of [object-oriented programming]( paradigm.
      • Alain Colmerauer
      • James Gosling
      • Niklaus Wirth
      • Konrad Zuse - level programming language [Plankalkül]( originally created for his original and world's first programmable computer, the [Z3](
      • Bjarne Stroustrup
      • Larry Wall
      • Don Syme
      • Anders Hejlsberg
      • Joe Armstrong
      • Alan Cooper - friendly programming language for Microsoft applications.
      • John G. Kemeny - creator of the [Basic]( Programming Language.
      • Thomas E. Kurtz - creator of the [Basic]( Programming Language.
      • Brad Cox - creator of [Objective-C]( Programming Language
      • Brendan Eich
      • Guido van Rossum
      • Grady Booch - creator of the [Unified Modeling Language (UML)]( popularly used to provide a standard visual notation for system designs.
      • James Rumbaugh - creator of the [Unified Modeling Language (UML)]( popularly used to provide a standard visual notation for system designs.
      • Kevin Hammond - creator of the specifications for [Haskell]( programming language, and the co-creator of [GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler)](
      • Simon Peyton Jones - creator of the specifications for [Haskell]( programming language, and the co-creator of [GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler)](
      • Rich Hickey
      • Cynthia Solomon - creator of the [Logo]( educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a [turtle]( robot.
      • Jean Ichbiah
      • Kenneth E. Iverson - dimensional_arrays) and contributing to the development of the functional programming paradigm.
      • Yukihiro Matsumoto - oriented programming language.
      • Bertrand Meyer
      • Martin Odersky - oriented programming language for the [Java virtual machine](
      • Xavier Leroy - creator of the [OCaml]( programming language that has functional and object oriented properties to its design.
      • Graydon Hoare - level systems programming language.
      • Jeremy Ashkenas
      • Jeff Bezanson - creator of the [Julia]( dynamic programming language designed for high performance scientific computing.
      • Stefan Karpinski - creator of the [Julia]( dynamic programming language designed for high performance scientific computing.
      • Viral B. Shah - creator of the [Julia]( dynamic programming language designed for high performance scientific computing.
      • Alan Edelman - creator of the [Julia]( dynamic programming language designed for high performance scientific computing.
      • Ary Borenszweig - creator of the statically type, object oriented programming language [Crystal]( inspired by Ruby's syntax and C's compilation.
      • Juan Wajnerman - creator of the statically type, object oriented programming language [Crystal]( inspired by Ruby's syntax and C's compilation.
      • Andrey Breslav - creator of the JVM run, statically typed programming language [Kotlin](
      • Slava Pestov - oriented]( programming language [Factor]( and a member of the core team for [Swift](
      • Arthur Whitney
      • John Ousterhout
      • Erik Meijer - creator of the specifications for [Haskell]( programming language.
      • Lars Bak
      • Jose Valim
      • Seymour Papert - creator of the [Logo]( educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a [turtle]( robot.
      • Wally Feurzeig - creator of the [Logo]( educational programming language often used to draw line graphics with a [turtle]( robot.
    • Theory

      • Maurice Wilkes
      • Peter Naur - creator of the influential programming language [Algol 60]( introducing nested function with lexical scope, and the co-creator of the [Backus-Naur form]( one of the main notation techniques for [context free grammars]( used to describe syntax of programming languages.
      • Jean-Yves Girard
      • John C. Reynolds
      • Barbara Liskov - creator of the important object-oriented subtyping definition [Liskov substitution principle]( and the co-creator of [CLU]( programming language that introduced key features like abstract data types, iterators and use of classes with constructors.
      • Robin Milner - safe exception handling, and the creator of concurrency theory [CCS (Calculus of communicating systems)](
      • Noam Chomsky
      • Seymour Ginsburg - free.
      • Herbert A. Simon
      • Allen Newell
      • Christopher Strachey - creator of [Denotational semantics or Scott–Strachey semantics]( formalizing the definitions of programming languages by creating mathematical denotations describing expressions from the language.
    • Compilers

