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Slides and other materials for functional programming lectures ITMO university

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Slides and other materials for functional programming lectures ITMO university




Haskell ITMO course at CTD

Here you can find plan and presentations on the Haskell course authored by
[Dmitry Kovanikov]( "ChShersh's GitHub") and
[Arseniy Seroka]( "jagajaga's GitHub") with subsequent
contributions by [George Agapov]( "georgeee's GitHub"),
[Ilya Peresadin]( "pva701's GitHub"), [Roman Melnikov]( "rvem's GitHub")
and [Artem Yurchenko]( "murcake's GitHub").

This course is always under development and always improving constantly because there's
no limit for the best Haskell course.

You can always contact us via fp.ctd.itmo [at]

## Course plan

All slides:

+ [Lecture 0: Why FP and Haskell](#lecture-0)
+ [Lecture 1: Stack build tool](#lecture-1)
+ [Lecture 2: Basic Syntax](#lecture-2)
+ [Lecture 3: Datas, Classes, Instances](#lecture-3)
+ [Lecture 4: Basic typeclasses: Monoid. Functor. Applicative](#lecture-4)
+ [Lecture 5: Monads](#lecture-5)
+ [Slides: Parser combinators and Property-based-testing](#lecture-5-continue)
+ [Lecture 6: RealWorld](#lecture-6)
+ [Lecture 7: Monad Transformers](#lecture-7)
+ [Lecture 8: Speeding up Haskell](#lecture-8)
+ [Lecture 9: Parallel and Concurrent Haskell](#lecture-9)
+ [Lecture 10: Template Haskell and Lens](#lecture-10)
+ [Lecture 11: Brand new DSL world](#lecture-11)
+ [Lecture 12: Some fun with kinds](#lecture-12)
+ [Lecture 13: Comonads](#lecture-13)
+ [_Uncovered topics_](#uncovered-topics-)

Templates for homework:

## Lecture 0: Why FP and Haskell [↑](#course-plan)
+ Official resources
* [Haskell Lang (official site)](
* [Haskell (official site)](
* [Stackage: stable source of Haskell packages](
* [Hackage: central package archive](
+ Useful unofficial resources
* [State of the Haskell ecosystem](
+ About Haskell & some wikis
* [Haskell WikiBook](
* [Haskell Wiki](
* [Comparison of functional programming languages](
+ Try Haskell in web
* [Try Haskell!](
* [Repl.It](
* [Haskell.Godbolt]( "Observe GHC assembly")
+ Editors (and IDE's for Haskell)
* [Haskell IDE chart (feature list of IDE's)](
* [Configure your `ghci`](
+ Suggested tutorials and other useful online courses
* In Russian
- [OHaskell]( Для совсем новичков, очень доступно, но очень мало
- [anton-k-github]( Покрываются более продвинутые вещи + теория
- [Stepic: Haskell (part 1)]( Лучший онлайн курс на русском; прекрасен для самостоятельно изучения
- [Stepic: Haskell (part 2)]( Продолжение лучшего курса
- Dmitry Kovanikov: Обе части курса на Stepic покрывают лишь две трети данного курса на КТ
* Books
- [Haskell Programming From First Principles]( Best book currently
- [LearnYouAHaskell]( Free but won't help you much
- [Intermediate Haskell]( Advanced topics (not yet published)
* Intensive & self-learning courses
- [bitemyapp: learnhaskell](
- Dmitry Kovanikov: personally I would recommend «Yorgey's cis194 course»
- [Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours](
+ Reallife and relatively popular examples of Haskell applications
* Standalone
- [pandoc]( Converter between different markup formats
- [xmonad]( Tiling window manager
- [hledger]( Accounting program
- [ShellCheck]( Finds bugs in your shell scripts
- [Google's CodeWorld]( Educational computer programming environment using Haskell
* Cryptocurrencies
- [Cardano SL]( Cardano Settlement Layer
- [RSCoin]( Implementation of the RSCoin protocol
- [Haskoin]( Haskell implementation of the Bitcoin protocol
* [A List of companies that use Haskell]( ~100 companies (on 26 Aug 2017)
* [What Haskell technologies should I probably be using on a daily basis (e.g. Xmonad)?](
+ FP and Haskell paradigms (also extremely important language features)
* Static types
* Immutability by default
* Purity by default
* Non-null by default
* Sum types
* Lazy evaluation

