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A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development

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A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development




Spellbook of Modern Web Dev

A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development

Spellbook of Modern Web Dev

* This document originated from a bunch of most commonly used links and learning resources I sent to every new web developer on our full-stack web development team.
* What I'm doing in this document now is trying to provide the __complete view angle__ of __modern web (app or page) development ruled by JavaScript__, reflect __technological advance__ and help developers to __acquire APIs, libraries, tools, services, best practices and learning resource__ which are __not outdated__ and __most commonly used__.
* I hope this document can __help one developer to have more power to do much more and much better__, just __like a spellbook does in fantasy worlds__.
* The JS/web technology is like [an ocean of stuff you don’t know]( Simply collecting more stuff or composing dozens of "awesome lists" into a single one will only exacerbate the [Javascript Fatigue]( So this document must __stay lean__ and focus on __the most frequent problems__ and __the most commonly used stuff__.
* So for each problem domain and each technology, I try my best to pick only __one or a few__ links.
* Which link belongs to "not outdated and most commonly used stuff" is not only decided by __clear trends__, __empirical observation__, and __working experience__, also by __public data__ and __web scraping scripts__.
* __The npm package statistics (like download count) are given more weight than Github repo statistics (like starring data)__ because npm statistics can better reflect the actual usage and popularity.
* Prefer __fine-grained classifications and deep hierarchies__ over __featureless descriptions and distractive comments__.
* Ideally, __each line is a unique category__. The __" / "__ symbol between the links means they are replaceable. The __", "__ symbol between the links means they are complementary.
* I wish this document could be closer to a kind of __knowledge graph__ or __skill tree__ than a list or a collection.
* It currently contains __2000+__ links (projects, tools, plugins, services, articles, books, sites, etc.)
* Feel free to submit the __missing__ or __better__ links in your opinion. Also, please provide the __reason__.
* [Why not add a Europe (or other regions) section]( [Why not add your project]( [Why so many React-based projects? Why not Angular/Vue.js/XXX](

#### Understanding Modern Web Development

* In English: coming soon...
* In Chinese: [slides]( @ [JSConf CN 2017](


## Table of Contents

- [Platforms and Languages](#platforms-and-languages)
- [Open Web Platform](#open-web-platform)
- Learning, Reference, Visual Tools
- Performance, Security, Semantics / SEO / Accessibility
- [HTML5 / Web APIs](#html5--web-apis)
- HTML/DOM, Appearance, Interaction, Access, Network, Media, Graphics, Computing...
- [CSS Features](#css-features)
- RWD, Layout, Typography, Text, Animation, Effects...
- [Modern CSS / Next-Gen CSS](#modern-css--next-gen-css)
- CSS Module, PostCSS, CSS in JS
- Best Practices (Skeleton, Methodology, Code Style...)
- Know More about Web Design / UI Design / UX Design (RWD, Atomic Design, Motion Design, Grid System, Typography, Style Guide...)
- [Modern JS / Next-Gen JS](#modern-js--next-gen-js)
- ES6+ Features, Intro to ES6+, Re-intro to JS, Important Proposals, Functional Programming, FRP, Static Typing, Code Style...
- [WebAssembly](#webassembly)
- Concepts, Features, Rust, ...
- [Node.js](#nodejs)
- Intro, Workshop, Best Practices...
- [Platform Compatibility and Proposal Status](#platform-compatibility-and-proposal-status)
- Platform Status / Releases / Updates, ECMAScript Compatibility
- Proposal Status (W3C WG, WICG, WHATWG, ECMA TC39, Node.js CTC)
- JS Engine (V8, JSC, Chakra), Web/JS Runtime (Electron, Cordova, React Native...), Device...
- [Cross-browser / Polyfill Libraries](#cross-browser--polyfill-libraries)
- Appearance, Interaction, Access, Network, Performance, Offline, Media...
- [npm Ecosystem](#npm-ecosystem)
- Finding Packages (Search, Stats, Rank)
- Dependency Management / Release / Maintenance (npm, yarn, lerna, ncp...)
- Convention (Open Source, SemVer, package.json, Small modules, Isomorphic JS / Universal JS...)
- [Universal Utility Libraries](#universal-utility-libraries)
- Standard Library Extensions (FP, OOP, Async...)
- Hashing / Generating
- Parsing / Manipulating (URL, Validator, i18n, Date, Numbers, Color, Text, Buffer / Blob...)
- Logic, Network, Storage, NLP, ML...
- [Universal Web Apps / Web Pages](#universal-web-apps--web-pages)
- [GUI Framework](#gui-framework)
- View / ViewModel / ViewController (React)
- Model / App State (Redux)
- API (GraphQL)
- GUI Architectures (MVC, MVP, PM, MVVM, Flux, Redux, Elm, MVI, SAM...)
- [UI Toolkits](#ui-toolkits)
- CSS, React...
- [Standalone UI Components](#standalone-ui-components)
- Layout, Icon, Button, Form, Overlay, Picker, Content, Editor...
- [Client Side](#client-side)
- [UX Libraries](#ux-libraries)
- Drag & Drop, Gesture, Scrolling, Zoom, Tooltip, Tour...
- [Graphic Libraries](#graphic-libraries)
- Animation (Effects, Loading, Scrolling, Parallax, Transition, Timeline, Motion / Curved Path...)
- 2D (Canvas, SVG, Physics...), 3D (WebGL, Physics...)
- Data Visualization, Game...
- [Hybrid Libraries](#hybrid-libraries)
- Electron, React Native
- [Server Side](#server-side)
- [Network](#network)
- HTTP (Intro, Same-origin policy, Performance, HTTPS, HTTP/2, gRPC...)
- TCP, UDP...
- [Server-side Best Practices](#server-side-best-practices)
- Restful API, SaaS, Microservices (API Gateway, Serverless)
- Cloud / Distributed, Web Hosting / Non-distributed
- Authentication / Authorization, Security, Logging / Monitoring, DevOps...
- [Microservices / API Services (Node.js)](#microservices--api-services-nodejs)
- Frameworks (RESTful API, Microservices, Serverless, Bots...), GraphQL, DocGen + CodeGen...
- [Server-side Libraries (Node.js)](#server-side-libraries-nodejs)
- Configuration, Debugging, Protocols, Network, Crypto, Auth, Storage, Jobs, Scraping, Images, Parsing / Generating, NLP...
- [Cloud Services (Global)](#cloud-services-global)
- Compute (FaaS / Serverless / WebHook, PaaS, CaaS)
- Storage (Object Storage, DBaaS)
- BaaS (CRUD, Auth, Search, Email, SMS...)
- AIaaS / BDaaS (Natural Language, Computer Vision...)
- [Cloud Services (China)](#cloud-services-china)
- The evil twins inside [the Great Firewall of China](
- [Tooling](#tooling)
- [Testing](#testing)
- Unit Testing / Test Runner, Test Doubles
- Web Testing (Integration Testing, Functional/E2E Testing, Visual testing, Monkey Testing, Headless Browsers)
- Server-side Testing (Functional Testing, Load Testing)
- Benchmark Testing
- Analysis (Code Coverage, Node.js Security...)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- JS, API, CLI, CSS / Style Guide, Writing
- [Toolchain](#toolchain)
- Compiler / Transpiler / Preprocessor (Babel, PostCSS...)
- Loader / Builder / Bundler (Webpack, Rollup...)
- Minifier / Compressor / Optimizer (Prepack, Babili / Uglify, imagemin, cssnano / clean-css...)
- Formatter (Prettier, Stylefmt...)
- Static Analysis (ESLint, Flow, StyleLint...)
- Task Automation (npm scripts, Gulp...)
- [Workflow](#workflow)
- Development (Micro Generator, Live Reload / Watch / Preview, Dev Tools, HTTP Inspector, Debugging Proxy...)
- Deployment (Process Supervisor, Containers, Container Clusters, PaaS)
- Monitoring (Error Tracking, Logging, APM...)
- [Command-line Environment (Mac)](#command-line-environment-mac)
- Terminal, Homebrew, Zsh, Vim, Git, Docker, dotfiles, Utilities...
- [Command-line Libraries (Node.js)](#command-line-libraries-nodejs)
- Input (Options/Arguments Parser, Interactive, Configuration...)
- Output (Color / Style, Icon, Updating Log, Notice, Columns, Curses, Drawing...)
- Delivery, OS, API, Parser...
- [IDE / Editors](#ide--editors)
- VSCode Plugins (UI, Formatting, Operating, Static Analysis, Docs, Assistant, Integration...)
- Atom Plugins (UI, Formatting, Operating, Static Analysis, Docs, Assistant, Integration...)
- Out-of-the-box Atom IDE, Other Electron-based IDE, Programming Fonts...
- [Useful Apps](#useful-apps)
- Playground, Visual Tools, Viewer, Docs, Automation...
- [Collaboration](#collaboration)
- Version Control, ChatOps, Kanban, Markdown, Design...

A Subset as a __Learning Path__

1. [Open Web Platform](#open-web-platform)
2. [HTML5 / Web APIs](#html5--web-apis)
3. [CSS Features](#css-features)
4. [Modern CSS / Next-Gen CSS](#modern-css--next-gen-css)
5. [Modern JS / Next-Gen JS](#modern-js--next-gen-js)
6. [Platform Compatibility and Proposal Status](#platform-compatibility-and-proposal-status)
7. [Network](#network)
8. [Node.js](#nodejs)
9. [npm Ecosystem](#npm-ecosystem)
10. [Command-line Environment (Mac)](#command-line-environment-mac)
11. [IDE / Editors](#ide--editors)
12. [GUI Framework](#gui-framework)
13. [Microservices / API Services (Node.js)](#microservices--api-services-nodejs)
15. [Testing](#testing)

A Subset for __Finding Libraries__

- [Cross-browser / Polyfill Libraries](#cross-browser--polyfill-libraries)
- [Hybrid Libraries](#hybrid-libraries)
- [GUI Framework](#gui-framework)
- [UI Toolkits](#ui-toolkits)
- [Standalone UI Components](#standalone-ui-components)
- [UX Libraries](#ux-libraries)
- [Graphic Libraries](#graphic-libraries)
- [Universal Utility Libraries](#universal-utility-libraries)
- [Microservices / API Services (Node.js)](#microservices--api-services-nodejs)
- [Server-side Libraries (Node.js)](#server-side-libraries-nodejs)
- [Command-line Libraries (Node.js)](#command-line-libraries-nodejs)

A Subset for __Architecture and Infrastructure__

- [GUI Framework](#gui-framework)
- [Toolchain](#toolchain)
- [Workflow](#workflow)
- [Microservices / API Services (Node.js)](#microservices--api-services-nodejs)
- [Server-side Best Practices](#server-side-best-practices)
- [Cloud Services (Global)](#cloud-services-global) / [Cloud Services (China)](#cloud-services-china)
- [Documentation](#documentation)


## Platforms and Languages

### Open Web Platform

* Learning
* [What is the Internet](, [How does the Internet work](
* HTTP - see _[Server Side > Network](#network)_
* [Evolution of the Web](
* [Timeline of web browsers](
* [Dive Into HTML5 - A Quite Biased History of HTML5](
* [20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web](
* MDN's [Learn Web Development](
* Reference
* [MDN Web Docs](
* [HTML](, [SVG](, [CSS](, [DOM](, [DOM Events](, [Web APIs](
* [MDN content Roadmap](
* [Google Developers](
* [Web Fundamentals](, [Update](, [HTML5Rocks Archived Tutorials](
* Apple
* [WebKit JS](
* [CSSDB](
* CSS-Tricks's [CSS Almanac](, [Codrops' CSS Reference](
* [Mastering CSS Principles: A Comprehensive Guide](
* [HTML: The Living Standard (Web Developer Edition)](
* [The Web platform: Browser technologies](
* [W3Fools](
* [W3Schools Responds to W3Fools](
* [Why shouldn't I use W3Schools?](, [Why do people hate W3schools?](, [Does W3Schools really suck?](
* Visual Tools
* see _[Tooling > Useful Apps](#useful-apps) > Visual Tools_
* Performance
* Rendering
* [How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers](, \
[How Browsers Lay Out Web Pages](
* [Rendering Performance](
* [GPU Animation: Doing It Right]( / [An Introduction to Hardware Acceleration with CSS Animations](
* [CSS will-change](
* [Everything You Need to Know About the CSS will-change Property](
* [CSS Containment in Chrome 52](
* Loading
* [How DNS works](
* [Network resilience](
* [Evolution of Script Loading](, [Browser script loading roundup](
* [JavaScript Start-up Performance](
* [Critical Rendering Path](,
[CSS and the critical path](
* Offline
* see _[HTML5 / Web APIs](#html5--web-apis) > Offline_
* Measure
* [Performance budgets 101](
* [Measure Performance with the RAIL Model](
* [Measuring Page Load Speed with Navigation Timing](
* [Measuring network performance with Resource Timing API](
* [User Timing API](
* [Why Web Developers Need to Care about Interactivity](
* [requestIdleCallback](
* [PerformanceObserver](
* Optimization
* [Fast load times](
* [Why Performance Matters](
* [Performance audits](
* [Lighthouse Audit References](
* Security
* [Safe and secure](
* [The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications](
* [HTML5 Security Cheatsheet](
* Semantics
* [Let’s Talk about Semantics](
* [Easily discoverable](
* [SEO audits](
* [SEO Tutorial For Beginners](, \
Google's [Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide](
* Accessibility
* [Accessible to all](
* [The A11Y Project](, [Using ARIA](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### HTML5 / Web APIs

* [You Might Not Need jQuery](, \
[You Don't Need jQuery](, \
[(Now More Than Ever) You Might Not Need jQuery](
* [HEAD](
* [favicon](
* [Form pseudo-element](
* [Native form elements](
* [Detect DOM changes with Mutation Observers](
* Appearance
* [Web Components](
* [Shadow DOM v1](, [Custom Elements v1](
* [Web Animations](
* [Web Animation Past, Present, and Future](
* [Let's talk about the Web Animations API](
* Status - [Are we animated yet?](
* Interaction
* Desktop
* [MouseEvent](, [WheelEvent](, [KeyboardEvent](
* [Drag and Drop](, [Pointer Lock](
* Mobile
* [TouchEvent](
* [300ms tap delay, gone away](, [More Responsive Tapping on iOS](
* [DeviceOrientationEvent + DeviceMotionEvent](
* Hardware Agnostic
* [PointerEvent](, [Selection](
* [Intersection Observer API]( ([Intro](
* [Resize Observer API](
* [Gamepad](, [Web Speech](
* Access
* [URL](, [History](, [Navigator](, [Screen](, [Page Visibility](, [Clipboard](, [Performance](, [Console](
* [Permissions](, [Geolocation](
* [Web Notifications]( , [Vibration](
* Network
* [XMLHttpRequest2](
* [Fetch](
* [Abortable Fetch](
* [Why I won’t be using Fetch API in my apps](
* [WebSocket](, [Server-sent Event](
* [WebRTC](
* [Getting Started with WebRTC](
* [WebRTC in the real world: STUN, TURN and signaling](
* [WebRTC data channels](
* Workshop - [Codelabs - Real time communication with WebRTC](
* Offline
* Overview
* [Offline UX Considerations](
* [The offline cookbook](
* [Offline First - HTML5 technologies for a faster, smarter, more engaging web](
* [Web Storage](, [IndexedDB](
* [FileReader](, [File](, [Blob](
* [Service Worker](
* [Service Workers Explained](
* [Service Workers: an Introduction](, [The Service Worker Lifecycle](
* [Instant Loading Web Apps with an Application Shell Architecture](
* [Service Worker Cookbook](
* Status - [Is ServiceWorker Ready?](
* [Progressive Web Apps](
* [Progressive Web App Checklist](, [PWA audits](
* [Offline Storage for Progressive Web Apps](
* [The PRPL pattern](
* Workshop - [Codelabs - Your First Progressive Web App](
* Media
* [\](, [\](
* [Web Audio API](
* [Web Audio API Book](
* Workshop - [Web Audio School](
* [Media Streams](
* [Capturing Audio & Video in HTML5](
* Graphics
* [SVG](
* [Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS](
* [Canvas](
* [HTML5 Canvas](
* [WebGL](
* [WebGL by example](, [WebGL tutorial](, [Learning WebGL](
* [Primer: Shaders](, [An Introduction to Shaders](
* [The Book of Shaders](
* Workshop -[Shader School](, [WebGL Workshop](, [WebGL Academy](
* [Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming](
* [WebXR / Immersive Web](
* [Welcome to the immersive web](
* [Progressive WebXR](
* Computing
* [Web Cryptography](
* [Web Workers](
* WebAssembly
* see _[WebAssembly](#webassembly)_

