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A curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more
Last synced: about 1 hour ago
JSON representation
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with WebGL - Suitable for undergraduate students in computer science and engineering, for students in other disciplines who have good programming skills, and for professionals interested in computer animation and graphics using the latest version of WebGL.
- Professional WebGL Programming - Everything you need to know about developing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics with WebGL.
- Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL - Create high-performance, visually stunning 3D applications for the Web, using HTML5 and related technologies such as CSS3 and WebGL—the emerging web graphics standard.
- WebGL Beginner's guide - For JavaScript developer who wants to take the plunge into 3D web development via WebGL.
- WebGL Hotshot - For web designer looking to expand your knowledge of 3D graphics concepts and broaden your existing skill set.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- Book's Personal Site
- WebGL Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL - WebGL Programming Guide will help you get started quickly with interactive WebGL 3D programming, even if you have no prior knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript, 3D graphics, mathematics, or OpenGL.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Insights - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- Context Loss & Preloading - How to manage WebGL when you run into the dreaded context lost.
- WebGL Off the Main Thread - How to use Web Workers in WebGL.
- Optimizing Scenes for Better WebGL Performance - optimization techniques that proved to work well for creating WebGL-based interactives.
- First steps in WebGL - Learn what WebGL is and how it works by drawing a triangle.
Blog Series
- Codeflow - Many blogs on different tricks and techniques.
- Real-Time Rendering - This is the blog for the book _Real-Time Rendering_.
- WebGL Best Practices - Mozilla's offical set of best practices.
- WebGL Insights - This is the blog for the book _WebGL Insights_.
- WebGL Image Processing - Covers a range of _Image Processing_ algorithms in WebGL such as Color Correction, Blend Modes, Thresholding, Dithering, Convolution and Film Grain.
Bug Reporting
- Chrome Bug Report - Chrome related bugs
- Khronos Github Issue Page - Spec or Conformance related bugs
- Mozilla BugZilla - Firefox related bugs
- WebKit Bugzilla - Safari related bugs
GLSL Editors
- WebGL must conform to The OpenGL ES Shading Language, Version 1.00
- Official Specs for GLSL Version 1.00
- Official Specs for Open ES Version 2.0.25
- Fractal Lab - Online fractal explorer allowing you to explore 2D and 2D fractal.
- GLSLbin - Fragment shader sandbox supporting [glslify](
- Shader Toy - Most popular live editor for fragment shaders.
- ShaderFrog - WebGL Shader Editor and Composer.
- SHDR Editor - Live GLSL shader editor, viewer and validator.
- ShaderExpo - Dependency free shader editor featuring inline error logs, auto completions, models and textures loading.
- WebVR Community Group - Group who's goal is to help bring high-performance Virtual Reality to the open Web.
- WebGL Errata - Known bugs in graphics drivers affect the conformance suite, and consequently, portability of code.
- WebGL Extensions - List of extensions for WebGL
- WebGL Reference Card - WebGL 1.0 API Quick Reference Card for printing.
- WebGL Spec Sheet - All the detailed information about WebGL.
- List of Presentations - List presented by Khronos of various WebGL related presentations.
- Next-Generation 3D Graphics on the Web - Talk at Google I/O 19 from Ricardo Cabello (MrDoob).
- Spector.js - Agnostic JavaScript framework for exploring and troubleshooting your WebGL scenes.
- WebGL Report - Way to view the details of what your browser supports for WebGL.
- WebGL Support Stats - Interactive dashboard showing the support for WebGL features in different browsers and devices.
- Web Tracing Framework - Set of libraries, tools, and visualizers for the tracing and investigation of complex web applications.
- Spector.js Extension - Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL and WebGL2 scenes easily.
- Canvas Debugger - Quick tutorial how to use Firefox's developer tools to debug WebGL Shaders.
- Firefox Developer Tools - The official list of all of Firefox's debugger tools.
- Shader Editor - Quick tutorial how to use Firefox's developer tools to debug WebGL Shaders.
- Directional Shadow Mapping - Concepts behind real time directional light shadow mapping.
- Get Started Tutorial - Khronos' tutorial how to get up and running with WebGL.
