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Vim plugin for Typst

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Vim plugin for Typst




# typst.vim

*OBS: Work In Progress*

(Neo)vim plugin for [Typst](

I am applying the 80/20 rule in this project since I prefer to have
something now rather than waiting for everything later.

## Features

*Editing [typst-palette]( in Vim with the gruvbox colorscheme*

- Vim syntax highlighting.
- Compile the active document with `:make`.
- Concealing for italic, bold. Can be enabled with `g:typst_conceal`.
- Concealing symbols in math mode. Can be enabled with `g:typst_conceal_math`.
- Emojis! Can be enabled with `g:typst_conceal_emoji`.
- Syntax highlighting of code blocks. See `g:typst_embedded_languages`.

**Possible features**
- Formatting using [this](
- Even better highlighting for neovim using treesitter?

Do you miss anything from other packages, e.g. `vimtex`, create an issue
and I'll probably add it! Also feel free to make a PR!

## Installation

### packer.nvim


use {'kaarmu/typst.vim', ft = {'typst'}}


- Call `:so %` or restart neovim to reload config
- Call `:PackerSync`

### lazy.nvim
return {
ft = 'typst',

### vim-plug

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'kaarmu/typst.vim'
call plug#end()

- Restart (neo)vim to reload config
- Call `:PlugInstall`

## Usage

### Options

- `g:typst_syntax_highlight`:
Enable syntax highlighting.
*Default:* `1`
- `g:typst_cmd`:
Specifies the location of the Typst executable.
*Default:* `'typst'`
- `g:typst_pdf_viewer`:
Specifies pdf viewer that `typst watch --open` will use.
*Default:* `''`
- `g:typst_conceal`:
Enable concealment.
*Default:* `0`
- `g:typst_conceal_math`:
Enable concealment for math symbols in math mode (i.e. replaces symbols
with their actual unicode character). **OBS**: this can affect performance,
see issue [#64](
*Default:* `g:typst_conceal`
- `g:typst_conceal_emoji`:
Enable concealing emojis, e.g. `#emoji.alien` becomes 👽.
*Default:* `g:typst_conceal`
- `g:typst_auto_close_toc`:
Specifies whether TOC will be automatically closed after using it.
*Default:* `0`
- `g:typst_auto_open_quickfix`:
Specifies whether the quickfix list should automatically open when there are errors from typst.
*Default:* `1`
- `g:typst_embedded_languages`:
A list of languages that will be highlighted in code blocks. Typst is always highlighted.
*Default:* `[]`

### Commands

- `:TypstWatch`:
Watches your document and recompiles on change; also opens the document with your default pdf viewer.

## Tips

If you are using `neovim` you can install [typst-lsp](
There exist a server configuration in `nvim-lspconfig` so it should be easy to set it up. The
config currently requires that you're working in a git repo. Once the neovim+LSP recognizes
the file the LSP will compile your document while you write (almost like a wysiwyg!). By default
it will compile on save but you can set it to compile-on-write as well.