      • Grace Hopper - 0 System](, often considered as the first [compiler]( but functioned as a [loader]( for [Assembly]( resulting to the development of higher level programming languages like [COBOL](
      • John Backus - creator of the first high-level compiled programming language [FORTRAN]( and its compiler, often credited as being the first [optimizing compiler]( and fully complete compiler.
      • Frances E. Allen - author of the paper "A Catalog of Optimizing Transformations" which is one of the main analysis strategies used in optimizing compilers.
      • Lois Haibt - creator of the first high-level compiled programming language [FORTRAN]( and its compiler.
      • Alon Zakai
      • Nathaniel Rochester - produced computer that he also created, the [IBM 701](
  • Databases

    • Edgar F. Codd - creator of System R, the first implementation of the [SQL]( database query language.
    • Charles W. Bachman - list data storage database [Integrated Data Store](, known to be one of the first database management systems and he is the organizer of the group [CODASYL](
    • Donald D. Chamberlin - creator of the most popular database query language, [SQL](
    • Raymond F. Boyce - creator of the most popular database query language, [SQL](
    • Sanjay Ghemawat - author of the seminal paper of "big data" storage [BigTable](, the co-developer of the [BigTable]( system, the co-author of the important paper for the "big data" operational model [MapReduce](, the co-author of the large cluster data system [Google File System]( and the co-author of the paper for a highly distributed database [Spanner](
    • Michael Stonebraker
    • Werner Vogels - creator of the [Dynamo]( storage system which has played an [influential role]( in the modern design of highly scalable databases.
    • Jim Gray
    • Andreas Reuter
    • Theo Härder
    • Phil Bernstein
    • Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez) - value database
    • Prashant Malik - creator of the [Cassandra]( distributed database system
    • Peter Chen
    • T. William Olle
    • C.Wayne Ratliff
    • Malcolm Atkinson - Oriented Database Manifesto.
    • Dwight Merriman - oriented database system [Mongodb](
    • Shay Banon - text search engine database [Elasticsearch](
    • Yonik Seeley - text search engine database [Solr](
    • Joydeep Sen Sarma - creator of the Hadoop based data warehouse framework [Hive](
    • Brad Fitzpatrick
    • Andy Gross - creator of the highly scalable key-value database [Riak](
    • Damien Katz - oriented database [CouchDB](
    • Luca Garulli - creator of the multi-model NoSQL database [OrientDB](
    • Andrey Lomakin - creator of the multi-model NoSQL database [OrientDB](
    • Emil Eifrem - creator of the graph database [Neo4j](
    • Johan Svensson - creator of the graph database [Neo4j](
    • Matthias Broecheler
    • Avinash Lakshman - creator of the [Cassandra]( distributed database system
    • Ashish Thusoo - creator of the Hadoop based data warehouse framework [Hive](
    • Sanjay Ghemawat - author of the seminal paper of "big data" storage [BigTable](, the co-developer of the [BigTable]( system, the co-author of the important paper for the "big data" operational model [MapReduce](, the co-author of the large cluster data system [Google File System]( and the co-author of the paper for a highly distributed database [Spanner](
    • Doug Cutting - creator of the BigTable inspired, de-facto "big data" distributed file system and processing framework [Hadoop](
    • Mike Cafarella - creator of the BigTable inspired, de-facto "big data" distributed file system and processing framework [Hadoop](
    • Jeff Dean - author of the seminal paper of "big data" storage [BigTable](, the co-developer of the [BigTable]( system, the co-author of the important paper for the "big data" operational model [MapReduce]( and the co-author of the paper for a highly distributed database [Spanner](
  • Miscellaneous

  • Analysis / Verification

    • Compilers

      • Tony Hoare
      • James H. Wilkinson - speed digital computer with numerical analysis and the developer of the "backward" [error analysis]( for algorithms.
      • Amir Pnueli
      • Edmund Melson Clarke - creator of the field for [Model-checking]( that introduced a machine executed system of [temporal logic]( to verify the computer program's correctness, and the co-creator of a system that represents state spaces during model checking runtime called [symbolic model checking](
      • E. Allen Emerson - creator of the field for [Model-checking]( that introduced a machine executed system of [temporal logic]( to verify the computer program's correctness.
      • Joseph Sifakis - creator of the field for [Model-checking]( that introduced a machine executed system of [temporal logic]( to verify the computer program's correctness.
  • Algorithms / Datatypes

      • Stephen Cook - time reduction](, [NP-completeness]( and [propositional proof system](, all making significant contributions to algorithmic complexity.
      • Robert Tarjan - line lowest common ancestors algorithm](, the publisher of [Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm](, the co-author of the [Hopcroft-Tarjan Planarity Algorithm](, the creator of the [Fibonacci heap]( data structure and co-created the [splay tree]( data structure.
      • Juris Hartmanis - author of an influential paper that establishes the foundations for the field of [computational complexity theory]( and introduced [time complexity classes]( quantifying the efficiency of an algorithm.
      • Richard E. Stearns - author of an influential paper that establishes the foundations for the field of [computational complexity theory]( and introduced [time complexity classes]( quantifying the efficiency of an algorithm.
      • Geoffrey Hinton - layer neural networks influencing the deep learning community.
      • Leslie G. Valiant - P-complete]( definition in complexity theory.
      • Jon Bentley - d tree]( space-partitioning data structure widely used for searching with multidimensional keys, and the creator of the [Bentley–Ottmann algorithm](
      • Ray Solomonoff
      • John Von Neumann
      • Edsger W. Dijkstra - yard algorithm](
      • Donald E. Knuth - bendix completion algorithm.
      • David Wheeler - creator of the efficient string compression algorithm [Burrows–Wheeler transform](
      • Richard M. Karp - creator of the [Edmonds-Karp algorithm]( for efficiently computing a networks [maximum flow](, the author of proof for [21 NP-complete problems](, the co-publisher of the [Hopcroft–Karp algorithm]( for finding maximum cardinality [matchings](, the co-creator of the [Rabin–Karp algorithm]( for string searching, and co-publisher of the [Karp–Lipton theorem](
      • Chi-Chih Andrew Yao - author of [Dolev–Yao model](, the author of important rules for [Pseudorandom number generators](, the author of the paper "On the security of public key protocols", the author of [Yao's Millionaires' Problem]( and the author of the XOR-lemma technique.
    • Cryptography

      • Manuel Blum - creator of cryptography applications like the [Blum Blum Shub]( and the [Blum–Goldwasser cryptosystem]( The co-creator of the CAPTCHA originally served as a benchmark turing task.
      • Ron Rivest - creator of one of the first and most widely used practical public-key cryptosystems [RSA](, the creator of the symmetric key encryption algorithms (RC2, RC4, RC5), and the creator of hash functions MD2, MD4, [MD5]( and MD6.
      • Leonard Adleman - creator of one of the first and most widely used practical public-key cryptosystems [RSA](, and the author of the influential paper "Molecular Computation of Solutions To Combinatorial Problems" which introduced the concept of using DNA as a computational system.
      • Whitfield Diffie - author of important cryptography paper "New Directions in Cryptography" introducing the [Diffie–Hellman key exchange](, one-way encoding functions using a public-key, which later inspired the practical implementation of [RSA](
      • Martin Hellman - author of important cryptography paper "New Directions in Cryptography" introducing the [Diffie–Hellman key exchange](, one-way encoding functions using a public-key, which later inspired the practical implementation of [RSA](
      • Shafi Goldwasser - creator of encryption algorithm [Blum–Goldwasser cryptosystem]( which unlike RSA has been mathematically proven to be as hard to break as factoring, the co-creator of encryption algorithm [Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem]( considered to be the first probabilistic public-key encryption scheme, the co-author of [Zero-knowledge proof]( in the paper "The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems", and the co-definer of for proper constructions of [Pseudorandom function family](
      • Silvio Micali - creator of encryption algorithm [Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem]( considered to be the first probabilistic public-key encryption scheme, the co-author of [Zero-knowledge proof]( in the paper "The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems", and the co-definer of for proper constructions of [Pseudorandom function family](
      • Adi Shamir - creator of one of the first and most widely used practical public-key cryptosystems [RSA](, the co-creator of [Feige–Fiat–Shamir identification scheme]( a type of [zero-knowledge proof](, the creator of [Shamir's Secret Sharing]( algorithm, the co-creator of most well-known visual cryptography technique [(2, N) Visual Cryptography Sharing Case](, and co-discovered [Differential cryptanalysis](
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • Cryptography

      • Marvin Minsky - founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI laboratory
      • Herbert Gelernter - author of the paper "Intelligent Behavior in Problem-Solving Machines" to describe a theorem prover in geometry to exhibit intelligent behavior in machines.
      • Oliver Selfridge - oriented_programming) paradigm.
      • Margaret Masterman - creator of semantic nets for machine translation pioneering the field of computational linguistics.
      • Edward Feigenbaum
      • Leonard Uhr - author of significantly valuable paper "A Pattern Recognition Program That Generates, Evaluates, and Adjusts Its Own Operators" describing one of the first machine learning programs.
      • Raj Reddy - creator of early robotic systems like the Hearsay 1 that demonstrated advanced language speaking, and co-creator of many innovative artificial intelligence systems like the "blackboard model".
      • Richard Greenblatt - playing program which became the first to win against a human opponent in tournament play.
      • Frank Rosenblatt
      • Joel Moses - creator of the [Macsyma]( computer algebra system that demonstrated the use of symbolic reasoning for integration problems and became the first successful knowledge-based mathematical program.
      • Roger Schank - based reasoning)](
      • Yorick Wilks
      • Jaime Carbonell
      • Feng-hsiung Hsu
      • Andrew Ng - founder of [Google Brain]( research project where one of the first applications of the deep learning model was applied and the co-developer of [Robot Operating System](
      • Judea Pearl
      • Jacek Karpiński - creator of one of the first machine learning algorithms for character and image recognition.
      • Arthur Samuel - learning program in artificial intelligence [Samuel Checkers](
      • Cliff Shaw - creator of two of the earliest Artificial Intelligence programs, the [Logic Theorist]( developed to imitate the problem solving skills of humans and the [ General Problem Solver ](
  • Tools

    • Cryptography

      • Marc Andreessen - creator of the first widely used modern web browser [Mosaic]( popularizing the world wide web.
      • Robert McCool
      • Charles Thacker - creator of the laser printer software and the first Ethernet for the first personal computer [Xerox Alto](
      • Bill Joy - line interpreter, one of the earliest developers of [BSD]( and co-creator of [NFS]( Version 2.
      • Matei Zaharia
      • Jason van Zyl
      • James Duncan Davidson
      • Stephen R. Bourne - line interpreter [Bourne Shell](
      • Ryan Dahl
      • Solomon Hykes
      • Igor Sysoev
      • Jamie Zawinski - source community, and one of the early developers of the [Netscape Navigator browser](
      • Daniel J. Bernstein
      • Robby Russell - my-zsh](
      • Cheng Zhao
      • Michael DeHaan
      • David Cournapeau - learn](
      • Max Howell
      • Mitchell Hashimoto
      • Yangqing Jia
      • Jon Skeet - creator of the popular data serializing tool [Protocol Buffers](
      • Brendan Burns - creator of container cluster management system [Kubernetes](, inspired by the Google Borg project.
      • Joe Beda - creator of container cluster management system [Kubernetes](, inspired by the Google Borg project.
      • Jonas Bonér
      • Jay Kreps - throughput message broker [Kafka](
      • Jun Rao - throughput message broker [Kafka](
      • Neha Narkhede - throughput message broker [Kafka](
      • Ben Reed - value store primarily used as Hadoop's configuration and synchronization service [Zookeeper](
      • Lars Rasmussen - creator of the original system for [Google Maps](
      • Jack Dongarra - creator of linear algebra tool [BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)](, the co-creator of the parallel computing message system [MPI (message passing interface)](, the creator of ranking system for powerful computers [TOP500]( and co-creator of linear algebra library [ATLAS](
      • Travis Oliphant
      • Wes McKinney
      • Bram Moolenaar
      • Michael Burrows - creator of the lock service for distributed systems [Chubby](
    • Operating Systems

