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  • 教学资源

  • 项目

    • 其他交互语言

      • Mega:Bit - Scaled up micro:bit with the 5x5 LED matrix and buttons, connected to a real micro:bit.
      • JUST DO IoT - Connect the micro:Bit to the LoRaWAN network, includes open source hardware microbit connector board.
      • Micro:Bob - Simple bipedal robot controlled by a micro:bit.
      • 1 - timer-part-2-low-power-wireless-on-the-bbc-microbit/), [3]( - Three part article describing how to augment a coffee maker with an micro:bit indicator, options for low power communication, and creating a custom enclosure.
      • Connecting a thermal printer to a BBC microbit - Connecting the micro:bit to a thermal till-roll printer to print a random poems or Christmas cracker jokes.
      • Micro Simon - Programming and connecting a micro:bit to a vintage MB Simon game.
      • Alexa Weather On micro:bit - Creating an Amazon Alexa skill where the current weather can be asked and the result displayed on the micro:bit.
      • BBC Microbit Balloon Tracker - Making a ballon tracker with a micro:bit connected to GPS and a LoRa transceiver to track and transmit its position.
      • Little Bug Bit - Low cost micro:bit buggy.
      • HandShake - Project designed to enable unique gesture recognition for people with limited control of their motion.
    • 项目集

  • 编程

    • 图形化编程

      • Code Kingdoms - 基于图形界面的编程工具,帮助用户从拖曳式编程到文本编程(JavaScript)的过渡.
      • Scratch for BBC micro:bit - 将micro:bit用作Scratch/S2Bot的蓝牙游戏控制器(蓝牙控制手柄) (需要特殊的BLED112蓝牙适配器).
      • ScratchX micro:bit extension - 让你使用Scratch编程积木块控制microbit.
    • Python

      • Thonny micro:bit - [Thonny](插件, Thonny是面向初学者的pythonIDE
      • - python在线编辑器,带有模拟器 ([instructions](
      • Atom microbit-micropython - Atom 编辑器的micro:bit MicroPython扩展包(插件).
      • Servo - microbit中通过产生PWM波(脉宽调制)来控制舵机的简单类库。
      • PCA9685 - 通过IIC总线来控制PCA9685(一个16通道 12bit位分辨率的PWM/舵机伺服器芯片)的简单类库。
      • MAX7219 7-segment - 通过SPI总线驱动的用于控制七段数码管的MAX7219芯片的相关MicroPython模块。
      • SSD1306 - microbit中通过I2C总线用于控制SSD1306(128*64分辨率)OLED屏幕的MicroPython库。
      • SSD1306 7seg - 用于使用SSD1306 OLED屏幕去模拟七段数码管的MicroPython库。
      • SSD1306 SPI - microbit中通过SPI总线去控制SSD1306(128×64分辨率)OLED屏幕的MicroPython库。
      • HC-SR04 - 通过SPI总线来读取从 HC-SR04 超声波传感器获取的距离的基本MicroPython库。
      • US-100 - 通过UART从US-100 超声波传感器读取距离的基本MicroPython库。
      • KY038 - 校准和使用 KY038 声音传感器的MicroPython库,包含拍手计数器功能。
      • Nokia 5110 PCD8544 LCD - Micro:bit中用于控制Nokia 5110 LCD显示屏的MicroPython控制器。
      • 24LCxxx EEPROM - 用于读取和写入I2C EEPROM(24LCXXX型号)的Micro:bit函数的例子
      • ULN2003 - 通过ULN2003达林顿晶体管阵列来驱动步进电机的Micropython代码。
      • MicroPeri - 使用micro:bit MicroPython API在电脑上运行Python程序以及作为外围设备或传感器连接micro:bit.
      • bluezero - 与蓝牙设备交互的Python包,里边带有micro:bit的例子
      • bitio - BBC micro:bit Python I/O 库. 允许你在 PC/Mac/Linux/Raspberry Pi上边直接跑Python代码并直接与 micro:bit交互(支持输入、输出).如果你想把micro:bit作为外设与你既有的系统交互,这个库十分值得一试!
      • uFlash - 用于往 micro:bit 中烧录Python脚本和 MicroPython 运行时的工具. (支持将python代码转为hex格式以及逆向操作)
      • MicroFs - 一个简单的命令行工具/模块,用于与micro:bit中的受限文件系统(由MicroPython提供)交互.
      • Jupyter kernel for the micro:bit - 允许你在Jupyter中使MicroPython代码直接运行在micro:bit上
      • MAX7219 matrix - 通过SPI总线驱动的用于控制8×8发光二极管点阵的MAX7219芯片的相关MicroPython模块。
      • HT16K33 - 用于多种配置(16x8,8x8或8x8x2)的HT16K33 LED点阵驱动器的MicroPython库。
      • MPL115A1 - 通过SPI总线读取NXP MPL115A1 压力传感器的压力以及温度数值的MicroPython类
      • microbit_stub - 模拟micro:bit MicroPython API的Python库
    • JavaScript 和 MakeCode

      • Espruino JavaScript - 用于微处理器的JavaScript引擎,它也提供一个同时支持文本和及木化编程的浏览器编程环境.
      • Filesystem - 文件系统的pxt驱动(测试版).
      • MAX6675 - MAX6675 pxt驱动.
      • Neopixel - Neo-Pixel(Neo-Pixel是一种流行的全彩led灯(每个led独立编址),效果绚丽)的pxt驱动.
      • Bluetooth MAX6675 - MAX6675温度探头的蓝牙服务.
      • Sonar - 超声波传感器的pxt驱动.
      • Bluetooth Temperature Sensor - 温度传感器的蓝牙驱动.
      • MIDI - MIDI(乐器数字接口,为电子乐器等演奏设备定义各种音符或弹奏码) pxt驱动(测试版).
      • Bluetooth MIDI - 蓝牙MIDI pxt驱动(测试版).
      • BlueDot - 支持BlueDot app的PXT库(测试版).
      • GY521 - 为 Microbit 驱动 MPU-6050 (GY-521)(MPU6050是一种非常流行的空间运动传感器芯片,可以获取器件当前的三个加速度分量和三个旋转角速度)提供支持的PXT驱动.
      • UCL Junkrobot - 使用 28BYJ-48 步进电机 和 HC-SR04 超声波传感器控制的Junk机器人.
      • BitBot - BitBot(使用microbit控制的一款小车)的pxt驱动.
      • gamer:bit - SparkFun gamer:bit扩展板(microbit驱动的游戏手柄)的pxt驱动.
      • moto:bit - SparkFun weather:bit扩展板(给你一个全功能的气象站)的pxt驱动.
      • weather:bit - SparkFun weather:bit扩展板的pxt驱动.
      • SSD1306 - SSD1306 OLED 屏幕的pxt驱动, 基于Adafruit Arduino库.
      • mi:node - Mi:node 套件(由element14提供的micro:bit IoT 起步套件) PXT驱动.
      • Kitronik Servo Lite - Kitronik Servo:Lite(驱动伺服电机) 扩展板的pxt驱动.
      • Kitronik I2C 16 Servo - Kitronik I2C 16 Servo扩展板(驱动多达16个伺服电机)的pxt驱动.
      • Kitronik motor driver - Kitronik micro:bit电机驱动扩展板.
      • Lego Power Functions - 使用micro:bit远程控制 LEGO® Power Functions电机的pxt扩展.
      • KY-040 - KY-040 旋钮编码器的pxt驱动.
      • Invent robot - Invent 机器人的pxt驱动.
      • Robotbit - KittenBot Robotbit的pxt驱动.
      • ubirch NB-IoT - 发送加密数据到ubirch后端的pxt驱动(依赖BC95 NB-IoT 模组,它是一款高性能、低功耗的NB-IoT无线通信模块).
      • CCS811 - CCS811空气质量传感器模块(可提供等效二氧化碳(eCO2)等级或总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)指标)的pxt驱动.
      • DS1307 - 使用DS1307实时时钟(提供秒、分钟、小时、日、月、星期及年计时,带闰年补偿,有效期至2100年) (测试版)的pxt模块.
      • HT16K33 - HT16K33 数字显示屏的pxt驱动 (测试版).
      • HoneyBit - Honeycomb 套件的pxt扩展.
      • node-bbc-microbit - 使用蓝牙在Node.js中控制micro:bit
      • node-bbc-microbit-io - Johnny-Five (JavaScript机器人和IoT 编程平台) micro:bit IO 插件.
      • microBit.js - 一个前端库,使用web bluetooth AP来与micro:bit交互.
      • PXT Command Line Tool - 在命令行中使用MakeCode JavaScript为micro:bit编程。你也可以运行一个本地版本的MakeCode在线编辑器
    • 其他 micro:bit 程序语言

