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Fast and lightweight log transport and processing.

golang log-parsing logging observability telemetry

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

Fast and lightweight log transport and processing.




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# About Stanza

Stanza is a fast and lightweight log transport and processing agent. It's designed as a modern replacement for Fluentd, Fluent Bit, and Logstash and can run as a standalone agent on all major operating systems. Stanza is also highly integrated to perform seamlessly with the applications in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) based production environments.

## OpenTelemetry

Stanza has been contributed to the [OpenTelemetry]( project and will be intergrated into the [OpenTelemetry collector](

# Features

- Flexible
- Supports many different input types such as file, journald, windows events, tcp / udp, and external APIs (cloudwatch, azure log analytics) as well as parsing with json and regex.
- Easily extended by writing an "operator" or "plugin" which is just a unit of code that performs a task such as reading data from a source, parsing data, or shipping data.
- Pre-built Plugins
- Over 80 Plugins have been pre-built and are ready to be configured.
- Lightweight with low resource consumption
- Uses next to no resource while idling. It does not pollute the system with tons of clutter, it exists strictly in /opt/observiq/stanza with just a few files.
- Written in pure Go
- Everything is self contained into a single binary, there are no external dependencies.
- High Performance
- Stanza is lightweight, blazing-fast, and designed to scale.

## Supported [Plugins](

Utilize Plugins to get up and running quickly. Here's a quick list of Stanza's most popular plugins:

These are many of the Plugins supported by Stanza, with more being developed all the time. View a full list of Plugins [here](

## Supported Operating Systems

### Windows
- 2012
- 2012 r2
- 2016
- 2019
- 2022

### Linux
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04
- Debian 9, 10, 11
- Alma, Rocky 8
- Red Hat 7, 8
- Suse 12, 15
- CentOS 7, 8 Stream

### MacOS
- 12 (Monterey)
- 11 (Big Sur)
- 10.15 (Catalina)
- 10.14 (Mojave)

# Quick Start

## Installation

### Linux Package Manager

Linux packages are available for the following Linux Distributions:
- RHEL / CentOS 7 and 8
- Oracle Linux 7 and 8
- Alma, Rocky Linux
- Fedora 30 and newer
- Debian 9 and newer
- Ubuntu LTS 16.04 and newer

Once installed, Stanza will be running under a systemd service named `stanza` as the user `stanza`.

#### RPM Install

On Red Hat based platforms, Stanza can be installed with:
sudo dnf install
sudo systemctl enable --now stanza

On RHEL / Centos 7, use `yum` instead of `dns`.

On Suse based platforms, Stanza can be installed with:
sudo zypper install
sudo systemctl enable --now stanza

Be sure to replace the URL with the version you require. You can find Stanza versions [here](

#### DEB Install

On Debian / Ubuntu based platforms, Stanza can be installed with:

curl -L -o stanza.deb
sudo apt-get install -f ./stanza.deb
sudo systemctl enable --now stanza

#### Changing the Runtime User

Sometimes it may be nessisary to have Stanza run as `root`. This can be
accomplished by creating a systemd override.

Run `sudo systemctl edit stanza` and paste:

Restart Stanza: `sudo systemctl restart stanza`.

### Linux / macOS Script

- Single command install, requires the `curl` command
- Stanza will automatically be running as a service
- On Linux, Stanza will be running as the `root` user. On Macos, Stanza will be running as your current user.
- `sudo` is always required for Linux installations while macOS requires it if the invoking user does not have write permissions to `/usr/local/bin`.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"

### Windows Script

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object net.webclient).DownloadString('')); Log-Agent-Install

### Kubernetes

To deploy Stanza to Kubernetes, AKS, EKS, GKE or Openshift check out the installation guides [here](/docs/examples/k8s).

## Configuration

To get started navigate to the `config.yaml` file in the Stanza install directory, located in the following locations by default:

- Linux: `/opt/observiq/stanza`
- MacOS: `/Users//observiq/stanza`
- Windows: `C:\observiq\stanza`

You can utilize [operators](/docs/operators/ and [plugins](/docs/ in a pipeline to easily configure Stanza to ship logs to your target destination.

Stanza also offers several outputs to be configured for sending data, including:

- [Stdout](/docs/operators/
- [File](/docs/operators/
- [Google Cloud Logging](/docs/operators/

In the below examples, Stanza is configured to ship logs to Google Cloud logging using the file_input operator, and the MySQL plugin. You will need to have a `credentials.json` for your GCP environment which can be generated by following Google's documentation [here](

### Operators
This `config.yaml` collects logs from a file and sends them to Google Cloud. A full list of available operators can be found [here](/docs/operators/

# An example input that monitors the contents of a file.
# For more info:
- type: file_input
- /sample/file/path.log

# An example output that sends captured logs to Google Cloud.
# For more info:
- type: google_cloud_output
credentials_file: /tmp/credentials.json

### Plugins
This `config.yaml` collects logs from MySQL via a plugin and sends them to Google Cloud. By default, MySQL plugin collects general, slow query, and error logs. More details of the MySQL plugin can be viewed [here]( A full list of available plugins can be found [here](

# An example input that configures a MySQL plugin.
# For more info:
- type: mysql
enable_general_log: true
general_log_path: "/var/log/mysql/general.log"

# An example output that sends captured logs to Google Cloud.
# For more info:
- type: google_cloud_output
credentials_file: /tmp/credentials.json

That's it! Logs should be streaming to Google Cloud.

For more details on installation and configuration, check out our full [Install Guide](/docs/!

### Common Scenarios

To see specific examples of Stanza configuration, check out the [scenarios](/docs/examples/scenarios). Below are some of our more popular scenarios:

- [Syslog](/docs/examples/scenarios/
- [MySQL](/docs/examples/scenarios/
- [Windows Events](/docs/examples/scenarios/
- [File](/docs/examples/scenarios/
- [Custom Parsing](/docs/examples/scenarios/

# Community

Stanza is an open source project. If you'd like to contribute, take a look at our [contribution guidelines](/ and [developer guide](/docs/ We look forward to building with you.

## Code of Conduct

Stanza follows the [CNCF Code of Conduct]( Please report violations of the Code of Conduct to any or all [maintainers](

# Other questions?

Check out our [FAQ](/docs/, send us an [email](mailto:[email protected]), or open an issue with your question. We'd love to hear from you!