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Consume the proxmox API in golang

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

Consume the proxmox API in golang




# Proxmox API Go

Proxmox API in golang. For /api2/json. Work in progress.

Starting with Proxmox 5.2 you can use cloud-init options.

## Contributing

Want to help with the project please refer to our [style-guide](docs/style-guide/

## Build

go build -o proxmox-api-go

## Run

Create a local `.env` file in the root directory of the project and add the following environment variables:

PM_OTP=otpcode (only if required)
PM_HTTP_HEADERS=Key,Value,Key1,Value1 (only if required)

**Note**: Do not commit your local `.env` file to version control to keep your credentials secure.

Or export the environment variables:

export PM_API_URL=""
export PM_USER=user@pam
export PM_PASS=password
export PM_OTP=otpcode (only if required)
export PM_HTTP_HEADERS=Key,Value,Key1,Value1 (only if required)

Run commands (examples, not a complete list):

./proxmox-api-go installQemu proxmox-node-name < qemu1.json

./proxmox-api-go createQemu 123 proxmox-node-name < qemu1.json

./proxmox-api-go -debug start 123

./proxmox-api-go -debug stop 123

./proxmox-api-go cloneQemu template-name proxmox-node-name < clone1.json

./proxmox-api-go migrate 123 migrate-to-proxmox-node-name

./proxmox-api-go createQemuSnapshot vm-name snapshot_name

./proxmox-api-go deleteQemuSnapshot vm-name snapshot_name

./proxmox-api-go listQemuSnapshot vm-name

./proxmox-api-go rollbackQemu vm-name

./proxmox-api-go getResourceList

./proxmox-api-go getVmList

./proxmox-api-go getUserList

./proxmox-api-go getUser userid

./proxmox-api-go updateUserPassword userid password

./proxmox-api-go setUser userid password < user.json

./proxmox-api-go deleteUser userid

./proxmox-api-go getAcmeAccountList

./proxmox-api-go getAcmeAccount accountid

./proxmox-api-go createAcmeAccount accountid < acmeAccount.json

./proxmox-api-go updateAcmeAccountEmail accountid email0,email1,email2

./proxmox-api-go deleteAcmeAccount accountid

./proxmox-api-go getAcmePluginList

./proxmox-api-go getAcmePlugin pluginid

./proxmox-api-go setAcmePlugin pluginid < acmePlugin.json

./proxmox-api-go deleteAcmePlugin pluginid

./proxmox-api-go getMetricsServerList

./proxmox-api-go getMetricsServer metricsid

./proxmox-api-go setMetricsServer metricsid < metricsServer.json

./proxmox-api-go deleteMetricsServer metricsid

./proxmox-api-go getStorageList

./proxmox-api-go getStorage storageid

./proxmox-api-go createStorage storageid < storage.json

./proxmox-api-go updateStorage storageid < storage.json

./proxmox-api-go deleteStorage

./proxmox-api-go getNetworkList node

./proxmox-api-go getNetworkInterface node interfaceName

./proxmox-api-go createNetwork < network.json

./proxmox-api-go updateNetwork < network.json

./proxmox-api-go deleteNetwork node iface

./proxmox-api-go applyNetwork node

./proxmox-api-go revertNetwork node

./proxmox-api-go node reboot proxmox-node-name

./proxmox-api-go node shutdown proxmox-node-name

./proxmox-api-go unlink 123 proxmox-node-name "virtio1,virtio2,virtioN" [false|true]


## Proxy server support

Just use the flag -proxy and specify your proxy url and port

./proxmox-api-go -proxy https://localhost:8080 start 123

### Format

createQemu JSON Sample:

"name": "",
"desc": "Test proxmox-api-go",
"memory": 2048,
"os": "l26",
"cores": 2,
"sockets": 1,
"iso": {
"storage": "local",
"file": "ubuntu-14.04.5-server-amd64.iso"
"disk": {
"0": {
"type": "virtio",
"storage": "local",
"storage_type": "dir",
"size": "30G",
"backup": true
"efidisk": {
"storage": "local",
"pre-enrolled-keys": "1",
"efitype": "4m"
"network": {
"0": {
"model": "virtio",
"bridge": "nat"
"1": {
"model": "virtio",
"bridge": "vmbr0",
"firwall": true,
"backup": true,
"tag": -1
"rng0": {
"source": "/dev/urandom",
"max_bytes": "1024",
"period": "1000"
"usb": {
"0": {
"host": "0658:0200",
"usb3": true

cloneQemu JSON Sample:

"name": "",
"desc": "Test proxmox-api-go clone",
"storage": "local",
"memory": 2048,
"cores": 2,
"sockets": 1,
"fullclone": 1

cloneQemu cloud-init JSON Sample:

"name": "",
"desc": "Test proxmox-api-go clone",
"storage": "local",
"memory": 2048,
"cores": 2,
"sockets": 1,
"ipconfig": {
"0": "gw=,ip="
"sshkeys": "...",
"nameserver": ""

setUser JSON Sample:

"comment": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"enable": true,
"expire": 0,
"firstname": "Bruce",
"lastname": "Wayne",
"groups": [
"keys": "2fa key"

createAcmeAccount JSON Sample:

"contact": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"directory": "",
"tos": true

setAcmePlugin JSON Sample:

"api": "aws",
"enable": true,
"validation-delay": 30

setMetricsServer JSON Sample:

"port": 8086,
"server": "",
"type": "influxdb",
"enable": true,
"mtu": 1500,
"timeout": 1,
"influxdb": {
"protocol": "https",
"max-body-size": 25000000,
"verify-certificate": false,
"token": "Rm8mqheWSVrrKKBW"

createStorage JSON Sample:

"enable": true,
"type": "smb",
"smb": {
"username": "b.wayne",
"share": "NetworkShare",
"preallocation": "metadata",
"domain": "",
"server": "",
"version": "3.11",
"password": "Enter123!"
"content": {
"backup": true,
"iso": false,
"template": true,
"diskimage": true,
"container": true,
"snippets": false
"backupretention": {
"last": 10,
"hourly": 4,
"daily": 7,
"monthly": 3,
"weekly": 2,
"yearly": 1

### Cloud-init options

Cloud-init VMs must be cloned from a cloud-init ready template.

- ciuser - User name to change ssh keys and password for instead of the image’s configured default user.
- cipassword - Password to assign the user.
- cicustom - Specify custom files to replace the automatically generated ones at start.
- searchdomain - Sets DNS search domains for a container.
- nameserver - Sets DNS server IP address for a container.
- sshkeys - public ssh keys, one per line
- ipconfig0 - [gw=] [,gw6=] [,ip=] [,ip6=]
- ipconfig1 - optional, same as ipconfig0 format

### ISO requirements (non cloud-init)

Kickstart auto install

- partition /dev/vda
- network eth1
- sshd (with preshared key/password)

Network is temprorarily eth1 during the pre-provision phase.

## Test

You're going to need [vagrant]( and [virtualbox]( to run the tests:

make test