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πŸ‚ A .NET library for manipulating PowerPoint presentations

csharp dotnet hacktoberfest ooxml openxml powerpoint powerpoint-presentations pptx presentation shapecrawler slide

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

πŸ‚ A .NET library for manipulating PowerPoint presentations





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ShapeCrawler (formerly SlideDotNet) is a .NET library for manipulating PowerPoint presentations. It provides a simplified object model on top of the [Open XML SDK](, allowing users to process presentations without having Microsoft Office installed.

## Contents

- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [How To?](#how-to)
- [Create presentation](#create-presentation)
- [More samples](#more-samples)
- [Prerelease Version](#prerelease-version)
- [Have questions?](#have-questions)
- [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute)
- [Bug Report](#bug-report)
- [Code Contributing](#code-contributing)

## Quick Start
> `install-package ShapeCrawler`

// open existing presentation
var pres = new Presentation("some.pptx");

var shapes = pres.Slides[0].Shapes;

// get number of shapes on slide
var shapesCount = shapes.Count;

// get text
var shape = shapes.GetByName("TextBox 1");
var text = shape.TextFrame!.Text;

## How To?

### Create presentation

// create a new presentation
var pres = new Presentation();

var shapes = pres.Slides[0].Shapes;

// add new shape
shapes.AddRectangle(x: 50, y: 60, width: 100, height: 70);
var addedShape = shapes.Last();

addedShape.TextFrame!.Text = "Hello World!";


### More samples

Visit the [**Wiki**]( page to find more usage samples.

## Prerelease Version
To access prerelease builds from `master` branch, add `` as a package source:

![Download Prerelease](./docs/prerelease-download.png)

## Have questions?

If you have a question:
- [Join]( our Discussions Forum and open a discussion;
- You can always email the author at [email protected]

## How to contribute?
Give a star⭐ if you find this useful, please give it a star to show your support.

### Bug Report
If you encounter an issue, report the bug on the [issue]( page.

To be able to reproduce a bug, it's often necessary to have the original presentation file attached to the issue description. If this file contains confidential data and cannot be shared publicly, you can securely send it to [email protected]. Of course, if your security policy allow this. We assure you that only the maintainer will access this file, and it will not be shared publicly.

### Code contributing
Pull Requests are welcome! Please read the [Contribution Guide]( for more details.

## Changelog

### Version 0.50.1 - 2023-12-08
πŸ€Added `IShape.SDKPath` to store the XPath of the underlying Open XML element [#592](

Visit []( to see the full log.