    • Development Frameworks

      • Rod Johnson
      • David Heinemeier Hansson
      • Jordan Walke
      • Adrian Holovaty - creator of the [Django]( web framework.
      • Simon Willison - creator of the [Django]( web framework.
      • Mark Otto - creator of the front-end web framework [Twitter Bootstrap](
      • Jacob Thornton - creator of the front-end web framework [Twitter Bootstrap](
      • Mike Bostock
      • John Resig
      • Miško Hevery
      • Ben Christensen
      • Armin Ronacher
      • Geoff Schmidt - creator of popular JavaScript application development environment [meteor](
      • Guillermo Rauch - time JavaScript application framework [](
      • Guillaume Bort
      • Taylor Otwell
      • Yehuda Katz - creator of the JavaScript application development framework [Ember.js](, the creator of JavaScript templating tool [handlebars](, the co-creator of package management system for ruby [bundler](, and once a member of core development teams for "jQuery" and "Ruby on Rails".
      • Fabien Potencier
  • Computer Architecture / Theory

    • Compilers

      • Michael O. Rabin - creator of the [Nondeterministic finite automaton]( a kind of state machine that has several possible transitions out of each state.
      • Charles Babbage - purpose computer with the design of the [ Analytical Engine ]( and the creator for a prototype for a less powerful [ mechanical calculator ](
      • Ada Lovelace
      • J. C. R. Licklider - style interactive computing, and an early researcher at Arpanet for concepts of a connected network like the internet.
      • Stephen Cole Kleene
      • Per Brinch Hansen - createor of the synchronization construct for threads with mutex and blocking ability known as the [monitor](, the first to implement a remote procedure call, and the creator of the "Distributed Processes" language for distributed systems using RPC for external requests.
      • Gerard Salton
      • Sophie Wilson - creator of the [Acorn RISC Machine (ARM) architecture](, the most widely used model for modern smartphones, and the creator of the [BBC Basic]( language for the acorn systems.
      • Tommy Flowers
      • George Boole
      • Dana Scott - creator of the [Nondeterministic finite automaton]( a kind of state machine that has several possible transitions out of each state.
      • Margaret Hamilton - to-end testing.
      • Herman Hollerith - card]( [Tabulating machine]( sparking the era of automatic data processing systems.
      • Joseph Marie Jacquard
      • Nikolay Brusentsov - valued_logic) called the [Seturn](
      • Vannevar Bush
      • Paul Baran - creator of the packet switched computer network for an early prototype of internet technology at ARPANET.
      • Jean Bartik - developer of early "stored program" computers and considered to be one of the first computer programmers, using the ENIAC, a vacuum tube computer during a time when "programming" meant using cables, dials, and switches to physically rewire the machine.
      • Richard Hamming - detecting and error-correcting codes
      • Eric Brewer
      • John Atanasoff - Berry Computer)]( that was the first electronic digital computer.
      • John Cocke
      • Nathan Marz - processing [Lambda architecture]( designed to use stream-processing or batch processing to handle data at a large scale.
      • Alan Turing
      • Claude Shannon - flow graph](
      • John McCarthy - sharing]( for computers with multiprogramming.
      • Kurt Gödel - order predicate calculus.
      • Alonzo Church - taped Turing machines called [Lambda Calculus](, and the co-creator of the [Church–Turing thesis]( formalizing the definitions of computable functions.
      • Fernando J. Corbató - author of a paper that describes one of the earliest [time-sharing]( computer systems [CTSS (compatible time-sharing system)]( and the original creator of the influential time-sharing operating system [Multics]( which pioneered many concepts widely adopted by almost all operating systems like Unix.
  • Computer Graphics