#### Introductory presentation: [here](FP-Introduction.pdf)

## Lecture 1. Stack. How to build/run/test [↑](#course-plan)
* Haskell project structure
* Stack. Features
* How stack works. Snapshots
* `.cabal` and `.yaml` files
* Basic comands

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 2: Basic Syntax [↑](#course-plan)
- Introduction to Haskell
+ Basic GHCi examples
+ Function & operators definition
+ Lists and functions on lists
- Haskell syntax
+ **let** (variable declaration)
+ **where** clause
+ **if** expression
+ Guards
+ **case** expression
+ Higher order functions
+ Lambdas (anonymous functions)
- Polymoprhism
+ Parametric
+ Ad-hoc
- LANGUAGE pragmas
+ [_-XTupleSections_](
+ [_-XLambdaCase_](
+ [_-XViewPatterns_](
+ Currying (aka partial application)
+ Pattern matching
+ List comprehension
+ Function application: ([_`$`_](
+ Function composition: ([_`.`_](
+ Lazy evaluation (erathosphene sieve, fibonacci numbers, repmin)

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 3: Datas, Classes, Instances [↑](#course-plan)
+ **type**: type aliases
+ ADT's (algebraic data types):
* product types
* sum types
+ **data** and examples
+ Record syntax
* [_-XDuplicateRecordFields_](
* [_-XRecordWildCards_](
+ **newtype**
+ Type classes: **class**
+ **instance**
* compare to Java interface
* [_-XInstanceSigs_](
* examples of standard classes: [_`Eq`_](, [_`Ord`_](, [_`Num`_](, [_`Show`_](, [_`Read`_](
+ **deriving**
+ [_-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving_](
+ [Modules cheatsheet](
+ Church-encoding ADT

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 4: Basic typeclasses: Monoid. Functor. Applicative [↑](#course-plan)
+ Math in programming
* [_`Semigroup`_]( and [_`Monoid`_](
* A lot of examples
+ [_`foldr`_]( and [_`foldl`_](
+ [_`Foldable`_]( type class
+ [_`Functor`_](
+ [_`Applicative`_](
+ [_`liftAN`_]( & Applicative style programming
+ [_`Alternative`_](
+ List comprehension syntax sugar
+ [_`Traversable`_]( type class (and instances for [_`Maybe`_](, [_`List`_](
+ Automatic deriving
* [_-XDeriveFunctor_](
* [_-XDeriveFoldable_](
* [_-XDeriveTraversable_](
+ Phantom types
+ Type extensions:
* [-XScopedTypeVariables](
* [-XTypeApplications](
* [-XAllowAmbiguousTypes](

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 5: Monads [↑](#course-plan)
+ Typed holes
+ What is Monad?
+ [_`Monad`_]( type class
+ Monad laws
+ [_`State`_]( monad
+ [_`Reader`_]( monad
+ [_`Maybe`_]( as example, philosophy about null-safety
+ [_`Either`_]( monad instance
+ Monad laws

#### Presentation:

## Slides: Parser combinators and Property-based-testing [↑](#course-plan)
+ Idea of parsing and parser combinators
+ `Parser` type
* Basic parsers
* Instances: `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `Alternative`
* Usage examples
+ Testing
* [`hspec`](
* [`hedgehog`](
* [`tasty`](
* Continuations as callbacks
* [_`Cont`_]( datatype and monadic example

