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A list of useful articles and videos generated from my Instapaper archived list on Software Design, Testing, Public Speaking, etc.
Last synced: 4 days ago
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Arlo Belshee
- The Core 6 Refactorings
- Naming is a Process, part 1: Good naming is a process, not a single step
- Naming is a Process, part 2: Missing to Nonsense
- Naming is a Process, part 3: Nonsense to Honest
- Naming is a Process, part 4: Honest to Honest and Complete
- Naming is a Process, part 5: Honest and Complete to Does the Right Thing
- Naming is a Process, part 6: Does the Right Thing to Intent
- Naming is a Process, part 7: Intent to Domain Abstraction
- New code is legacy code
- The Core 6 Refactorings
- WET: When DRY Doesn’t Apply
- We are not fucking competent
Aaron Patterson
- Double Dream Hands: So Intense!
- How Are Method Calls Formed?
- I am a puts debuggerer
- Inside Ruby's VM: The TMI Edition
- OMG Ruby and Rails Performance
- RailsConf 2013 - Closing Keynote
- RailsConf 2014 - Closing Keynote
- RailsConf 2015 - Keynote
- RailsConf 2016 - Opening Day 3 Keynote
- Request and Response
- Taking Out The Trash
- Yak Shaving is Best Shaving
Adrian Cockcroft
Alan Kay
Alistair Cockburn
Allen Holub
Awelon Blue
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Acyclic Dependencies Principle
- Code Smell
- Common Closure Principle
- Common Reuse Principle
- Coupling And Cohesion
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- Encapsulation Is Not Information Hiding
- Expression Problem
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Law Of Demeter
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Open Closed Principle
- Reuse Release Equivalence Principle
- Stable Abstractions Principle
- Stable Dependencies Principle
- Unix Way
Corey Haines
Extreme Programming
Fabien Potencier
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 01
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 02
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 06
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 03
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 04
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 05
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 07
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 08
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 09
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 10
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 11
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components Part 12
Gary Bernhardt
Greg Young
Guy Steele
Is TDD dead?
J. B. Rainsberger
- 10 Ways to Kill Your Design
- Beyond Mock Objects
- Clearing Up the Integrated Tests Scam
- Injecting dependencies doesn't have to hurt
- Integrated Tests Are A Scam
- Primitive Obsession Obsession
- Surely the Mars rover needed integrated tests! (Maybe not?)
- What your tests don't need to know will hurt you
- 7 minutes, 26 seconds
- A Model for Improving Names
- A Real-Life Contract Test
- Beyond Mock Objects
- Tests Don't Have Special Permission To Repeat Themselves
- The Four Elements of Simple Design
- The Next Decade on Vimeo
- What your tests don't need to know will hurt you
Dan Abramov
Dave Thomas
Francesco Fullone
Gabriele Lana
Jim Weirich
Kent Beck
- Fresh Work: 80/15/5
- How to Get a Paper Accepted at OOPSLA
- Managing By The 'Book
- My Convex Career
- Accelerating Upside: Convexity in Software Development
- Creating JUnit
- Extreme Programming 20 years later
- Half-done Versus Fake: The Intermediate Result/Mock Tradeoff
- Rapid Release Cycles for Convex and Concave Projects
- Paint Drip People
- RailsConf 2015 - Closing Keynote
- Responsive Design
- The Product Development Triathlon
- The Return of the Waterfall
- You Always Tell Stories to a Five-Year-Old and Other Lessons from a Storyteller
Martin Fowler
- Data Clump
- Data Transfer Object
- Explaining Agile
- AbundantMutation
- AccessModifier
- Anemic Domain Model
- AntiPattern
- Boiled carrot
- Born for it
- CommandQuerySeparation
- Transaction Script
- FlaccidScrum
- FoundationFramework
- FrameworkBuilding
- Getter Eradicator
- HarvestedFramework
- ImmutableServer
- InMemoryTestDatabase
- Infrastructure As Code
- Inversion Of Control
- Is Design Dead?
- ListAndHash
- Making Architecture Matter
- Microservices Video
- Not Just Code Monkeys
- ObjectMother
- ObservedRequirement
- Passive View
- Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations
- ReportingDatabase
- SacrificialArchitecture
- ServiceOrientedAmbiguity
- Strangler Application
- Test Coverage
- TestDouble
- Testing Resource Pools
- Transaction Script
- UserStory
- We cannot measure productivity
- What is failure
- Workflows of Refactoring
- Yagni
- with Molly Dishman - Agile Architecture
Jacopo Romei
Jez Humble
Katrina Owen
Lee Byron
Luca Minudel
Matt Wynne
Not Categorized
- Edward Kmett - Stop Treading Water: Learning to Learn
- Emily Bache - As a Professional Programmer, how do you learn new skills?
- Adam Wathan - Chasing "Perfect"
- Ciaran McNulty - Why Your Test Suite Sucks
- Coby Chapple - Remote by Default: How Github Makes Working Remotely Not Suck
- Cost of Delay - Black Swan Farming
- Crash-only software: More than meets the eye [
- Dan North - Software that Fits in Your Head
- Dan North and Chris Read - Agile Operations – Optimizing the Business One Shell Script at a Time
- Danilo Sato - Parallel Change
- David Nolen - The Functional Final Frontier
- David West - OOP is Dead! Long Live OODD!
- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
- Etsy - Continuously Deploying Culture
- GitHub does dotfiles -
- Guida Galattica per Agilisti
- Ian Cooper - TDD, where did it all go wrong on Vimeo
- Jeff Patton - Embrace Uncertainty
- Jessica Kerr - Functional Principles for Object Oriented Development
- Joe Damato - Infrastructure as Code Might Literally Be Impossible
- John Allspaw and Paul Hammond - 10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
- Joshua Bloch - How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
- Kathy Sierra - Making Badass Developers (Serious Pony)
- Konstantin Kudryashov - Design How Your Objects Talk Through Mocking
- Lasse Ziegler - The Good Product Owner - A path to become great
- Liz Keogh - A Dreyfus model for Agile adoption
- Mathias Verraes - Unbreakable Domain Models
- Mattia Battiston - Metriche Kanban in pratica a Sky UK
- Measuring Microservices
- Obie Fernandez - Do the Hustle
- PHP - Efficient data structures for PHP 7
- Presenter First Resources
- Peter Alvaro - I See What You Mean
- Practical Tools for Playing Well with Others
- Richard Kasperowski - Building Great Teams
- Ross Tuck - How We Talk About Tech
- Roy Osherove - JS Unit Testing Good Practices & Horrible Mistakes
- RailsConf 2015 - Implementing a Strong Code-Review Culture
- Stuart Sierra - Components Just Enough Structure
- Sven Peters - Rise of the Machines: Automate Your Development
- The Pragmatic Bookshelf - Tell, Don't Ask
- Tom Stuart - Refactoring Ruby with Monads
- Understanding Coupling and Cohesion
- User Story Mapping in Practice
- We Are All Awesome!
- What is leadership?
- William Cook - A Proposal for Simplified, Modern Definitions of "Object" and "Object Oriented"
- Your Path through Agile Fluency
- neomatrix369 - TDD good habits manifesto
- Opensource Licenses
Matteo Collina
Matteo Vaccari
Michael Feathers
Mike Bland
Misko Hevery
- Changing Developer Behaviour, Part 1
- Changing Developer Behaviour, Part 2
- Checked exceptions I love you, but you have to go
- Flaw: Brittle Global State & Singletons
- Flaw: Class Does Too Much
- Flaw: Constructor does Real Work
- Flaw: Digging into Collaborators
- Guide: Writing Testable Code
- How to Write Clean, Testable Code
- Root Cause of Singletons
- Singletons are Pathological Liars
- The Clean Code Talks - Don't Look For Things!
- The Clean Code Talks - Global State and Singletons
- The Clean Code Talks - Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing
- The Clean Code Talks - Unit Testing
- Top 10 Things I do on Every Project
- Where Have All the Singletons Gone?
- Top 10 things which make your code hard to test
Nat Pryce
Pierluigi Pugliese
Rachel Davies
Rich Hickey
Rob Pike
Ron Jeffries
Sandi Metz
- All the Little Things
- Less - The Path to Better Design
- Madam Sandi Tells Your Future
- All the Little Things
- Less - The Path to Better Design
- Madam Sandi Tells Your Future
- Magic Tricks of Testing - Ancient City Ruby 2013
- Magic Tricks of Testing - Ancient City Ruby 2013
- Nothing is Something
- Nothing is Something
- SOLID Object-Oriented Design
Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta
Piergiuliano Bossi
Sandro Mancuso
- Does TDD really lead to good design?
- Functional is cool, but do you know OO
- Interaction Driven Design, How can we quickly
- Outside In TDD part I
- Crafted Design
- Does TDD really lead to good design?
- Explanatory Methods
- Functional is cool, but do you know OO
- Interaction Driven Design, How can we quickly
- Outside In TDD part II
- Outside In TDD part II
- Outside In TDD part III
- TDD and Software Design
- Outside In TDD part III
- Software Craftsmanship
- TDD and Software Design
- Test-driving algorithms
- Testing and Refactoring Legacy Code
- The Long Road
Uncle Bob
- Craftsmanship and Ethics
- Agile is not now, nor was it ever, Waterfall.
- Agility and Architecture
- Demanding Professionalism in Software Development
- FP Basics
- Is SOLID A Good Idea?
- Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years
- Mutation Testing
- Principles Of Ood
- Agile is not now, nor was it ever, Waterfall.
- Agility and Architecture
- The Cycles of TDD
- Screaming Architecture
- The Cycles of TDD
- The Future of Software
- The Lurn
- The Prime Directive Of Agile Development
- The Programmer's Oath
- Three Paradigms
Zach Holman
Not Categorized
Martin Fowler
Sandro Mancuso
Uncle Bob
Misko Hevery
J. B. Rainsberger
Kent Beck
Fabien Potencier
Arlo Belshee
Aaron Patterson
Sandi Metz
Rich Hickey
Matteo Vaccari
Nat Pryce
Gary Bernhardt
Jez Humble
Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta
Is TDD dead?
Zach Holman
Piergiuliano Bossi
Corey Haines
Awelon Blue
Jim Weirich
Alan Kay
Ron Jeffries
Katrina Owen
Michael Feathers
Rob Pike
Alistair Cockburn
Luca Minudel
Pierluigi Pugliese
Rachel Davies
Extreme Programming
Gabriele Lana
Allen Holub
Dave Thomas
Lee Byron
Guy Steele
Matt Wynne
Francesco Fullone
Dan Abramov
Jacopo Romei
Mike Bland
Greg Young
Adrian Cockcroft
Matteo Collina
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