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Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET

dotnet excel ooxml spreadsheet

Last synced: 18 days ago
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Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET




# EPPlus
**This repository has moved to**

**The code in this archive represents the final version of EPPlus under LGPL. There will be no more activity here.**

EPPlus will from version 5 switch license from **LGPL** to [Polyform Noncommercial 1.0.0]( license.
With the new license EPPlus is still free to use in some cases, but will require a commercial license to be used in a commercial business.

More information on the license change on [our website](
Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET, without the need of interop.

EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel files using the Office Open XML format (xlsx).
EPPlus has no dependencies other than .NET.
## EPPlus supports:
* Cell Ranges
* Cell styling (Border, Color, Fill, Font, Number, Alignments)
* Data validation
* Conditional formatting
* Charts
* Pictures
* Shapes
* Comments
* Tables
* Pivot tables
* Protection
* Encryption
* Formula calculation
* Many more...

## Overview
This project started with the source from ExcelPackage. It was a great project to start from.
It had the basic functionality needed to read and write a spreadsheet.
Advantages over other:
EPPlus uses dictionaries to access cell data, making performance a lot better.
Complete integration with .NET

## Support
All support is currently referred to [Stack overflow](
A tutorial is available in the wiki and the sample project can be downloaded with each version.
The old site at [Codeplex]( also contains material that can be helpful.
Bugs and new feature requests can be added to the issues tracker.

## License
The project is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL).