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Define "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch.

Last synced: 18 days ago
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Define "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch.





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> Define "health checks" for your applications, resources and
> infrastructure. Keep your **Warden** on the watch.

**What is Warden?**

**Warden** is a simple, **cross-platform** library, built to **solve the problem of monitoring the resources** such as the websites, API, databases, CPU etc.

It allows to quickly define the **[watchers](** responsible for performing checks on specific resources and **[integrations](** to easily notify about any issues related to the possible downtime of your system.

Each **[watcher](** might have its own custom **[interval](**. For example you may want to check e.g. the *API* availability every 500 milliseconds, while the *database* should respond only every 10 seconds and so on. Or you could just set the common one **[interval](** (5 seconds by default) for all of the **[watchers](**.

On top of that, you may use all of this information to collect the custom metrics thanks to the **[hooks](**.


- [x] Migrate fully to the .NET Core (NET Standard).
- [x] Move all of the extensions (Wardens and Integrations) into the separate repositiories.
- [ ] Apply new features.

**What kind of monitoring is available?**
- **[Disk](**
- **[MongoDB](**
- **[MSSQL](**
- **[Performance](**
- **[Process](**
- **[Redis](**
- **[Server](**
- **[Web](**
- **[SSL certificates (3rd party)](**
- **[Azure Storage (3rd party)](**
- **[Azure Service Bus (3rd party)](**

**What are the integrations with external services?**
- **[Cachet](**
- **[HTTP API](**
- **[MS SQL](**
- **[SendGrid](**
- **[Slack](**
- **[SMTP](**
- **[Twilio](**
- **[Seq (3rd party)](**

**How can I see what's happening with my system?**

You can make use of the **[Web Panel](** which provides the UI for organizing your monitoring workspace, dashboard with real-time statistics and the storage of the historical data. If you don't want to host it on your own, there's an online version available, running in the Azure cloud at **[](**

**Is there any documentation?**

Yes, please navigate to the **[wiki](** page where you can find detailed information about configuring and running the **Warden**.


Available as a **[NuGet package](**.
dotnet add package Warden

**Watchers** and **Integrations** are available as a separate _NuGet packages_ listed **[here](**.

**Quick start**:

Configure the **[Warden](** by adding the **[watchers](** and setting up the **[hooks](** and **[integrations](** to get notified about failures, successful checks, exceptions etc. - use that information e.g. in order to let your system administrator know when something goes wrong or to build your custom metrics.
var configuration = WardenConfiguration
.AddMongoDbWatcher("mongodb://localhost:27017", "MyDatabase", cfg =>
cfg.WithQuery("Users", "{\"name\": \"admin\"}")
.EnsureThat(users => users.Any(user => user.role == "admin"));
.IntegrateWithSendGrid("api-key", "[email protected]", cfg =>
cfg.WithDefaultSubject("Monitoring status")
.WithDefaultReceivers("[email protected]");
.SetGlobalWatcherHooks(hooks =>
hooks.OnStart(check => GlobalHookOnStart(check))
.OnCompleted(result => GlobalHookOnCompleted(result));
.SetAggregatedWatcherHooks((hooks, integrations) =>
hooks.OnFirstFailureAsync(results =>
integrations.SendGrid().SendEmailAsync("Monitoring errors have occured."))
.OnFirstSuccessAsync(results =>
integrations.SendGrid().SendEmailAsync("Everything is up and running again!"));
.SetHooks(hooks =>
hooks.OnIterationCompleted(iteration => OnIterationCompleted(iteration))
.OnError(exception => Logger.Error(exception));

Start the **Warden** and let him do his job - now **you have the full control** over your system monitoring!
var warden = WardenInstance.Create(configuration);
await warden.StartAsync();
Please check out the **[examples](** by cloning the [repository](


Want to contribute? Please check the **[contribution guidelines](**.