    • Compilers

      • Alvy Ray Smith
      • Jim Blinn - ubiquitous rendering algorithms, including the [Blinn-Phong shading model](, [bump mapping](, and [environment mapping](
      • Douglas Engelbart
      • Larry Tesler - creator of the [Gypsy word processor]( with point and click ability, and the co-creator of "copy and paste" mechanism.
      • Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls Jr. - creator of [Bit blit]( data operations for computer graphics, and the [popup menu]( graphical mechanism.
      • David Canfield Smith
      • Bill Atkinson - creator of the GUI for the Apple Lisa, the creator of the original drawing software [MacPaint](, and the creator of the [QuickDraw]( graphics library.
      • John Carmack
      • William Fetter
      • Michael Abrash - creator of the video game and 3D rendering engine [Quake]( [Quake Engine](
      • Ivan Sutherland - time graphical user interface and foundation for modern [Computer-aided design]( and the creator of whats considered to be the first virtual reality head-mounted system [The Sword of Damocles](
      • Alan Kay
      • Pierre Bézier - aided_design#History), the creator of [Bézier curve]( and [Bézier surface]( 3D computer graphics concepts.
  • Protocols / Standards

    • Compilers

      • Vint Cerf - creator of the fundamental design principles for computer networking [Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)]( in a profound paper "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication" essentially outlining the architecture of the internet.
      • Robert E. Kahn - creator of the fundamental design principles for computer networking [Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)]( in a profound paper "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication" essentially outlining the architecture of the internet.
      • Leslie Lamport - facto framework for designing consensus and agreement in a distributed computing system, and the co-author of [Byzantine agreement]( protocol that handle and avoid failures in distributed algorithms.
      • Jeremie Miller
      • William Kahan - 1985]( which was the de-facto standard for implementation rules of floating points in software.
      • Tim Bray - author of the original [XML]( specification
      • Bram Cohen - to-peer BitTorrent protocol, and the first BitTorrent program.
      • Butler Lampson - phase commit protocol]( which coordinates the processes in a distributed atomic transaction on whether to commit or rollback the transaction.
      • Tim Berners-Lee
      • Rob Pike - designer of the character encoding standard [UTF-8](, capable of encoding all possible characters and is the most widely used encoding for HTML files.
      • Ken Thompson - designer of the character encoding standard [UTF-8](, capable of encoding all possible characters and is the most widely used encoding for HTML files.
  • Books / Papers

    • Compilers

      • Jeffrey Ullman
      • Alfred Aho
      • Steve McConnell
      • Fred Brooks - Month]( where [Brook's law]( was first coined.
      • Ralph Johnson - author of influential book [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](
      • Richard Helm - author of influential book [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](
      • John Vlissides - author of influential book [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](
      • Hal Abelson - author of [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs]( also known as the "wizard book" that helped teach the principles of programming.
      • Thomas H. Cormen - author of influential book [Introduction to Algorithms]( also known as "CLRS" now considered to be the standard reference for algorithms.
      • Clifford Stein - author of influential book [Introduction to Algorithms]( also known as "CLRS" now considered to be the standard reference for algorithms.
      • Andy Hunt - author of software development book [The Pragmatic Programmer](, the co-author of many books in the "Pragmatic Bookshelf" series, and the co-author of "Programming Ruby".
      • Robert Cecil Martin
      • Scott Meyers
      • Martin Fowler - author along with Kent Beck of the book that popularized agile software development "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" and co-author of the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development".
      • Kent Beck - author of the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development" and "Extreme Programming Explained"
      • John Hopcroft - author of the influential books [Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation](,_Languages,_and_Computation) also known as [the Cinderella Book](,_Languages,_and_Computation), "Data Structures and Algorithms" and "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms".
      • Gerald Jay Sussman - author of [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs]( also known as the "wizard book" that helped teach the principles of programming.
      • Dave Thomas - author of software development book [The Pragmatic Programmer](, the co-author of many books in the "Pragmatic Bookshelf" series, and the co-author of "Programming Ruby".
      • Charles E. Leiserson - author of influential book [Introduction to Algorithms]( also known as "CLRS" now considered to be the standard reference for algorithms.
      • Alexander Stepanov
      • Erich Gamma - author of influential book [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](
      • Dennis Ritchie
  • Development Processes

    • Compilers

      • Ward Cunningham - creator of software development methodology [extreme programming]( to improve overall software quality.
      • Ivar Jacobson
  • Hardware