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# Run your own GaiaNet node

GaiaNet Discord

GaiaNet Twitter

Gaianet website

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## Quick start

Install the default node software stack with a single line of command on Mac, Linux, or Windows WSL.

curl -sSfL '' | bash

Initialize the node. It will download the model files and vector database files specified in the `$HOME/gaianet/config.json` file, and it could take a few minutes since the files are large.

gaianet init

Start the node.

gaianet start

The script prints the official node address on the console as follows.
You can open a browser to that URL to see the node information and then chat with the AI agent on the node.

... ...

To stop the node, you can run the following script.

gaianet stop

## Install guide

curl -sSfL '' | bash

The output should look like below:


[+] Downloading default config file ...

[+] Downloading nodeid.json ...

[+] Installing WasmEdge with wasi-nn_ggml plugin ...

Info: Detected Linux-x86_64

Info: WasmEdge Installation at /home/azureuser/.wasmedge

Info: Fetching WasmEdge-0.13.5

/tmp/wasmedge.2884467 ~/gaianet
######################################################################## 100.0%
Info: Fetching WasmEdge-GGML-Plugin

Info: Detected CUDA version:

/tmp/wasmedge.2884467 ~/gaianet
######################################################################## 100.0%
Installation of wasmedge-0.13.5 successful
WasmEdge binaries accessible

The WasmEdge Runtime wasmedge version 0.13.5 is installed in /home/azureuser/.wasmedge/bin/wasmedge.

[+] Installing Qdrant binary...
* Download Qdrant binary
################################################################################################## 100.0%

* Initialize Qdrant directory

[+] Downloading the rag-api-server.wasm ...
################################################################################################## 100.0%

[+] Downloading dashboard ...
################################################################################################## 100.0%

The default install script requires `sudo` privilege. You must have permission to `sudo` and will be asked your password.
To install without `sudo` priviledges, you can use the following command. However, if you install without `sudo`, you will use the full path to invoke the CLI command in subsequent steps, like `$HOME/gaianet/gaianet init` etc.

curl -sSfL '' | bash -s -- --unprivileged

By default, it installs into the `$HOME/gaianet` directory. You can also choose to install into an alternative directory.

curl -sSfL '' | bash -s -- --base $HOME/gaianet.alt

## Initialize the node

gaianet init

The output should look like below:

[+] Downloading Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-Q5_K_M.gguf ...
############################################################################################################################## 100.0%############################################################################################################################## 100.0%

[+] Downloading all-MiniLM-L6-v2-ggml-model-f16.gguf ...

############################################################################################################################## 100.0%############################################################################################################################## 100.0%

[+] Creating 'default' collection in the Qdrant instance ...

* Start a Qdrant instance ...

* Remove the existed 'default' Qdrant collection ...

* Download Qdrant collection snapshot ...
############################################################################################################################## 100.0%############################################################################################################################## 100.0%

* Import the Qdrant collection snapshot ...

* Recovery is done successfully

The `init` command initializes the node according to the `$HOME/gaianet/config.json` file. You can use some of our pre-set configurations. For example, the command below initializes a node with the GaiaNet documentaton as knowledge base. It is equipped to answer questions about GaiaNet.

gaianet init --config gaianet_docs

To see a list of pre-set configurations, you can do `gaianet init --help`.
Besides a pre-set configurations like `gaianet_docs`, you can also pass a URL to your own `config.json` for the node to be initialized to the state you'd like.

If you need to `init` a node installed in an alternative directory, do this.

gaianet init --base $HOME/gaianet.alt

## Start the node

gaianet start

The output should look like below:

[+] Starting Qdrant instance ...

Qdrant instance started with pid: 39762

[+] Starting LlamaEdge API Server ...

Run the following command to start the LlamaEdge API Server:

wasmedge --dir .:./dashboard --nn-preload default:GGML:AUTO:Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-Q5_K_M.gguf --nn-preload embedding:GGML:AUTO:all-MiniLM-L6-v2-ggml-model-f16.gguf rag-api-server.wasm --model-name Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-Q5_K_M,all-MiniLM-L6-v2-ggml-model-f16 --ctx-size 4096,384 --prompt-template llama-2-chat --qdrant-collection-name default --web-ui ./ --socket-addr --log-prompts --log-stat --rag-prompt "Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question.\nIf you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.\n----------------\n"

LlamaEdge API Server started with pid: 39796

You can start the node for local use. It will be only accessible via `localhost` and not available on any of the GaiaNet domain's public URLs.

gaianet start --local-only

You can also start a node installed in an alternative base directory.

gaianet start --base $HOME/gaianet.alt

### Stop the node

gaianet stop

The output should look like below:

[+] Stopping WasmEdge, Qdrant and frpc ...

Stop a node installed in an alternative base directory.

gaianet stop --base $HOME/gaianet.alt

### Update configuration

Using `gaianet config` subcommand can update the key fields defined in the `config.json` file. You MUST run `gaianet init` again after you update the configuartion.

To update the `chat` field, for example, use the following command:

gaianet config --chat-url ""

To update the `chat_ctx_size` field, for example, use the following command:

gaianet config --chat-ctx-size 5120

Below are all options of the `config` subcommand.

$ gaianet config --help

Usage: gaianet config [OPTIONS]

--chat-url Update the url of chat model.
--chat-ctx-size Update the context size of chat model.
--embedding-url Update the url of embedding model.
--embedding-ctx-size Update the context size of embedding model.
--prompt-template Update the prompt template of chat model.
--port Update the port of LlamaEdge API Server.
--system-prompt Update the system prompt.
--rag-prompt Update the rag prompt.
--rag-policy Update the rag policy [Possible values: system-message, last-user-message].
--reverse-prompt Update the reverse prompt.
--domain Update the domain of GaiaNet node.
--snapshot Update the Qdrant snapshot.
--qdrant-limit Update the max number of result to return.
--qdrant-score-threshold Update the minimal score threshold for the result.
--base The base directory of GaiaNet node.
--help Show this help message

Have fun!