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lodash functions as handlebars helpers

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lodash functions as handlebars helpers




# lobars

lodash functions as handlebars helpers

This simple library exports an object of helper functions from lodash 4, modified slightly to work properly as handlebars helpers. See [Comparison Helpers](#comparison-helpers) and [String Helpers](#sring-helpers) for a list of available functions.

## Installation

Download [Node.js]( 4 or greater.

npm install lobars --save

## Usage

const handlebars = require('handlebars')
const lobars = require("lobars")


## Comparison Helpers

These functions all return `true` or `false`:

- [endsWith](
- [eq](
- [gt](
- [gte](
- [includes](
- [isArguments](
- [isArray](
- [isArrayLike](
- [isArrayLikeObject](
- [isBoolean](
- [isDate](
- [isElement](
- [isEmpty](
- [isEqual](
- [isEqualWith](
- [isError](
- [isFinite](
- [isFunction](
- [isInteger](
- [isLength](
- [isMatch](
- [isMatchWith](
- [isNaN](
- [isNative](
- [isNil](
- [isNull](
- [isNumber](
- [isObject](
- [isObjectLike](
- [isPlainObject](
- [isRegExp](
- [isSafeInteger](
- [isString](
- [isSymbol](
- [isTypedArray](
- [isUndefined](
- [lt](
- [lte](
- [startsWith](

## String Helpers

These functions mutate strings:

- [camelCase](
- [capitalize](
- [deburr](
- [escape](
- [escapeRegExp](
- [kebabCase](
- [lowerCase](
- [lowerFirst](
- [pad](
- [padEnd](
- [padStart](
- [parseInt](
- [repeat](
- [replace](
- [snakeCase](
- [split](
- [startCase](
- [template](
- [toLower](
- [toUpper](
- [trim](
- [trimEnd](
- [trimStart](
- [truncate](
- [unescape](
- [upperCase](
- [upperFirst](
- [words](

## Tests

npm install
npm test

## Dependencies

- [lodash]( Lodash modular utilities.

## Dev Dependencies

- [chai]( BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
- [cheerio]( Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
- [handlebars]( Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
- [mocha]( simple, flexible, fun test framework
- [snazzy]( Format JavaScript Standard Style as Stylish (i.e. snazzy) output

## License


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