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Relative positioning by pins, especially useful for making slides in typst.

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Relative positioning by pins, especially useful for making slides in typst.




# Pinit

Relative positioning by pins, especially useful for making slides in typst.

## Example

### Pin things as you like

Have a look at the source [here](./examples/example.typ).


### Dynamic Slides

Pinit works with [Touying]( or [Polylux]( animations.

Have a look at the pdf file [here](./examples/example.pdf).

![Example Pages](./examples/example-pages.png)

## Usage

### Examples

The idea of pinit is pinning pins on the normal flow of the text, and then placing the content on the page by `absolute-place` function.

For example, we can highlight text and add a tip by pins simply:

#import "@preview/pinit:0.1.4": *

#set text(size: 24pt)

A simple #pin(1)highlighted text#pin(2).

#pinit-highlight(1, 2)

#pinit-point-from(2)[It is simple.]


A more complex example, Have a look at the source [here](./examples/equation-desc.typ).


### Pinit for raw

In the code block, we need to use a regex trick to get pinit to work, for example

#show raw: it => {
show regex("pin\d"): it => pin(eval(it.text.slice(3)))

`print(pin1"hello, world"pin2)`

#pinit-highlight(1, 2)


Note that typst's code highlighting breaks up the text, causing overly complex regular expressions such as '#pin\(.*?\)' to not work properly.

However, you may want to consider putting it in a comment to avoid highlighting the text and breaking it up.


**Warning: You should add a blank line before the `#pinit-xxx` function call, otherwise it will cause misalignment.**


## Outline

- [Pinit](#pinit)
- [Example](#example)
- [Pin things as you like](#pin-things-as-you-like)
- [Dynamic Slides](#dynamic-slides)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Pinit for raw](#pinit-for-raw)
- [Outline](#outline)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [`pin`](#pin)
- [`pinit`](#pinit-1)
- [`absolute-place`](#absolute-place)
- [`pinit-place`](#pinit-place)
- [`pinit-rect`](#pinit-rect)
- [`pinit-highlight`](#pinit-highlight)
- [`pinit-line`](#pinit-line)
- [`pinit-line-to`](#pinit-line-to)
- [`pinit-arrow`](#pinit-arrow)
- [`pinit-point-to`](#pinit-point-to)
- [`pinit-point-from`](#pinit-point-from)
- [`simple-arrow`](#simple-arrow)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
- [License](#license)

## Reference

### `pin`

Pinning a pin in text, the pin is supposed to be unique in one page.

#let pin(name) = { .. }


- `name`: [`integer` or `string` or `any`] — Name of pin, which can be any types with unique `repr()` return value, such as integer and string.

### `pinit`

Query positions of pins in the same page, then call the callback function `func`.

#let pinit(pins, func) = { .. }


- `pins`: [`pin` or `array`] — Names of pins you want to query. It is supposed to be a pin, or an array of pins.
- `func`: [`(positions) => { .. }`] — A callback function accepting an array of positions (or a single position) as a parameter. Each position is a dictionary like `(page: 1, x: 319.97pt, y: 86.66pt)`. You can use the `absolute-place` function in this callback function to display something around the pins.

### `absolute-place`

Place content at a specific location on the page relative to the top left corner of the page, regardless of margins, current containers, etc.

> This function comes from [typst-drafting](

#let absolute-place(
dx: 0em,
dy: 0em,
) = { .. }


- `dx`: [`length`] — Length in the x-axis relative to the left edge of the page.
- `dy`: [`length`] — Length in the y-axis relative to the top edge of the page.
- `content`: [`content`] — The content you want to place.

### `pinit-place`

Place content at a specific location on the page relative to the pin.

#let pinit-place(
dx: 0pt,
dy: 0pt,
) = { .. }


- `dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the pin.
- `dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
- `pin-name`: [`pin`] — Name of the pin to which you want to locate.
- `body`: [`content`] — The content you want to place.

### `pinit-rect`

Draw a rectangular shape on the page **containing all pins** with optional extended width and height.

#let pinit-rect(
dx: 0em,
dy: -1em,
extended-width: 0em,
extended-height: 1.4em,
pin3, // Optional
) = { .. }


- `dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the min-left of pins.
- `dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the min-top of pins.
- `extended-width`: [`length`] — Optional extended width of the rectangular shape.
- `extended-height`: [`length`] — Optional extended height of the rectangular shape.
- `pin1`: [`pin`] — One of these pins.
- `pin2`: [`pin`] — One of these pins.
- `pin3`: [`pin`] — One of these pins, optionally.
- `...args`: Additional named arguments or settings for [`rect`](, like `fill`, `stroke` and `radius`.

### `pinit-highlight`

Highlight a specific area on the page with a filled color and optional radius and stroke. It is just a simply styled `pinit-rect`.