#### Presentation (part 1):
#### Presentation (part 2):

## Lecture 6: RealWorld [↑](#course-plan)
+ Building _IO_ system from scratch
+ Introduce [_`IO`_]( monad
+ **do** notation
* Syntax sugar
* [_-XApplicativeDo_](
* [_-XRebindableSyntax_](
+ Lazy I/O
+ Mutable data: [_`IORef`_]( and [_`IOArray`_](
+ Exceptions ([_`catch`_](, [_`throwIO`_](, custom exceptions, [_`bracket`_](, etc.)
+ [_`unsafePerformIO`_](
+ Efficient String representations: [_`Text`_](, [_`ByteString`_](

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 7: Monad Transformers [↑](#course-plan)
+ Monads as Effects
+ Composing monads
+ [_`MonadIO`_](
+ [_`MonadTrans`_]( type class
+ [_`MaybeT`_]( transformer
+ [_`ReaderT`_]( transformer
+ Comparison of transformers and old types
+ [_`MonadThrow`_]( type class
+ [_`MonadError`_]( type class
+ [`mtl`]( style of transformation
[//]: # (Didn't find MaybeIO and CoroutineT)

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 8: Speeding up Haskell [↑](#course-plan)
+ List concatenation pitfalls and _Difference List_
+ [_`seq`_](, [_`deepseq`_](, [_`NFData`_](
+ [_-XBangPatterns_](
+ [_`foldr`_]( vs. [_`foldl`_]( vs. [_`foldl'`_](
+ Irrefutable patterns
+ Strict Haskell
+ Space leaks
+ Deforestation
+ Stream Fusion
+ Couple words about _Rewrite Rules_
+ [_`ST`_]( monad ([_`STRef`_](, [_`STArray`_](

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 9: Parallel and Concurrent Haskell [↑](#course-plan)
+ Concurrency with Haskell lightweight threads. [_`forkIO`_]( and [_`MVar`_](
+ Synchronization between threads
+ Exceptions revisited
+ [`Async`](
+ STM (Software Transaction Memory). [_`STM`_](, [_`TVar`_](
+ Parallelism with Sparks. [Eval monad](
+ Inspecting your concurrency (ThreadScope)

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 10: Template Haskell and Lens [↑](#course-plan)
+ Lens
* Implementing naive data lenses
* Introducing real Lens'
* lens, view, set, over definition and explanation
* 3-step lens guide
* [`microlens`](
* Nice example with real lens ([_`view`_](, [_`traversed`_](, [_`filtered`_](, [_`zoom`_](
* [_`Prism`_](
* Affine traversals
+ **`-XCPP`**
+ Template Haskell

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 11: Brand new DSL world [↑](#course-plan)

+ Existential type
+ Rank N types

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 12: Some fun with kinds [↑](#course-plan)

+ Kinds
+ -XTypeOperators
+ -XDataKinds. Data promotion
+ Heterogeneous lists
+ Type symbols
+ Data and type families
+ Free monads

#### Presentation:

## Lecture 13: Comonads [↑](#course-plan)
+ [_`Comonad`_]( type class & motivation
* [_`Identity`_]( comonad
+ Zippers
* List zipper
* Game of Life
+ Type algebra
* Types as functions (sum, product, type variables)
* Type isomorphisms
* Zippers as deriviation: List zipper, Tree zipper
+ Comonads as OOP patterns
* [_`Env`_](
* [_`Traced`_](
* Stream (+ NonEmpty)
+ [**`codo`**`-notation`]( (aka *method*)

#### Presentation:

Uncovered topics [↑](#course-plan)
> Unfortunately there're some topics which are great but there is no time for them in this course :(

+ [_`Generics`_](
+ Pragmas: [_{-# UNPACK #-}_](, [_{-# INLINE #-}_](, [_{-# SPECIALIZE -#}_](, [_{-# RULES #-}_]( etc.
+ GHC compilation process, GHC internals & Core language
+ [`LiquidHaskell`](
+ [_-XArrows_]( and [_`Arrow`_](
+ [`PureScript`](
+ [`Agda`](
+ Even more advanced monads: Indexed, Effect & Super- monads
+ [Zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms](