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Presentations that programmers should watch
Last synced: 4 days ago
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- A Conversation with Linus Torvalds
- Building and Motivating Engineering Teams - by _Camille Fournier_
- Evolutionary Software Architectures - by _Neal Ford_
- Fork Yeah! The Rise and Development of illumos - by _Bryan Cantrill_
- Growing a Language
- How to Get a Job at the Big 4 - Amazon, Facebook, Google & Microsoft
- I See What You Mean - by _Peter Alvaro_
- I want you to contribute to open source
- It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech - by _Julie Pagano_
- Linux Kernel Development - by _Greg Kroah-Hartman_
- Moving Fast At Scale - by _Randy Shoup_
- Overkill - by _Katrina Owen_
- System We Love
- Systems programming as a swiss army knife - by _Julia Evans_
- The art of destroying software - by _Greg Young_
- The Future of Programming - by _Bob Martin_
- The Future of Programming - by _Bret Victor_
- The Mess We're In - by _Joe Armstrong_
- The Motivation for a Monolithic Codebase - by _Rachel Potvin_
- The Myth of the Genius Programmer - by _Brian Fitzpatrick & Ben Collins-Sussman_
- Thinking Above the Code - by _Leslie Lamport_
- You can be a kernel hacker! - by _Julia Evans_
Programming Language Principles
- Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices - by _Josh Evans_
- Deploying And Scaling Microservices - by _Sam Newman_
- Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way - by _Michael Bryzek_
- Globally scalable microservices with Container Engine & Cloud Load Balancing - by _Sandip Dinesh_
- Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices - by _Josh Evans_
- Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - by _R. Meshenberg_
- Principles Of Microservices - by _Sam Newman_
- The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices - by _Daniel Bryant_
- Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices - by _Josh Evans_
Programming Languages
- Phoenix after 100000 lines - by _Renan Ranelli_
- A GraphQL-on-Elixir Primer - by _Bruce Williams_
- A Practical Guide to Elixir Protocols - by _Kevin Rockwood_
- Building beautiful systems with Phoenix contexts - by _Andrew Hao_
- Building Umbrella Project - by _Wojtek Mach_
- Consistent, Distributed Elixir - by _Chris Keathley_
- Debugging Techniques in Elixir - by _Erich Kist_
- Dialyzer: Optimistic Type Checking for Erlang and Elixir - by _Jason Voegele_
- Docker and OTP Friends or Foes - by _Daniel Azuma_
- Don't Write Macros But Do Learn How They Work - by _Jesse Anderson_
- ElixirDaze 2018 Keynote - by _Rob Conery_
- Elixir by the Bellyful - by _Bryan Hunter_
- Elixir in Elixir - by _Jay Hayes_
- Elixir Native UI - by _Boyd Multerer_
- Elixir Power Tracing - by _Gabi Zuniga_
- GenStage in the Kitchen - by _Claudio Ortolina_
- Go vs Elixir: A concurrency comparison - by _Anna Neyzberg_ and _Hannah Howard_
- Let's Get Functional With Elixir! - by _Nate Taylor_
- Metaprogramming Elixir - by _Chris McCord_
- Micropatterns: Learning to Reach Quickly for the Right Tool - by _Cameron Price_
- OOP in Elixir - Lightning Talk - by _Wojtek Mach_
- Phoenix - Productive. Reliable. Fast - by _Chris McCord_
- Phoenix 1.3 - by _Chris McCord_
- Phoenix Is Not Your Application - by _Lance Halvorsen_
- Plugging the Security Holes in Your Phoenix Application - by _Griffin Byatt_
- Processing 2.7M Images with Elixir (vs Ruby) - by _David Padilla_
- QuickCheck for Elixir - Generate Tests Automatically - by _Thomas Arts_
- Releases and Elixir: Envisioning a more perfect union - by _Paul Schoenfelder_
- Securing Elixir Applications - by _Bram Verburg_ (Applies to Erlang as well in general)
- Taking Elixir to the Metal with Rust - by _Sonny Scroggin_
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected - by _Fred Hebert_