      • Forth - Forth, a stack-based language, for the BBC micro:bit.
      • Ada - Instruction on how to setup the Ada development environment for the micro:bit.
      • Rust on BBC micro:bit - Article describing the experience and steps of compiling Rust code for the micro:bit with and without interaction with the runtime DAL.
    • 其他交互语言

      • Kodu Controller - Enables interacting with the microbit from Kodu Game Lab.
      • Simulink Coder Support Package - Package that enables you to create Simulink models and automatically generate and deploy code on the micro:bit.
      • Gobot - Framework for the Go programming language to program devices in the real world. It can now the micro:bit via Bluetooth LE.
      • Microbit Unity - Unity scripts to allow the BBC Microbit to be used as a Unity Controller.
      • BlockyTalkyBLE - MakeCode and App Inventor extension that makes it easy to connect AppInventor mobile phone apps with the BBC micro:bit wirelessly over Bluetooth.
      • DroidScript - MicroBit Plugin - Allows you you to control the BBC micro:bit remotely from your own DroidScript apps (Android apps written in JavaScript).
    • C/C++

      • C/C++ runtime - Guidance on how to start using the runtime in C/C++ including full documentation of the APIs, drivers, and types that make up the micro:bit runtime. Bluetooth documentation includes a link to the original `*.hex` file that ships on the micro:bit devices.
      • OneWire - BBC micro:bit OneWire Library, based upon Erik Olieman's mbed DS1820 lib.
      • neopixel - Library for using neopixels with the BBC micro:bit.
      • microbit Screen - Arduino LED Screen library for micro:bit.
      • Adafruit Arduino MicroBit library - Wrapper code and examples for using micro:bit with Arduino IDE.
      • Micro:Pi - C/C++ editor for the micro:bit with serial monitor and deploy functionality. Written in Python with an installer (ATM Linux only, but could be manually installed in any OS) that includes all dependencies.
  • 编程工具

    • 其他交互语言

      • micro:bit uploader - Windows application that monitors your Downloads folder and flashes any new programs to the micro:bit.
  • 移动应用

    • 其他交互语言

      • Official Android App - Pair, program and flash programs to the micro:bit via Bluetooth.
      • micro:bit logger - Android app that enables users to log data from the BLE services and export it to a file.
      • micro:bit Blue - foundation/microbit-blue)) - Android app that contains a series demos for interacting with the micro:bit using Bluetooth.
      • Bitty Software Apps - Diverse collection of Android and iOS apps, going from data logging to audio pranks, you'll certainly find something of interest.
      • Insight Mr Bit - mr-bit/id1175915875)) - Create simple programs in plain English to control the BBC micro:bit to do lots of useful things.
      • Micro:bit Xamarin - ble-mobile)) - Android app that demonstrates communicating with BBC micro:bit over Bluetooth LE and getting sensor data. As an open source app, it's a good example of using Xamaring with the micro:bit.
  • ChromeOS应用

    • 其他交互语言

      • bitty blue - Play with 3D "PolySquiggles", use as a compass, have fun with the buttons, send images or text to the LED display, connect and control electronic circuits, and all via Bluetooth.
      • bitty data logger - Capture and chart accelerometer, magnetometer and temperature data from your micro:bit's internal sensors over Bluetooth.
  • CAD 和 3D打印

  • 文章

  • 视频

  • 书籍

  • 社区

  • 杂项

    • 文集

      • micro:bit-o-matic - Easily create micro:bit illustrations with custom LED matrix messages.
      • micro:bit Poster - Element14 has put together this detailed, beautifully rendered, cross-section micro:bit poster highlighting all of the device's key functions and components.
      • Bluetooth troubleshooting guide - Tips on how to solve common and not so common micro:bit Bluetooth problems.
  • 协议和商标