#let pinit-highlight(
fill: rgb(255, 0, 0, 20),
radius: 5pt,
stroke: 0pt,
dx: 0em,
dy: -1em,
extended-width: 0em,
extended-height: 1.4em,
pin3, // Optional
) = { .. }


- `fill`: [`color`] — The fill color for the highlighted area.
- `radius`: [`length`] — Optional radius for the highlight.
- `stroke`: [`stroke`] — Optional stroke width for the highlight.
- `dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the min-left of pins.
- `dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the min-top of pins.
- `extended-width`: [`length`] — Optional extended width of the rectangular shape.
- `extended-height`: [`length`] — Optional extended height of the rectangular shape.
- `pin1`: [`pin`] — One of these pins.
- `pin2`: [`pin`] — One of these pins.
- `pin3`: [`pin`] — One of these pins, optionally.
- `...args`: Additional arguments or settings for [`pinit-rect`](#pinit-rect).

### `pinit-line`

Draw a line on the page between two specified pins with an optional stroke.

#let pinit-line(
stroke: 1pt,
start-dx: 0pt,
start-dy: 0pt,
end-dx: 0pt,
end-dy: 0pt,
) = { ... }


- `stroke`: [`stroke`] — The stroke for the line.
- `start-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the start pin.
- `start-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the start pin.
- `end-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the end pin.
- `end-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the end pin.
- `start`: [`pin`] — The start pin.
- `end`: [`pin`] — The end pin.

### `pinit-line-to`

Draw an line from a specified pin to a point on the page with optional settings.

#let pinit-line-to(
stroke: 1pt,
pin-dx: 5pt,
pin-dy: 5pt,
body-dx: 5pt,
body-dy: 5pt,
offset-dx: 35pt,
offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


- `stroke`: [`stroke`] — The stroke for the line.
- `pin-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X of arrow start relative to the pin.
- `pin-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y of arrow start relative to the pin.
- `body-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X of arrow end relative to the body.
- `body-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y of arrow end relative to the body.
- `offset-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the pin.
- `offset-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
- `pin-name`: [`pin`] — The name of the pin to start from.
- `body`: [`content`] — The content to draw the arrow to.

### `pinit-arrow`

Draw an arrow between two specified pins with optional settings.

#let pinit-arrow(
start-dx: 0pt,
start-dy: 0pt,
end-dx: 0pt,
end-dy: 0pt,
) = { ... }


- `start-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the start pin.
- `start-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the start pin.
- `end-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the end pin.
- `end-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the end pin.
- `start`: [`pin`] — The start pin.
- `end`: [`pin`] — The end pin.
- `...args`: Additional arguments or settings for [`simple-arrow`](#simple-arrow), like `fill`, `stroke` and `thickness`.

### `pinit-point-to`

Draw an arrow from a specified pin to a point on the page with optional settings.

#let pinit-point-to(
pin-dx: 5pt,
pin-dy: 5pt,
body-dx: 5pt,
body-dy: 5pt,
offset-dx: 35pt,
offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


- `pin-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X of arrow start relative to the pin.
- `pin-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y of arrow start relative to the pin.
- `body-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X of arrow end relative to the body.
- `body-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y of arrow end relative to the body.
- `offset-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the pin.
- `offset-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
- `pin-name`: [`pin`] — The name of the pin to start from.
- `body`: [`content`] — The content to draw the arrow to.
- `...args`: Additional arguments or settings for [`simple-arrow`](#simple-arrow), like `fill`, `stroke` and `thickness`.

### `pinit-point-from`

Draw an arrow from a point on the page to a specified pin with optional settings.

#let pinit-point-from(
pin-dx: 5pt,
pin-dy: 5pt,
body-dx: 5pt,
body-dy: 5pt,
offset-dx: 35pt,
offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


- `pin-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the pin.
- `pin-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
- `body-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the body.
- `body-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the body.
- `offset-dx`: [`length`] — Offset X relative to the left edge of the page.
- `offset-dy`: [`length`] — Offset Y relative to the top edge of the page.
- `pin-name`: [`pin`] — The name of the pin that the arrow to.
- `body`: [`content`] — The content to draw the arrow from.
- `...args`: Additional arguments or settings for [`simple-arrow`](#simple-arrow), like `fill`, `stroke` and `thickness`.

### `simple-arrow`

Draw a simple arrow on the page with optional settings, implemented by [`polygon`](

#let simple-arrow(
fill: black,
stroke: 0pt,
start: (0pt, 0pt),
end: (30pt, 0pt),
thickness: 2pt,
arrow-width: 4,
arrow-height: 4,
inset: 0.5,
tail: (),
) = { ... }


- `fill`: [`color`] — The fill color for the arrow.
- `stroke`: [`stroke`] — The stroke for the arrow.
- `start`: [`point`] — The starting point of the arrow.
- `end`: [`point`] — The ending point of the arrow.
- `thickness`: [`length`] — The thickness of the arrow.
- `arrow-width`: [`integer` or `float`] — The width of the arrowhead relative to thickness.
- `arrow-height`: [`integer` or `float`] — The height of the arrowhead relative to thickness.
- `inset`: [`integer` or `float`] — The inset value for the arrowhead relative to thickness.
- `tail`: [`array`] — The tail settings for the arrow.

## Acknowledgements

- Some of the inspirations and codes comes from [typst-drafting](
- Thanks to [polylux](, you can create beautiful and dynamic slides by [polylux]( simply.
- The concise and aesthetic example slide style come from course *Data Structures and Algorithms* of [Chaodong ZHENG](

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.