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🔔 An opinionated toast component for Vue.

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🔔 An opinionated toast component for Vue.




# Sonner for Vue

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> An opinionated toast component for Vue. It's a Vue port of Sonner

## Preview

## Introduction

`Vue Sonner` is an opinionated toast component for Vue. It's customizable, but styled by default. Comes with a swipe to dismiss animation.

## Table of Contents


- [Sonner for Vue](#sonner-for-vue)
- [Preview](#preview)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [For Vue 3](#for-vue-3)
- [For Nuxt 3](#for-nuxt-3)
- [CDN Link](#cdn-link)
- [Types](#types)
- [Default](#default)
- [Success](#success)
- [Error](#error)
- [Action](#action)
- [Promise](#promise)
- [Custom Component](#custom-component)
- [Customization](#customization)
- [Headless](#headless)
- [Theme](#theme)
- [Position](#position)
- [Expanded](#expanded)
- [Styling for all toasts](#styling-for-all-toasts)
- [Styling for individual toast](#styling-for-individual-toast)
- [Tailwind CSS](#tailwind-css)
- [Changing Icon](#changing-icon)
- [Close button](#close-button)
- [Rich colors](#rich-colors)
- [Custom offset](#custom-offset)
- [Programmatically remove toast](#programmatically-remove-toast)
- [Programmatically remove toast](#programmatically-remove-toast-1)
- [On Close Callback](#on-close-callback)
- [Keyboard focus](#keyboard-focus)
- [Inspiration](#inspiration)
- [License](#license)

## Installation

To start using the library, install it in your project:

pnpm install vue-sonner
yarn add vue-sonner

## Usage

### For Vue 3


toast('My first toast')">Render a toast

import { Toaster, toast } from 'vue-sonner'


### For Nuxt 3

Define a nuxt plugin

// plugins/sonner.client.ts
import { Toaster, toast } from 'vue-sonner'

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.component('Toaster', Toaster)

return {
provide: {

Use `Toaster` component and `$toast` function anywhere in the Vue SFC


$toast('My first toast')">Render a toast

// alternatively, you can also use it here
const { $toast } = useNuxtApp()


Add the build transpile for `vue-sonner`

// nuxt.config.ts
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt/config'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
build: {
transpile: ['vue-sonner']

### CDN Link

**EMS version**


**UMD version**

```ts[email protected]/lib/vue-sonner.umd.cjs

## Types

### Default

Most basic toast. You can customize it (and any other type) by passing an options object as the second argument.

toast('Event has been created')

With custom description:

toast('Event has been created', {
description: 'Monday, January 3rd at 6:00pm'

### Success

Renders a checkmark icon in front of the message.

toast.success('Event has been created')

### Error

Renders an error icon in front of the message.

toast.error('Event has not been created')

### Action

Renders a button.

toast('Event has been created', {
action: {
label: 'Undo',
onClick: () => console.log('Undo')

### Promise

Starts in a loading state and will update automatically after the promise resolves or fails.

You can pass a function to the success/error messages to incorporate the result/error of the promise.

toast.promise(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)), {
loading: 'Loading',
success: (data: any) => 'Success',
error: (data: any) => 'Error'

### Custom Component

You can pass a Vue Component as the first argument instead of a string to render custom Component while maintaining default styling. You can use the headless version below for a custom, unstyled toast.


import { defineComponent, h, markRaw } from 'vue'

const CustomDiv = defineComponent({
setup() {
return () =>
h('div', {
innerHTML: 'A custom toast with unstyling'



## Customization

### Headless

You can use `toast.custom` to render an unstyled toast with custom jsx while maintaining the functionality.


import { markRaw } from 'vue'

import HeadlessToast from './HeadlessToast.vue'

toast.custom(markRaw(HeadlessToast), { duration: 999999 })


### Theme

You can change the theme using the `theme` prop. Default theme is light.



### Position

You can change the position through the `position` prop on the `` component. Default is `top-right`.



### Expanded

Toasts can also be expanded by default through the `expand` prop. You can also change the amount of visible toasts which is 3 by default.



### Styling for all toasts

You can style your toasts globally with the `toastOptions` prop in the `Toaster` component.



### Styling for individual toast

toast('Event has been created', {
style: {
background: 'red'
class: 'my-toast',
descriptionClass: 'my-toast-description'

### Tailwind CSS

The preferred way to style the toasts with tailwind is by using the `unstyled` prop. That will give you an unstyled toast which you can then style with tailwind.



You can do the same when calling `toast()`.

toast('Hello World', {
unstyled: true,
classes: {
toast: 'bg-blue-400',
title: 'text-red-400 text-2xl',
description: 'text-red-400',
actionButton: 'bg-zinc-400',
cancelButton: 'bg-orange-400',
closeButton: 'bg-lime-400'

Styling per toast type is also possible.



### Changing Icon

You can change the default icons using slots:



### Close button

Add a close button to all toasts that shows on hover by adding the `closeButton` prop.



### Rich colors

You can make error and success state more colorful by adding the `richColors` prop.



### Custom offset

Offset from the edges of the screen.



### Programmatically remove toast

To remove a toast programmatically use `toast.dismiss(id)`.

const toastId = toast('Event has been created')


You can also use the dismiss method without the id to dismiss all toasts.


### Programmatically remove toast

You can change the duration of each toast by using the duration property, or change the duration of all toasts like this:



toast('Event has been created', {
duration: 10000

// Persisent toast
toast('Event has been created', {
duration: Infinity

### On Close Callback

You can pass `onDismiss` and `onAutoClose` callbacks. `onDismiss` gets fired when either the close button gets clicked or the toast is swiped. `onAutoClose` fires when the toast disappears automatically after it's timeout (`duration` prop).

toast('Event has been created', {
onDismiss: (t) => console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been dismissed`),
onAutoClose: (t) =>
console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been closed automatically`)

### Keyboard focus

You can focus on the toast area by pressing ⌥/alt + T. You can override it by providing an array of event.code values for each key.



## Inspiration

- [sonner]( - An opinionated toast component for React.

## License

MIT [@xiaoluoboding](