- Getting Started with WebGL - Mozilla Foundation guide to getting started with WebGL.
- Learn WebGL - Tutorials Point set of article to get you familiar with WebGL terms.
- Learning WebGL - Tutorials from the author of _WebGL Up and Running_.
- Multitexturing using a Blendmap - How to use a blendmap to multitexture a terrain.
- Particle Effects via Billboards - Create particle effects by applying a technique called billboarding.
- The Book of Shaders - Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
- WebGL Academy - Simplified online IDE with automatic indentation, syntax highlighting for HTML, Javascript, GLSL and Python. You can run your code and download your projects.
- WebGL Fundamentals - Series of online tutorials with code samples and live demonstrations.
- WebGL Workshop - Interactive workshop to get you up and running with WebGL.
- An Introduction to WebGL Programming - 3 hour overview of WebGL by SIGGRAPH University.
- WebGL Tutorials - YouTube - Series of lecture style video tutorials from Indigo Code on YouTube.
Maps and Visualizations
- Cesium - Open-source library for world-class 3D globes and maps.
- - WebGL overlay suite for React providing a set of highly performant data visualization overlays.
- - WebGL2 powered framework for GPU-powered data visualization and computation.
- xeogl - Data-driven 3D visualization engine on WebGL.
- - WebGL overlay suite for React providing a set of highly performant data visualization overlays.
- Hologram - Desktop app that let you create and prototype WebVR in interactive way needing no previous coding knowledge.
- A-Frame - Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
- React 360 - Build VR websites and interactive 360 experiences with React.
- LÖVR - Simple framework for creating VR with Lua.
Compute (GPGPU)
- GammaCV - WebGL accelerated Computer Vision library for browser.
- GrimoireGL - Bridge between Web engineers and CG engineers.
- Babylon.js - Complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML5, WebGL and Web Audio.
- Blend4Web - Tool for interactive 3D visualization on the Internet.
- ClayGL - WebGL graphic Library for building scalable Web3D applications.
- CopperLicht - JavaScript library and WebGL 3D engine for creating games and 3D applications.
- GLGE - Javascript library intended to ease the use of WebGL.
- PlayCanvas - Game engine platform to build interactive experiences.
- Regl - Light declarative and stateless library, functional abstraction for WebGL.
- Scene.js - Extensible WebGL-based engine for high-detail 3D visualisation.
- Three.js - Aimed to create an easy to use, lightweight, 3D library.
- Verge3D - an artist-friendly toolkit for creating 3D web experiences.
- Whitestorm.js - Framework for developing 3D web apps with physics.
WebGL 2
- What's Coming in WebGL 2.0 - Look into the upcoming features of WebGL 2.
- WebGL 2 SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 - Presentation by Zhenyao Mo, Ken Russell of Google during SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.
- WebGL 2 Lands in Firefox - Information the support for WebGL 2 starting with Firefox 51.
- WebGL 2 Basics - Blog post about getting started with WebGL 2.
- WebGL 2 New Features - Blog post about whats new and cool in WebGl 2.
- WebGL 2 What's New - Look into the new features added in WebGL 2.
- WebGL 2 Spec Sheet (Editor Draft) - All the detailed information about WebGL 2.
- WebGL 2 Reference Card - WebGL 2.0 API Quick Reference Card for printing.
- WebGL 2 Compatible Chart - Chart to show current browsers supporting WebGL 2
- WebGL 2 Fundamentals - Series of online tutorials with code samples and live demonstrations.
- WebGL 2 Samples - Great source of many different WebGL 2 work with very good commenting.
- Fun with WebGL 2.0 - Video tutorial series on getting started with WebGL 2, still actively adding videos.
- WebGL 2.0 is Here: What You Need To Know - Khronos Webinar April 2017.
- Slides
Blog Series
- Mozilla VR Blog - WebVR focused blog from makers of Firefox.
- JanusVR - Webpages as collaborative 3D webspaces interconnected by portals.
- Browser Support - Shows support by browser, headset, and OS.
- Mozilla VR - Mozilla's official WebVR page.
- UX of VR - Curated list of resources to help create good UX in WebVR.
- How to read WebVR Specs
Related lists
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Programming Languages
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