- The Joy of Connecting Elixir to the Physical World - by _Frank Hunleth_
- Thinking In Ecto - by _Darin Wilson_
- Well Behaved Native Implemented Functions for Elixir - by _Andrew Bennett_
- Writing an Editor in Elixir - by _Ian Duggan_
- Discovering Processes - by _Saša Jurić_
- High availability with Elixir and Erlang - by _Saša Jurić_
- Introducing HDD: Hughes Driven Development - by _José Valim_
- Profiling and Tracing for all with Xprof - by _Péter Gömöri_
- Solid Ground - by _Saša Jurić_
- The Feature That No One Knew About in Elixir 1.5 - by _José Valim_
- The Soul of Erlang and Elixir - by _Saša Juric_
- Introduction to Advanced Bash Usage - by _James Pannacciulli_
- The Functional Tao of Bash - by _Garrett Smith_
- C++ as a "Live at Head" Language - by _Titus Winters_
- CPU Caches and Why You Care - by _Scott Meyers_
- Data-Oriented Design and C++ - by _Mike Acton_
- 3.14 Things I Didn't Know About CSS - CSSconf EU 2014
- CSS for Software Engineers for CSS Developers - by _Harry Roberts_
- CSS Performance Tooling - by _Addy Osmani_
- Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind - by _Harry Roberts_
- Your CSS is a Mess - by _Jonathan Snook_
- Your Very Own Component Library - by _Alex Sexton_
- Demystifying Parsers - by _Tereza Sokol_
- 26 years with Erlang or How I got my grey hairs - by _Joe Armstrong_
- Erlang: Evolution - by _Robert Virding_
- Erlang Performance Lab - by _Michal Slaski_
- How We Program Multicores - by _Joe Armstrong_
- Scaling Distributed Erlang - by _Zandra Norman_
- Scaling Erlang cluster to 10,000 nodes - by _Maxim Fedorov_
- The Zen of Erlang - by _Fred Herbert_
- Understanding parser combinators: a deep dive - by _Scott Wlaschin_
- 7 common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them - by _Steve Francia_
- Concurrency Is Not Parallelism - by _Rob Pike_
- Crypto For Go Developers - by _George Tankersley_
- Do not fear first class functions - by _Dave Cheney_
- Go Proverbs - by _Rob Pike_
- "go test -race" Under the Hood - by _Kavya Joshi_
- How to write your own Go tool - by _Fatih Arslan_
- Inside the Map Implementation - by _Keith Randall_
- Program your next server in Go - by _Sameer Ajmani_
- Self Deploying Go Applications - by _Kelsey Hightower_
- Simplicity is Complicated - by _Rob Pike_
- Stupid Gopher Tricks - by _Andrew Gerrand_
- The Design of the Go Assembler - by _Rob Pike_
- The Scandalous Story of the Dreadful Code Written by the Best of Us - by _Katrina Owen_
- 10 Things I Regret About Node.js - by _Ryan Dahl_
- A Cartoon Intro to Fiber - by _Lin Clark_
- A Cartoon Intro to WebAssembly - by _Lin Clark_
- Benchmarking Javascript - by _Vyacheslav Egorov_
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! - by _Brian Lonsdorf_
- How to Build a Compiler - by _James Kyle_
- Immutable Data and React - by _Lee Byron_
- In The Loop - by _Jake Archibald_
- Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript
- Performance and benchmarking - by _Vyacheslav Egorov_
- Really. Javascript. - by _Douglas Crockford_
- RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing! - by _Jay Phelps_
- The myth of the "Real JavaScript Developer" - by _Brenna O'Brien_
- V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond - by _Seth Thompson_
- What the heck is the event loop anyway? - by _Philip Roberts_
- 25 Years of PHP - by _Rasmus Lerdorf_
- PHP in 2017 - by _Rasmus Lerdorf_
- 10 Tips for Pythonic Code - by _Michael Kennedy_
- A tale of concurrency through creativity in Python: a deep dive into how gevent works - by _Kavya Joshi_
- Beyond PEP 8 - Best practices for beautiful intelligible code - by _Raymond Hettinger_
- Builtin Superheroes - by _David Beazley_
- Crypto 101 - by _Laurens Van Houtven_
- Decorators: A Powerful Weapon in your Python Arsenal - by _Colton Myers_
- Fear and Awaiting in Async: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the Coroutine Dream - by _David Beazley_
- Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking - by _David Beazley_
- Modern Dictionaries - by _Raymond Hettinger_
- Modules and Packages: Live and Let Die! - by _David Beazley_
- Python asyncio - by _David Beazley_
- Python Concurrency From the Ground Up - by _David Beazley_
- Statistics for Hackers - by _Jake Vanderplas_
- Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python - by _Raymond Hettinger_
- Type Hints - by _Guido van Rossum_
- Understanding the Python GIL - by _David Beazley_
- What Does It Take To Be An Expert At Python? - by _James Powell_
- In Relentless Pursuit of REST - by _Derek Prior_
- Nothing is Something - RailsConf 2015
- Let's build a blockchain! — A mini-cryptocurrency in Ruby - by _Haseeb Qureshi_
- Let's build a blockchain! — A mini-cryptocurrency in Ruby - by _Haseeb Qureshi_
- Striving to Make Things Simple and Fast - by _Phil Bagwell_
Cloud Computing
Programming Language Principles
- Infrastructure as Code Might Literally Be Impossible - by _Joe Damato_
- 12-Factor Apps and the Hashistack - by _Kelsey Hightower_
- Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services - by _Jeff Dean_
- A Day in the Life of a Netflix Engineer - AWS re:Invent 2015 - by _Dave Hahn_
- Build user trust: running containers securely with Google Container Engine - by _Alex Mohr_ and _Jessie Frazelle_
- Building Software Systems At Google and Lessons Learned - by _Jeff Dean_
- Cluster Management at Google with Borg - by _John Wilkes_
- Container management and deployment: from development to production - by _Kelsey Hightower_
- Infrastructure as Code Might Literally Be Impossible Part Two - by _Joe Damato_
- Scaling at GitHub - by _Patrick Reynolds_
- Scaling Redis at Twitter - by _Yao Yu_
- Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users - by _Joel Williams_
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters - by _Joshua Bloch_
Artificial Intelligence
- Large-Scale Deep Learning with TensorFlow - by _Jeff Dean_
- Self-Driving Lessons from Comma AI - by _George Hotz_
- TensorFlow and Deep Learning without a PhD - by _Martin Gorner_
- TensorFlow and Deep Learning without a PhD, Part 2 - by _Martin Gorner_
Paradigms and Principles
Event-Driven Architecture
- Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what - by _Andrew Schofield_
- The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture - by _Martin Fowler_
- A Decade of DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing - by _Greg Young_
- CQRS and Event Sourcing - by _Greg Young_
- Scaling Event Sourcing for Netflix Downloads - by _Phillipa Avery_ and _Robert Reta_
- DDD, event sourcing and CQRS – theory and practice - by _Golo Roden_
Functional Programming
- Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP - by _Evan Czaplicki_
- Functional Programming Patterns for Mere Mortals - by _Daniel Chambers_
- Railway Oriented Programming - error handling in functional languages - by _Scott Wlaschin_
- Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? - by _Richard Feldman_
- Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? - by _Richard Feldman_
Programming Language Principles
- Clean Code - Uncle Bob - by _Robert Cecil Martin_
- Types, and why you should care - by _Yaron Minsky_
- Clean Code - Uncle Bob - by _Robert Cecil Martin_
Computer Security
Programming Language Principles
- Esoteric sub-domain enumeration techniques - by _Bharath Kumar_
- Knocking my neighbors kids cruddy drone offline - by _Michael Robinson_
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English) - by _Nate Barbettini_
- Pwned By the owner: What happens when you steal a hackers computer - Defcon 18 - by _Zoz_
Programming Language Principles
- Ethereum in 25 Minutes, Version MMXVII - by _Vitalik Buterin_
- Ethereum in 25 Minutes, Version MMXVII - by _Vitalik Buterin_
Database Systems
Programming Language Principles
- Efficient Time Series with PostgreSQL - by _Steve Simpson_
- Modern SQL in PostgreSQL - by _Markus Winand_
- PostgreSQL + ZFS: Best Practices and Standard Procedures - by _Sean Chittenden_
- Things every developer absolutely, positively needs to know about database indexing - by _Kai Sassnowski_
- Transactions: myths, surprises and opportunities - by _Martin Kleppmann_
- Tuning PostgreSQL for High Write Workloads - by _Grant McAlister_
Programming Language Principles
- How Netflix Thinks of DevOps - by _Dave Hahn_
- Modern Continuous Delivery - by _Ken Mugrage_
- Tracing, Fast and Slow: Digging into & improving your web service’s performance - by _Lynn Root_
Distributed Systems
Programming Language Principles
- Applying the Saga Pattern - by _Caitie McCaffrey_
- A Brief History of Distributed Programming - by _Christopher Meiklejohn, Caitie McCaffrey_
- A Tour Through the Distributed System Zoo - by _Mariano Guerra_
- Conflict Resolution for Eventual Consistency - by _Martin Kleppmann_
- CRDTs and the Quest for Distributed Consistency - by _Martin Kleppmann_
- Distribution, Scale and Flexibility with ZeroMQ - by _Pieter Hintjens_
- Everything Will Flow - by _Zach Tellman_
- Jepsen 9: A Fsyncing Feeling - by _Kyle Kingsbury_
- Practical Load Balancing with Consistent Hashing - by _Andrew Rodland_
- The Anatomy of a Distributed System - by _Tyler McMullen_
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Distributed Systems - by _Alvaro Videla_
Operating Systems
- Early days of Unix and design of sh - by _Stephen R. Bourne_
- Unix Architecture Evolution from the 1970 PDP-7 to the 2018 FreeBSD Important Milestones and Lesson - by _Diomidis Spinellis_
Software Testing & Automation
- Integrated Tests Are A Scam - by _J.B. Rainsberger_
- Modern Web Testing and Automation with Puppeteer - by _Andrey Lushnikov and Joel Einbinder_
- The Magic Tricks of Testing - by _Sandi Metz_
Fun to Watch
- Best Practices for Software Development - by _Chet Haase_
- Computers are a sadness, I am the cure
- Developer Stand up Comedy - by _Scott Hanselman_
- If you wish to learn ES6/2015 from scratch, you must first invent the universe - by _Ashley Williams_
- Life As A Developer: My Code Does Not Work Because I Am A Victim Of Complex Societal Factors That Are Beyond My Control - by _James Mickens_
- Life is Terrible: Lets Talk About The Web - by _James Mickens_
- Not Even Close: The State of Computer Security - by _James Mickens_
- Perfectly Executing The Wrong Plan - by _Tomer Sharon_
- Single Point of Failure: The (Fictional) Day Google Forgot To Check Passwords - by _Tom Scott_
- Tail Call Optimization: The Musical!! - by _Anjana Vakil & Natalia Margolis_
- The Birth & Death of Javascript - by _Gary Bernhardt_
- The Social Coding Contract - by _Justin Searls_
- The Worst Programming Language
- Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler - by _Scott Hanselman_
- WAT - by _Gary Bernhardt_
- What Is Open Source & Why Do I Feel So Guilty? - by _Jacob Thornton_
- WTFJS - by _Brian Leroux_
- Programming is terrible — Lessons learned from a life wasted. - by _Thomas Figg_
- It Was Never Going to Work, So Let’s Have Some Tea - by _James Mickens_
IDEs and Editors
- 7 Habits For Effective Text Editing - by _Bram Moolenaar_
- How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim) - by _Max Cantor_
- Learning Vim in a Week - by _Mike Coutermarsh_
- Mastering the Vim Language - by _Chris Toomey_
- More Instantly Better Vim - by _Damian Conway_
- Precision Editing at the Speed of Thought - by _Drew Neil_
- Going Mouseless with Vim, Tmux, and Hotkeys - by _Leeren Chang_
- vim + tmux - by _Nick Nisi_
- Xi: an editor for the next 20 years - by _Raph Levien_
Version Control
- Dissecting Git's Guts - by _Emily Xie_
- Git - by _Linus Torvalds_