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Callback-free React forms with painless validation.

data-binding forms javascript react react-links typescript

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Callback-free React forms with painless validation.





# Painless React forms, validation, and state management

NestedLink is `useState` React Hook on steroids providing an elegant callback-free solution for complex forms with input validation and making the React state a perfect state container. It's lightweight (6.5K minified) and designed to be used with both JS and TypeScript.

The `Link` is the object representing the writable reference to the member of the component's state encapsulating the value, function to update the value, and the validation error. `Link` class has a set of methods to perform useful transformations, such as `$link.props` generating the pair of standard `{ value, onChange }` props.

`NestedLink` dramatically improves your React project's modularity and code readability.

import { useLink } from 'valuelink'
import { MyInput } from './controls.jsx'

const coolState = { some : { name : '' } };
const MyCoolComponent = () => {
// Digging through the object to get a link to the ``
const $name = useLink( coolState ).at( 'some' ).at( 'name' )

// applying the validation rules
$name.check( x => x.length > 0, 'Name is required' ),
.check( x => x.length > 2, 'Name is too short' );
.check( x => x.length < 20, 'Name is too long' );

return (


// controls.jsx
import * as React from 'react'

// Custom form field with validation taking the link to the `value`
const MyInput = ({ $value }) => (

{ $value.error || '' }


## Features

***IMPORTANT! Version 2.x is not entirely backwards compatible with 1.x, see the release notes at the bottom.***

- Callback-free form controls binding to the component state.
- Complete separation of the validation logic from the markup.
- Easy handling of nested objects and arrays in the component state.
- Complete support for the React Hooks API and functional components.
- Pricise TypeScript typings.

Reference implementation of 'linked' UI controls (optional `linked-controls` npm package):

- Standard tags: ``, ``, ``,
- Custom tags: ``, ``, ``
- Validator functions: `isNumber`, `isEmail`, `isRequred`.

## Tutorials

The rationale behind the design and a high-level overview of how amazing NestedLink is: [React Hooks, form validation, and complex state](

The series of 5-minute tutorials (with `React.Component`):

- [The basics of ValueLink design pattern](
- [Form validation with ValueLinks](
- [Complex state with ValueLinks](

### [API Reference](/valuelink/

### [Linked Controls Reference](/linked-controls/

### [Examples]([sources](/examples/))

## How to

### Use it in your project

There are no side dependencies except `react` as peer dependency. Installation:

`npm install valuelink --save-dev`

Usage with React Hooks (check out the [React Hooks starting boilerplate](/examples/babel-starter)).

import React from 'react'
import { useLink } from 'valuelink'
// Instead of const [ name, setName ] = useState('')
const $name = useLink('');

Usage with React Component.

import React from 'react'
// Instead of React.Component...
import { LinkedComponent } from 'valuelink'
// In a render, do
const $name = this.$at('name');
// Or, to link all the state members at once...
const state$ = this.state$();

Refer to the [databinding examples](/examples/databinding) and the [manual](/linked-controls/ for the typical data binding scenarios.

### Create your own data bound controls

Use [linked-controls](/linked-controls) project as the starting boilerplate for your components.

### Create the binding to the custom state container

NestedLink is an abstraction of the data binding independent on both the particular control and the state container. The [default binding](/valuelink/src/component.ts) implemented
in the library is for the standard React state. It's fairly easy to create your own.

You need to subclass React.Component and make your own `$at` and `state$` methods.
You can either use `Link.value` inside to create links dynamically, or extend the `Link` as it's done in [/valuelink/src/component.ts](/valuelink/src/component.ts).

### Start hacking


It's a very simple library written with TypeScript, there's no any magic inside (except some scary type annotations). If you want to play with the examples, fix the bug, or whatever:

`yarn` - installs the dependencies.

`yarn build` - compiles everything including examples.

## Release Notes
### 2.0

- IMPORTANT: Repository is converted to the monorepository based on yarn worspaces.
- IMPORTANT: `valuelink/tags.jsx` is moved to the dedicated package `linked-controls`.
- Complete support of new React Hooks API.
- `useLink()` to create the state link.
- `useIO()` to perform promised IO on mount.
- `useLocalStorage()` to persist links to the local storage (loaded on mount, saved on unmount).
- $-notation for the link variables.
- New React.Component API (`this.linkAt -> this.$at`, `this.linkAll` -> `this.state$`)
- Group operations `Link.getValues()`, `Link.setValues()`, `Link.getErrors()`

### v1.6

React Hooks support.

- `useLink( initValue )` - create linked state.
- `setLinks({ lnk1, lnk2, ... }, json )` - bulk set link values from an object.
- `linksValues({ lnk1, lnk2, ... })` - extract values object from links.
- `linksErrors({ lnk1, lnk2, ... })` - extract errors object from links.

### v1.5

- `` can be used to bind the link to any of the standard controls expecting `value` and `onChange` props.