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### CSS Features

* Basics
* [You Don't Need JavaScript](
* [CSS Selectors from CSS4 till CSS1](
* [CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors!](
* [An Ultimate Guide To CSS Pseudo-Classes And Pseudo-Elements](
* [@supports Rule (Feature Queries)](
* [Houdini](
* [Houdini: Demystifying CSS](, [Houdini: Maybe The Most Exciting Development In CSS You've Never Heard Of](
* Responsive Web Design
* Media Queries
* [Media Queries for Standard Devices](
* Images
* [Responsive Images](, [Responsive Images in CSS](
* Units
* [Font Size Idea: px at the Root, rem for Components, em for Text Elements](, \
[Understanding and Using rem Units in CSS](
* [Truly Fluid Typography With vh And vw Units](
* [Layout](
* Flexbox, CSS Grid Layout
* [CSS Grid, Flexbox And Box Alignment: Our New System For Web Layout](
* [A Complete Guide to Flexbox (CSS-Tricks)]( / [Flexbox (Codrops)](
* [Using Flexbox today](
* [Solved by Flexbox](, [Flexbox Patterns](
* [Centering Elements with Flexbox](
* [Quantity Queries with Flexbox](
* [A Complete Guide to Grid (CSS-Tricks)]( / [A Complete Guide to CSS Grid (Codrops)](
* Traditional
* [Learn CSS Layout](
* [Learn CSS Layout - the pedantic way](
* [CSS Floats 101](, [All About Floats](, [CSS Float Theory: Things You Should Know](
* [CSS Positioning 101](
* [CSS “position: sticky” – Introduction and Polyfills](
* [The Z-Index CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look](
* [Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide](, [Absolute Center an Image](, [How To Center in CSS](
* Web Typography
* [Using @font-face](
* [A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies](
* Text
* [Handling Long Words and URLs](
* [writing-mode]( + [text-orientation](
* Animation
* CSS Transition
* [Using CSS transitions](
* [Intro to CSS 3D transforms](
* CSS Animation
* [The Guide To CSS Animation: Principles and Examples](
* [Upgrading CSS Animation With Motion Curves](
* Motion Path
* [Animating Clipped Elements In SVG](
* [Moving along a curved path in CSS with layered animation](
* [Future Use: CSS Motion Paths](
* Effects
* [CSS Image Effects](
* [Web Image Effects Performance Showdown](
* [Basics of CSS Blend Modes](
* [CSS Blend Modes could be the next big thing in Web Design](
* [Understanding CSS Filter Effects](
* [Clipping and Masking in CSS](
* [The State of CSS Reflections](
* [CSS Shapes 101](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Modern CSS / Next-Gen CSS

* Component-based CSS
* Utility Class / Functional CSS / Utility-first CSS / Atomic CSS
* [The Case for Atomic / Utility-First CSS](
* [CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"](
* [A Year of Utility Classes](
* [So you need a CSS utility library?](
* see _[UI Toolkits](#ui-toolkits)_
* [CSS Modules](
* [The End of Global CSS](
* Tools - see _[Tooling > Toolchain](#toolchain) > Builder / Bundler > Webpack_
* [Styled-Components]( / [Emotion](
* [CSS in JS](
* [A Unified Styling Language](
* [A Brief History of CSS-in-JS: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going](, [The State of CSS](
* [Comparison of CSS-in-JS solutions](
* [Styled Components: Enforcing Best Practices In Component-Based Systems](
* [Writing your styles in JS ≠ writing inline styles](
* Libraries
* [styled-system](, [system-components](, [grid-styled](
* [styled-normalize]( / [styled-sanitize](
* [styled-components-breakpoint](
* [styled-tools](
* Preprocessor-based CSS
* [PostCSS](
* Intro
* [Meet PostCSS](
* [PostCSS – A Comprehensive Introduction](
* [PostCSS – Sass Killer or Preprocessing Pretender?](
* [PostCSS Playground](
* [Preset Env](
* [It’s Time To Start Using CSS Custom Properties](
* [Getting Started With CSS calc()](
* More Plugins - see _[Tooling > Toolchain](#toolchain) > Compiler / Transpiler / Preprocessor > PostCSS_
* Best Practices
* [Sanitize.css]( / [Normalize.css]( / [Reset.css](
* Methodology
* [BEM](
* [BEM 101]( / [MindBEMding](
* [OOCSS](
* [An Introduction To Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS)](
* [CSS Guidelines](, [MaintainableCSS](
* Code Style
* [Idiomatic CSS](
* [Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide](
* [Airbnb CSS-in-JavaScript Style Guide](
* [Isobar Front-end Code Standards](
* [Code Guide by @mdo](
* Know More about Web Design / [UI Design / UX Design](
* Responsive/Adaptive Web Design
* [Responsive Web Design Basics]( /\
[Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It](
* [The Difference Between Responsive and Adaptive Design](
* [The Current State of Adaptive Design](
* - [Design](, [Develop](
* Patterns
* [Responsive Web Design Patterns](, \
[Responsive Patterns](, \
[ Patterns](
* [Responsive Data Table Roundup](
* Motion Design
* [Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto](
* [10 principles for smooth web animations](
* Grid System - [A Comprehensive Introduction to Grids in Web Design](
* calc() grid system - [Lost Grid](
* flexbox grid system - [Flexbox Grid](
* [The 8-Point Grid](
* Typography
* [Typography.js](
* [Gutenberg](
* [The Equilateral Triangle of a Perfect Paragraph](
* [The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web](
* [Why is Vertical Rhythm an Important Typography Practice?](
* [CSS with vertical rhythm](
* [More Meaningful Typography](
* [Modular Scale](
* [Atomic Design]( ([Book](
* [The Atomic Workflow — People, Process, And Making Design Systems Happen](
* [The “Other” Interface: Atomic Design With Sass](
* [Atomic Design – Your Ultimate Guide to Scalable & Modular CSS (Sass)](
* Design System
* [A comprehensive guide to design systems](, [Design Systems Handbook](
* Design Tokens
* [Tokens in Design Systems](
* [How to manage your Design Tokens with Style Dictionary](
* [What Are Design Tokens?](
* Style Guide
* [Style Guide Driven Development / Living Style Guides](
* Tools - see _[Tooling > Documentation](#documentation) > Style Guide_
* Examples
* Apple's [Human Interface Guidelines](
* Google's [Material Design](
* Microsoft's [Fluent Design System](
* Airbnb's [new design system](
* Github's [Primer](
* Atlassian's [Design Guidelines](
* Salesforce's [Lightning Design System](
* Yelp's [Styleguide](
* IBM's [Living Language](
* BBC's [GEL Guidelines](
* A List Apart's [pattern library](
*'s [Web Design Standards](
* MailChimp's [Email Design Guide](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Modern JS / Next-Gen JS

* ES6+ Features
* [Overview of ECMAScript 6 features](
* [Babel REPL]( / [ES6 New Features Comparison](
* Intro to ES6+
* [Dr. Axel Rauschmayer's blog](
* [Exploring ES6](
* [Exploring ES2016 and ES2017](
* [ES6 In Depth](
* Nicholas C. Zakas's [Understanding ECMAScript 6](
* Re-intro to JS
* Articles
* [A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial)](
* [Equality comparisons and sameness](, [Data types and data structures](, [Closures](, [Inheritance and the prototype chain](
* [Concurrency model and Event Loop](, [Memory Management](
* Dmitry Soshnikov
* [JavaScript. The Core](
* ECMA-262-3 in detail
* [Execution Contexts](, [Variable object](, [This](, [Scope chain](, [Functions](, [Closures](, [Evaluation strategy](
* OOP: [The general theory](, [ECMAScript implementation](,
* ECMA-262-5 in detail
* [Properties and Property Descriptors](, [Strict Mode](
* Lexical environments: [Common Theory](, [ECMAScript implementation](
* Notes
* [Equality operators](, [Default values of parameters](
* Dmitri Pavlutin
* [equality operator](, [undefined](
* [variables hoisting](, [variables lifecycle](
* [declare functions](, ['this' keyword](
* [three dots](
* [array creation](, [object literals](
* [well-known symbols](
* [small and plain functions](
* [unicode](
* Other
* [The Evolution of JavaScript Modularity](
* [About object-oriented design and the “class” & “extends” keywords in ES6](
* [JavaScript Regular Expression Enlightenment](
* Books
* [Eloquent JavaScript](
* [Speaking JavaScript](
* [You Don't Know JS (book series)](
* Reference
* [JavaScript Guide](
* [JavaScript Reference](
* Important Proposals
* ESM (ECMAScript Modules)
* Intro
* [The state of JavaScript modules](
* [ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax](
* [ES6 Modules in Depth](
* Browsers
* [ECMAScript modules in browsers](
* Node.js
* [Node.js, TC-39, and Modules](
* [.mjs](
* [Using ES modules natively in Node.js](
* [esm](
* [ES Modules in Node Today!](
* [Dynamic Import (`import()`)](
* [Class Fields & Static Properties](
* [Decorators](
* [async/await](, [Promise](, [Promise Promote](, [Promises/A+](
* [Observables](
* [Static Typing](
* Concurrent JS / Parallel JavaScript
* [Concurrent JavaScript: It can work!](
* [The Path to Parallel JavaScript](
* [A Taste of JavaScript’s New Parallel Primitives](
* [A cartoon intro to ArrayBuffers and SharedArrayBuffers](
* Functional Programming
* [Functional Programming for JavaScript People](
* [Functional Programming Jargon](
* [Composing Software](
* Books
* [Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming](
* [Functional-Light JavaScript](
* [Lodash's FP Guide](
* [Introduction to Immutable.js and Functional Programming Concepts](
* [Why Ramda?](
* [The Philosophy of Ramda](
* [Favoring Curry](
* [Thinking in Ramda](
* [Fantasy Land](
* [From Callback to Future -> Functor -> Monad](
* [ADT (Algebraic Data Types)](
* [JavaScript and Type Thinking](
* [Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures](,_applicatives,_and_monads_in_pictures.html)
* FRP (Functional Reactive Programming)
* [The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing](
* [How Is Reactive Different From Procedural Programming?](
* [A General Theory of Reactivity](
* [Learn RxJS](
* [Rx Book](
* [Functional Programming in JavaScript](
* [RxMarbles](
* Static Typing
* Intro
* [Why use static types in JavaScript?](
* [You Might Not Need TypeScript (or Static Types)](
* [Flow](
* [Flow Runtime](
* [Flow Comments](
* [TypeScript](
* [TypeScript Playground](
* [DefinitelyTyped](, [TypeSearch](
* [tcomb](
* [JSDoc Tags](
* [jsdoc-to-assert](
* Concurrent JS / Parallel JavaScript
* [Napa.js](
* Code Style
* [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide](
* [Node.js Style Guide](
* [Clean Code JavaScript](
* [JavaScript Clean Coding Best Practices](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### WebAssembly

* References
* [](
* [MDN docs](
* Concepts
* [WebAssembly High-Level Goals](
* [Minimum Viable Product](
* [WebAssembly concepts](
* [An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly](
* Features
* [Features to add after the MVP](
* [WebAssembly proposals](
* Workshop
* [Codelabs - An Introduction to Web Assembly](
* Languages
* [Rust](
* [Rust and WebAssembly](
* [The Rust Wasm Book](

### Node.js

* Intro
* [The Art of Node](
* [You Don’t Know Node](
* [RisingStack's]( / [NodeSource's]( Understanding the Node.js Event Loop
* [Node.js Garbage Collection Explained](
* [Stream Handbook](
* [A Brief History of Node Streams](
* [Understanding Object Streams](
* [Keeping the Node.js core small](
* [Debugging Node.js with Google Chrome](
* [Add v8_inspector supports](
* [How to Debug Node.js with the Best Tools Available](
* Workshop
* [NodeSchool](
* [learnyounode](
* Best Practices
* [The Node Way](
* [Joyent's Production Practices - Design](, [Error Handling](
* [Best Practices for Node.js Development](
* [Node.js Best Practices](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Platform Compatibility and Proposal Status

* Web
* Platform Status
* [Can I Use](
* [Chrome](, [WebKit](, [Firefox](, [Edge](, [TBS (China)](
* Platform Releases
* [Chrome](, [Safari]( ([Webkit](, [Firefox](, [Edge](
* Platform Updates
* [Mozilla Hacks](
* [Web Updates](, [Chromium Blog](
* [Webkit Blog](
* [Microsoft Edge Dev Blog](
* [Writing forward-compatible websites](
* Polyfill - [What is a Polyfill?](
* Feature Detection - [Modernizr/feature-detects](, [feature.js](
* Browser/Device/Runtime Detection - see _[Platforms and Languages > Universal Utility Libraries](#universal-utility-libraries) > Parsing / Manipulating_
* [Graded Browser Support]( - [Grade components, not browsers](
* Email
* [CSS Support Guide for Email Clients]( / [Email Client CSS Support](
* [Email Design Reference]( + [HTML Email Templates](
* Node.js
* Platform Releases
* [Node.js Release Working Group](
* ECMAScript Support
* [ECMAScript compatibility table](
* [Node.js ES2015+ Support](
* Node 10.x LTS - Supports ES modules natively (without `--experimental-modules`)
* [Node.8.5]( - Supports ES modules natively (`.mjs` + `--experimental-modules`)
* [Node 8.3]( - [V8 6.0](, [Ignition + Turbofan launched](
* [Node 8.0 LTS]( - [V8 5.8](, [Five New Features You Need To Know](
* [Node 7.6]( - [V8 5.5](, Async functions
* [Node 6.0 LTS]( - [V8 5.0](, 93% of ES6 language features
* Performance - [Six Speed](
* Proposal Status
* [W3C WG]( (World Wide Web Consortium Working Groups)
* [Web Platform Publication Status](
* [JavaScript APIs](, [Mobile Web Applications](, [CSS](
* [CSS current work](
* [Current HTML5 Specifications](
* Inside
* [W3C TR (Technical Reports)](
* [An Inside View of the CSS Working Group at W3C](
* [WICG]( (Web Incubator Community Group)
* [Proposals](
* [WHATWG]( (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group)
* [WHATWG Live Standards](
* Inside
* [W3C vs. WHATWG HTML5 Specs – The Differences Documented](
* [ECMA TC39]( (Ecma International Technical Committee 39)
* [Status, process, and documents for ECMA262](
* [ECMAScript Proposals]( / [TC39 Proposals](
* Inside
* [The TC39 Process]( / [The TC39 process for ECMAScript features](
* [Node.js TSC]( (Node.js Foundation Technical Steering Committee)
* [Meeting Notes](
* Inside
* [How Node.js created a model open source community](
* [Healthy Open Source](
* JS Engine
* [A Guide to JavaScript Engines for Idiots](
* [V8](
* [How the V8 engine works?](
* Internal
* [v8: a tale of two compilers](, \
[A tour of V8: full compiler](
* [A tour of V8: Garbage Collection](
* Next Generation
* [Ignition + TurboFan launch and Declarative JavaScript](
* [Launching Ignition and TurboFan](
* [A tale of TurboFan](
* [Ignition + TurboFan and ES2015](
* [JSC](
* [JavaScriptCore, the WebKit JS implementation](
* Internal
* [Introducing the WebKit FTL JIT](
* Next Generation
* [JSC Love ES6](
* [Introducing the B3 JIT Compiler](
* [Chakra](
* [Microsoft Edge’s JavaScript engine to go open-source](
* [Architecture Overview](
* [Node-ChakraCore and VM Neutrality in Node.js](
* Internal
* JavaScript performance updates - [2015](, [2016](, [2017](
* Next Generation
* [Roadmap](
* [SpiderMonkey](
* [The monkeys in 2013](
* Benchmarks
* [The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks](
* [Browser Benchmarks](
* Web Runtime / JS Runtime
* [Electron](
* Tutorials - [Essential Electron](
* [Cordova](
* [Platform Support](
* [Top Mistakes by Developers new to Cordova/Phonegap](
* Curated Plugins - [Awesome Cordova Plugins](
* Finding Plugins - [plugreg]( / [Plugin Search](
* [React Native]( / [NativeScript]( / [Weex](
* [React Native Styling Cheat Sheet](
* [Bridging in React Native - An in-depth look into React Native's core](
* Tutorials - [React Native Express](, [React Native Workshop](, [React Native Training](
* Examples - [30 Days of React Native](
* Device
* [The Ultimate Guide To iPhone Resolutions](
* [Device Metrics]( / [Screen Sizes](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Cross-browser / Polyfill Libraries

* Appearance
* Responsive Web Design
* Media Queries - [Enquire.js](
* Responsive Image - [Picturefill](
* [Viewport Units Buggyfill](
* Web Typography
* `@font-face` - [Font Face Observer](
* Web Animation API
* [Web Animations Polyfill](
* Web Components
* [webcomponents.js (v1 spec polyfills)]( / [Polymer](
* Interaction
* Keyboard - [Mousetrap](
* `scroll-behavior: smooth;` - [Smoothscroll Polyfill](
* PointerEvent - [PEP]( / [React Pointable](
* [ResizeObserver Polyfill](
* Access
* Web Notifications API - [Push.js]( / [Notify.js](
* Clipboard API - [Clipboard.js]( / [copy-to-clipboard](
* Fullscreen API - [Screenfull](
* Page Visibility API - [Visibility.js](
* `` - [iframe-resizer](
* Network
* XHR - [window.fetch Polyfill](
* Server-Sent Events - [EventSource Polyfill](
* WebSocket - [Socket.IO-client]( / [Engine.IO-client]( / [SockJS-client](
* Performance
* Web Worker - [Greenlet]( / [Workerize](
* `document-write` - [PostScribe](
* User Timing API - [marky](
* Offline
* Service Work - [Workbox](
* File / FileReader API
* [FileSaver.js]( / [StreamSaver.js](
* [blob-util](
* IndexedDB
* LocalStorage API - [localForage](
* Media
* `` - [Video.js](
* `` - [Howler.js](
* Web Audio API - [Waud.js](, [Tone.js](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### npm Ecosystem

* [npm](
* [how many npm users are there?](, [Module Counts](
* [Why not to use version control hosting for packages](
* [npm and front-end packaging](
* [changes to npm’s unpublish policy](, [kik, left-pad, and npm](
* [Hello, Yarn!](
* Finding Packages
* Search
* []( / []( / [](
* [improved search in the npm CLI (and how we got here)](, \
[Better search is here!](
* [Github Search (sort by stars, for JS)](
* Stats
* [npm trends](
* [NPMCompare](
* [npm-stat](
* Rank
* [The State Of JavaScript](, \
[Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey](
* npm's [most depended-upon packages](
* Dependency Management / Release / Maintenance
* [npm Developer Guide](
* [npm's CLI](
* [v5.0.0](
* [npm’s lockfiles](
* [Yarn](
* [yarn's CLI](
* [yarn.lock](
* [Lerna](
* [semantic-release]( / [np](, [gh-release](
* [npm-check-updates](
* [check-dependencies](
* [changed-log](
* [license-checker](
* Convention
* Open Source
* [Art of README](, [How To Write A Readme](
* [Top ten reasons why I won't use your open source project](
* [Readme Driven Development](
* Template - [Common Readme]( / [Standard Readme]( / [Zalando's README Template](
* Changelog
* [Conventional Commits](
* [Conventional Changelog](
* [How to Write a Git Commit Message](
* License
* [Choose an open source license](
* SemVer
* [SemVer (Semantic Versioning)]( / [The semantic versioner for npm]( / [Semver: A Primer](
* [npm semver calculator](
* package.json
* [Specifics of npm's package.json](
* [Specifics of yarn's package.json](
* [What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies](
* Small Modules
* [Unix Philosophy and Node.js](
* [module best practices](
* [how I write modules](
* Hyper Modular / One-line Modules
* [Small focused modules](
* [Hyper Modular Packages: A Crazy Cult or a Reasonable Practice?](
* [In Defense of Hyper Modular JavaScript](
* Isomorphic JS / Universal JS
* [Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps](
* [Universal JavaScript](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Universal Utility Libraries

* Standard Library Extensions
* Utilities
* [Lodash](
* [is.js](
* FP
* [Ramda](
* [ramda-fantasy](
* Immutable
* [immutability-helper]( + [redux-immutable-state-invariant]( / [redux-freeze](
* [icepick]( / [seamless-immutable]( / [dot-prop-immutable]( / [object-path-immutable]( / [timm]( / [updeep](
* [ImmutableJS](
* [lodash-decorators](
* [Stampit](
* Async
* Observable - [RxJS](
* Promise - [es6-promisify](, [Bluebird](
* Generator - [Co](
* Callback - [Async](

* Syntax
* [XRegExp](
* Node.js API
* [node-libs-browser](
* [EventEmitter3](
* Debugging
* [debug]( / [pino](
* Hashing / Generating
* [uuid]( / [cuid](
* [shortid]( / [punycode]( / [string-hash](
* [base64-js]( / [sha.js]( / [spark-md5]( / [crypto-js]( / [jsrsasign](
* Parsing / Manipulating
* URL Parsing - [qs](, [URI.js](
* IP Address Manipulation - [ip](
* Environment
* UA Sniffing - [UAParser.js]( / [useragent](
* Information - [platform.js](
* Runtime Detection - [is-electron-renderer]( / [electron-is](
* Validator
* String Validation - [validator.js](
* Schema Validation - [joi]( / [Ajv](
* i18n
* [Intl.js]( + [FormatJS]( / [i18next](
* Date
* Date Manipulation - [Moment.js](
* Numbers
* Number Manipulation - [Numeral.js](
* Money - [accounting.js](
* Color
* Color Manipulation - [Chroma.js](, [Chromatism](, [randomColor](
* Color Extraction - [node-vibrant]( / [Colorify.js](
* Text
* Text Manipulation - [Voca.js]( / [string.js](
* Characters - [string-width](, [string-length](
* HTML Entities - [he](
* Human-readable Slug - [speakingurl](
* XSS Sanitizer - [DOMPurify]( / [xss](
* HTTP - [mime-types](, [content-type](
* JSON Superset - [serialize-javascript](, [JSON5](
* Markdown - [marked]( / [markdown-it](
* [CommonMark](, [A formal spec for GitHub Flavored Markdown](
* Links Recognition - [linkify-it](
* Language Detection - [franc](
* Text Differencing - [diff](
* JSON Differencing - [deep-diff](
* Search - [Fuse.js]( / [fuzzysearch]( / [Lunr.js]( / [js-worker-search](, [regexgen]( / [escape-string-regexp](
* DSL Parser - [PEG.js]( / [nearley](
* Buffer / Blob
* Type Detection - [file-type](, [image-type](
* Size Detection - [probe-image-size](
* Image Manipulation - [jimp](
* Image Crop - [Smartcrop.js](
* QR Code / Barcode - [qrcode]( / [jsbarcode](
* Logic
* Rate Limiter - [Bottleneck]( / [Limiter](
* Network
* Low-level - [Isomorphic Fetch](
* High-level
* Based on XHR - [Axios](
* Based on Fetch API - [hifetch](
* GraphQL - [lokka](
* [MQTT](
* UDP / P2P
* [Simple Peer]( / [JS SIP](
* [WebTorrent](
* Storage
* File Database
* JSON - [Lowdb](
* IndexedDB / WebSQL / localStorage / Memory
* MongoDB API - [NeDB](
* CouchDB API - [PouchDB](
* Realtime / P2P - [Gun](, [ShareDB](
* Computation
* [Math.js](, [Simple Statistics](, [ndarray](, [bignumber.js](
* [compromise]( / [talisman](
* [TensorFlow.js](
* [MLJS](, [Synaptic](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

## Universal Web Apps / Web Pages

### GUI Framework

* View / ViewModel / ViewController
* [React](
* Learning
* Pete Hunt's [react-howto](
* [React - Basic Theoretical Concepts](
* [Under the hood: ReactJS](
* [SurviveJS React]( / [React Express](
* [React Cheat Sheet](
* Best Practices
* [React Bits](, [React in patterns](
* [Functional UI and Components as Higher Order Functions](
* Next Gen - [What is React Fiber?](, [React 16](
* Component Utilities
* [Recompose](
* [React Display Name](
* [React Side Effect](
* [React Komposer](
* [React Loadable](
* [React CSS Themr](
* Browser Utilities
* [React Event Listener](
* [React onClickOutside](
* [React Responsive](
* [React Sizeme]( / [React Dimensions](
* [React Portal]( / [React Gateway](
* [React Measure](
* [React Copy to clipboard](
* [React Cookie](
* Use React Alone
* [Redial]( / [React Refetch](
* [formik]( / [Formsy React](
* Lightweight Alternative
* [Preact]( / [Inferno](
* [Angular](
* [Vue.js](
* Cross-framework
* [vuera](
* Model / App State
* [Redux](
* Learning
* [Notes of Dan Abramov's Redux course videos](
* [A cartoon intro to Redux](
* [Tic-Tac-Toe.js: redux pattern in plain JavaScript](
* Reduce Boilerplate
* [redux-cube]( (Author's own project)
* Connect
* [react-redux](
* [reselect](
* Action Types, Action Creators, Reducer Switch
* [redux-actions](
* [flux-standard-action](
* [topologically-combine-reducers](
* Asnyc Actions
* [redux-thunk]( + [redux-promise-middleware]( + [redux-debounced](
* [redux-observable](
* [redux-saga](
* [redux-api-middleware]( / [redux-axios-middleware]( / [](
* [redux-rest-resource]( / [redux-json-api]( / [redux-api](
* State
* [normalizr](
* Immutalbe - see _[Universal Utility Libraries](#universal-utility-libraries) > Standard Library Extensions > FP > Immutable_
* [redux-immutable](
* [redux-persist](
* [redux-undo](
* [redux-reset](
* UI Patterns
* [redux-form](
* [react-block-ui]( / [react-redux-loading-bar](
* [react-notification-system-redux]( / [react-redux-toastr](
* [redux-optimistic-ui](
* App Behaviours
* [redux-auth-wrapper](
* [react-intl-redux](
* [Redux Search](
* Development
* [redux-devtools-extension](
* [redux-logger](
* Testing - see _[Testing](#testing) > Web Testing > Integration Testing_
* [MobX](
* [Baobab]( / [Freezer](
* API / Data Source
* [GraphQL](
* Learning
* [Queries and Mutations](
* Playground - [GraphQLHub](, [Explore GraphQL](
* State Management
* [Apollo Client](
* [redux-source]( (Author's own project)
* [graphql-anywhere](
* [graphql-tools](
* Offline First
* Learning
* [Designing Offline-First Web Apps](
* [Say Hello to Offline First](, \
[Offline First and the Circle Of Web](, [Part II: Breaking the Circle](
* Routing
* [React Router](
* [Connected React Router](
* [React Helmet](
* i18n
* [React Intl]( / [React i18next](
* [React Intl Redux](
* Monitoring / Error Capture
* [react-ga](
* [redux-segment](
* [redux-raven-middleware]( / [raven-for-redux](
* [redux-catch](
* [redux-beacon](
* Services - see _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Monitoring_
* Debugging
* [why-did-you-update](
* Server-side Rendering
* see _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Deployment > Publishing App_
* Static Web
* [JAMstack](
* see _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Deployment > Publishing App_
* Scaffold / Boilerplate / Generator
* [create-react-app]( / [angular-cli]( / [vue-cli](
* [Next.js](
* [webcube]( (Author's own project)
* [Starter Kits Recommended by the React Team](
* [JavaScript Stack from Scratch](
* Static Site Generator - [Gatsby]( / [Metalsmith]( / [Hexo]( / [Assemble](
* GUI Architectures
* Comparison
* [Scaling Isomorphic JavaScript Code](
* [Comparison of Architecture presentation patterns MVP(SC),MVP(PV),PM,MVVM and MVC](
* [Unidirectional User Interface Architectures](
* [Change And Its Detection In JavaScript Frameworks](
* [Martin Fowler's eaaDev](
* [Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture](
* MVC - [A](, [B](, [C](
* [Understanding MVC And MVP (For JavaScript And Backbone Developers)](
* [Understanding MVVM - A Guide For JavaScript Developers](
* [Flux Concepts](
* [Flux - In Depth Overview](
* [Redux - Reinventing Flux - Interview with Dan Abramov](
* [The Elm Architecture](
* [MVI (Model-View-Intent) in Cycle.js](
* [What Developers Need to Know about MVI (Model-View-Intent)](
* [SAM (State-Action-Model)](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### UI Toolkits

* [Skeleton.css](
* [Tachyons](
* [Bulma](
* [Material Components for the web](
* [WeUI](
* [MJML]( / [Foundation for Emails 2](
* React
* [Reactstrap]( / [React Bootstrap](
* [Material-UI]( / [React Toolbox](
* [Ant Design]( / [Ant Design Mobile](
* [Rebass](
* [Blueprint](
* [Semantic UI React](
* [React Foundation](
* [React WeUI](
* [React Desktop](
* [React Native Web](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Standalone UI Components

* Layout
* Grid - [React FlexBox Grid](
* Masonry - [React Masonry Component]( / [masonry-layout]( / [bricks.js]( / [Justified Layout](
* Split - [React Split Pane]( / [Split.js](
* Dashboard - [React Grid Layout](
* Icon
* [React Icons]( / [Material Design Icons]( / [Bytesize Icons](
* Progress
* [React Redux Loading Bar]( / [NProgress](
* Button
* [Buttons](
* Indicators - [React Ladda]( / [Ladda]( / [React Progress Button](
* Accordion
* [React Collapse]( / [React Sanfona](
* Picker
* [React Tabs](
* [React Select](
* [React Radio Group](
* [RC Slider]( / [React Slider]( / [React Input Range](
* [React Color](
* [React Dates]( / [React Datepicker]( / [React Day Picker]( / [Pikaday]( / [React Datetime](
* Input
* [React Toggle](
* [React Input Autosize](, [React Textarea Autosize](
* [React Tag Input](
* [React Autosuggest](
* Auto-formatting - [React MaskedInput]( / [React Text Mask]( / [Cleave.js](
* Form
* [React JSON Schema Form](
* Overlay
* [React Modal]( / [SweetAlert2]( / [vex](
* [React Overlays](
* [React Notification System]( / [react-notification-system-redux]( /\
[React Redux Toastr]( / [React Notification]( / [React sAlert]( / [Notie](
* Drawer - [React Burger Menu]( / [React Sidebar]( / [React Dock](
* [React ContextMenu](
* [React Block UI](
* Content
* Carousel - [React Slick]( / [Nuka Carousel](
* [React Paginate](
* [React Rating](
* List / Table - [React Virtualized]( / [React Table]( / [React List](
* Spreadsheet - [React Data Grid]( / [React Handsontable]( / [React Datasheet](
* TreeView - [React Treebeard]( / [React TreeView](
* JSON Viewer - [React JSON Tree](
* [React QR Code](
* Email Table - [Oy Vey](
* Editor
* [Draft.js](
* [Awesome Draft.js](
* [Slate](
* [React Quill]( / [Quill](
* [React Monaco Editor]( / [React Ace]( / [React Codemirror](
* [Monaco Editor]( / [Ace]( / [CodeMirror](
* [React Markdown](
* [React Syntax Highlighter]( / [Highlight.js](
* Widget
* [React Music](
* [React Big Calendar](
* [React Image Gallery](
* [React Google Maps]( / [Google Map React]( / [React Map GL](
* [React Youtube]( / [React Player](
* [Searchkit](
* [Redux Auth](
* [SurveyJS](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

## Client Side

### UX Libraries

* Drag & Drop
* [React DnD]( / [React Draggable](
* [React Sortable HOC ]( / [Sortable](
* [React Dropzone]( / [DropzoneJS](
* [GSAP - Draggable](
* Gesture
* [Hammer.js]( / [Interact.js]( / [ZingTouch]( / [AlloyFinger](
* [Gestures Patterns](
* [React HammerJS](
* [React Swipeable Views]( / [React Swipeable]( / [Swiper](
* Scrolling
* Viewport and Elements
* [React Waypoint]( / [Waypoints](, \
[React ScrollMonitor]( / [ScrollMonitor](, \
[React Visibility Sensor](
* [React Sticky](
* [React Headroom]( / [Headroom.js](
* [React Infinite Scroller]( / [React Infinite](
* [React Lazyload](
* [React Pull to Refresh](
* Smooth Scrolling - [React Scroll](
* Scrollable - [React iScroll]( / [iScroll]( / [Zynga Scroller](
* Scrollable Container - [React Custom Scrollbars]( / [React Scroll Box]( / [React Scrollbar]( / [Overthrow](
* Zoom
* Image Loupe - [Drift]( / [React Image Magnify](
* Image Viewer - [React Images]( / [React Image Lightbox]( / [LightGallery]( / [SmartPhoto](
* Crop
* [React Avatar Editor]( / [React Image Crop]( / [React Cropper](
* Resize
* [React Resizable](
* [React RnD](
* Tooltip
* [Hint.css](
* [React Tether]( / [Tether.js]( / [Popper.js](, \
[React Tooltip]( / [Tether Tooltip]( / [Tippy.js](
* Tour
* [React Joyride]( / [Intro.js]( / [tether-shepherd]( / [Chardin.js](
* Accessiblity
* [React HotKeys](
* [React A11y](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Graphic Libraries

* Animation
* Effects
* [Animate.css]( / [Magic Animations]( / [All Animation CSS3]( / [Motion CSS]( / [Effeckt.css]( / [CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet](
* [React Animations]( / [Animate Components]( / [rc-animate](
* [Hover.css](
* [Transformicons]( / [Hamburgers](
* Loading
* [Loaders.css]( / [SpinKit]( / [Spin.js](
* [React Spinkit]( / [React Loaders]( / [Halogen]( / [React Spinjs](
* Queue
* [React FLIP Move]( / [rc-queue-anim](
* Characters
* [React Typist]( / [rc-texty](
* [React CountUp]( / [CountUp.js](
* Parallax / Scrolling
* [ScrollReveal.js]( / [ScrollMagic]( / [Rellax](
* [rc-scroll-anim]( / [React Springy Parallax](
* Orientation - [Parallax](
* Easing
* [d3-ease]( / [tween-functions](
* [bezier-easing](
* Keyframe / Transition
* Style
* [Velocity.js]( / [Velocity React]( / [Dynamics.js](
* [React Overdrive](
* Anything
* [Anime.js]( / [React Anime](
* Between Shapes - [flubber](
* Lightweight Tweening Engine - [shifty]( / [tween.js](
* [GSAP - TweenLite](, [GSAP - TweenMax](
* Keyframe + Timeline
* Style
* [React Motion](
* [React Motion UI Pack](
* [React Router Transition](
* Anything
* [React Move](
* [GSAP - TimelineLite](, [GSAP - TimelineMax](
* [React GSAP Enhancer](
* Motion / Curved Path
* SVG - [Vivus](
* Shape - [mo-js](
* [rc-tween-one](
* 2D
* Canvas
* [Pixi.js]( / [Fabric.js](
* [React Pixi]( / [ReactPixiFiber]( / [React Konva](
* Isometric - [obelisk.js](
* Creative - [p5.js](
* Fonts - [opentype.js](
* [Snap.svg]( / [Raphaël](
* Physics
* [Matter.js](
* 3D
* WebGL
* [Three.js]( / [React Three]( / [React Three Renderer](
* [Babylon.js](
* [stackgl](
* [aframe-react]( / [A-Frame](
* [React 360](
* Physics
* [cannon.js]( / [ammo.js]( / [oimo.js](
* Data Visualization
* [React Sparklines]( / [React Trend]( / [vx](
* [Recharts]( / [Victory](
* [ECharts]( / [Highcharts (Commercial)]( / [React Highcharts]( / [Google Charts]( / [React Google Charts](
* [Plotly.js](
* [AntV G2](
* [Chart.js]( / [React ChartJS]( / [Chartist.js](
* Graph - [Cytoscape.js](, [AntV G6](
* [Timesheet.js](, [Canvas Gauges](
* GIS - [Leaflet](, [Turf.js](, [OpenLayers](, [Cesium](
* [D3.js](
* Word Cloud - [d3-cloud](
* Constraint - [d3-force]( / [cola.js](
* [Awesome D3](
* Game
* [React GameKit](
* [Phaser](
* [voxel.js](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Hybrid Libraries

* Electron
* Persistence
* [Electron Settings](
* [Auto Launch](
* [Electron Window State](
* [Electron LetsMove](
* UI
* [Electron Window](
* [About Window](
* [Electron Context Menu](
* [Menubar](
* Interaction
* [Electron Localshortcut](
* Debug
* [Electron Log](
* [Electron Debug](
* React Native
* UI Toolkits
* [NativeBase](
* [React Native Elements](
* Standalone UI Components
* [Vector Icons](
* [Loading Spinner Overlay]( / [SpinKit](
* [Progress](
* [Button](
* [Tabs](
* [Drawer](
* [Modalbox](
* [DatePicker](
* [Maps](
* UX
* [React Navigation]( / [Navigation](
* [Push Notification]( / [OneSignal](
* [Parsed Text](
* [Swiper](
* [TabView]( / [Scrollable TabView](
* [Invertible Scroll View](, [Gifted Chat](
* [Keyboard Spacer](
* Access
* [Device Info](
* [Permissions](
* [Keychain](
* [Config](
* [Image Picker]( / [Image Crop Picker](
* [Filesystem](
* [Communications](
* Graphic
* [SVG](
* [Blur](
* [Animatable](
* [Lottie](
* Media
* [Video](
* [Camera](
* [Sound](
* Storage
* [Realm](
* [Simple Store](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

## Server Side

### Network

* Intro
* [An overview of HTTP](, \
[Introduction to HTTP](
* [Evolution of HTTP](
* [Identifying resources on the Web]( / \
[Understanding URIs](
* [Architecture of the World Wide Web: Identification](
* [MIME types](
* [HTTP Messages](
* [Connection management in HTTP/1.x](
* [Redirections in HTTP](
* Reference
* [HTTP headers](
* [HTTP response status codes]( / [](
* [Same-origin policy](
* [HTTP access control (CORS)]( / [Using CORS](
* Content Security Policy (CSP) - [Google]( / [Mozilla](
* Performance
* [High Performance Browser Networking](, \
[Ideal HTTP Performance](
* HTTP Caching - [Google](, [Mozilla](
* [Compression in HTTP](
* [Why HTTPS Matters](
* [Is TLS Fast Yet?]( / [HTTP vs HTTPS Test](
* [HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)](
* [What Is Mixed Content?](, [Preventing Mixed Content](
* HTTP/2
* [http2 explained]( / \
[Introduction to HTTP/2](
* [HTTP/2 FAQ](
* [A Comprehensive Guide To HTTP/2 Server Push](
* [gRPC](
* [What is gRPC?](
* [Protocol Buffers](
* [Writing WebSocket servers](
* [QUIC](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Server-side Best Practices

* SaaS
* [The Twelve-Factor App](
* Restful API
* Heroku's [HTTP API Design Guide](, \
Microsoft's [API Design Best Practices](, [REST API Guidelines](, \
[Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API](, \
[Principles of good RESTful API Design](
* [REST API Error Codes 101](
* [Introducing JSON](
* Microservices
* [A pattern language for microservices](
* [Microservice Architecture](, [Monolithic Architecture](
* Decompose by [business capability](, [subdomain](
* [Service instance per container](, [Service deployment platform](
* [Externalized configuration](, [Microservice chassis](
* Service discovery ([Server-side](, [Client-side](, [Service registry](, [Remote Procedure Invocation](
* [Database per service](, [Shared database](
* [Microservices: From Design to Deployment](
* [Microservices Resource Guide](
* API Gateway
* [Pattern: API Gateway / Backend for Front-End](
* [Why an API Gateway?](
* [Moving from REST to GraphQL]( / [From REST to GraphQL]( / [GraphQL vs. REST](
* [Serverless and GraphQL: A Perfect Match for the New Cloud Paradigm](
* Serverless
* [Pattern: Serverless deployment](
* [Microservices without the Servers](
* [The Next Layer of Abstraction in Cloud Computing is Serverless](
* [The essential guide to serverless technologies and architectures](, \
[An essential guide to the serverless ecosystem](
* [Serverless Architecture: Five Design Patterns](, \
[Serverless Code Patterns](
* Cloud / Distributed
* Architecture
* [AWS Well-Architected](
* Azure's Cloud Fundamentals - [Architecture styles](, [Pillars of software quality](, [Design principles](
* Static
* [Static Content Hosting](, [Valet Key](, [Content Delivery Network](
* Queue / Jobs
* [Queue-Based Load Leveling](, [Competing Consumers](, [Priority Queue](
* [Background jobs](
* Decompose
* [Federated Identity](
* [Pipes and Filters](
* [Compute Resource Consolidation](
* Configuration
* [External Configuration Store](, [Runtime Reconfiguration](
* Storage / Querying
* [Cache-Aside](, [Caching](
* [CQRS](, [Event Sourcing](
* [Index Table](, [Materialized View](
* [Data partitioning](, [Sharding](
* [Resiliency]( / [Availability](
* [Retry](, [Circuit Breaker](, [Transient fault handling](
* [Compensating Transaction](
* [Health Endpoint Monitoring](, [Leader Election](, [Scheduler Agent Supervisor](
* [The Reactive Manifesto](
* Multitenant
* [Manage Identity in Multitenant Applications](
* Old-fashioned Web Hosting / Non-distributed
* [Ultimate Guide to Web Hosting]( / [Web Hosting Beginner Guide](
* Authentication / Authorization
* [Cookies vs Tokens: The Definitive Guide](, \
[The Ins and Outs of Token Based Authentication](
* [Introduction to JSON Web Tokens](
* [An Introduction to OAuth 2](, [Understanding OAuth2](
* [The OAuth Bible](
* [Tokens used by Auth0](
* [Understanding Refresh Tokens](
* [How To Safely Store A Password](, \
[You Wouldn't Base64 a Password - Cryptography Decoded](, \
[How to securely hash passwords?](
* [Weak Signature Algorithm](
* Security
* [Security Guide for Developers](
* [Understanding CSRF](, [CSRF Demystified](
* [Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attack](
* [OWASP Top Ten Cheat Sheet](
* [WebAppSec/Secure Coding Guidelines](
* [Node.js Security Checklist](
* Tools - see _[Tooling > Testing](#testing) > Analysis_
* Logging / Monitoring
* [Logging The Ultimate Guide](
* [The Definitive Guide for Monitoring Node.js Applications](
* [Monitoring and diagnostics](
* Tools - see _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Monitoring_
* DevOps
* [Deployments Best Practices](
* [Start your DevOps journey](
* [The Practical DevOps Playbook](
* Tools - see _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Deployment > DevOps_

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Microservices / API Services (Node.js)

* Frameworks
* Middleware Framework
* [Express]( / [Koa](
* Express Middlewares
* Logger
* [morgan](, [express-winston](, [errorhandler](, [response-time](
* HTTP Parser
* [body-parser](, [multer](, [raw-body](, [cookie-parser](
* HTTP Headers and Verbs
* [cors](, [method-override](
* Performance
* [compression]( , [connect-timeout](
* Security
* [helmet](, [express-validator](
* Auth
* [express-jwt]( / [passport.js](
* Proxy
* [http-proxy-middleware]( / [rocky](
* GraphQL
* [apollo-server-express]( / [express-graphql](
* Rich Framework
* Configuration - [Hapi](
* Realtime - [Feathers](
* Microservices
* [Micro]( / [Seneca]( / [StdLib](
* Serverless
* [Serverless Framework](
* [IronFunctions](
* Bots
* [Botkit](
* GraphQL
* [Schemas and Types](
* [GraphQL Schema Language Cheat Sheet](
* [The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL](
* Server
* [Apollo Server](
* [graphql-tools](
* Resolvers
* [graphql-resolvers](
* DocGen + CodeGen
* [API Blueprint]( / [Swagger]( / [RAML](
* Parser - [Protagonist]( / [Drafter](
* Renderer - [Aglio](
* Validator - [Dredd](
* [JSON Schema](
* [Understanding JSON Schema](
* [JSON Schema Based Editor](
* See _[Tooling > Documentation](#documentation)_
* Scaffold / Boilerplate / Generator
* [Nodal](
* [Fuge](
* [Botpress](
* [nodecube]( (Author's own project)

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Server-side Libraries (Node.js)

* Configuration
* [dotenv](
* [jsonfile](
* Debugging
* [winston](
* [verror](
* [longjohn](, [stackman](
* [why-is-node-running](
* Protocols
* [form-data](, [formidable](
* [iconv-lite](
* Network
* WebSocket - [ws]( / [Socket.IO]( / [Engine.IO]( / [SockJS-node](
* Server-Sent Event - [faye-websocket](
* HTTP/2 - [spdy](
* gRPC - [grpc](
* AMQP - [amqplib](
* [download](
* Email - [Nodemailer](
* Email HTML - [mailgen](
* Crypto
* [hasha](
* [md5](
* [bcrypt](
* Auth
* JWT - [jsonwebtoken](
* [passwordless](
* [oauth](
* OAuth Providers - [hello.js]( / [grant](
* [svg-captcha](
* Storage
* Redis Client - [ioredis](
* MongoDB ORM - [Mongooose](
* DynamoDB ORM - [vogels](
* HBase Client - [hbase](
* RDS ORM - [Sequelize](
* SQL Builder - [Knex.js](
* Jobs
* Parallel - [webworker-threads](
* Queue - [kue]( / [bull](
* Scheduler - [node-schedule](
* Scraping
* HTML Traversing - [cheerio](, [jsdom](
* HTML Parsing - [parse5]( / [htmlparser2](
* Extract Article - [read-art]( / [node-readability](
* Extract Metadata - [url-unshort]( / [embedza](
* Web Crawler - [simplecrawler]( / [x-ray]( / [scrape-it]( / [Headless Chrome Crawler](
* Headless Browsers Automation - see _[Tooling > Testing](#testing) > Web Testing > Functional Testing > Headless Browser Automation_
* Images
* Canvas / WebGL API - [node-canvas]( / [gl](
* Image Manipulation - [gm]( / [sharp](
* Capture Screenshots - [pageres](
* QR Code / Barcode - [qr-image](
* Computer Vision - [tracking.js]( / [opencv](
* Parsing / Generating
* Text - [unified](
* Markdown - [remark](
* [PDFKit](
* [csv](
* [xml2js](
* [natural]( / [retext]( / [NodeJieba](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Cloud Services (Global)

* Compute
* FaaS / Serverless / WebHook
* [AWS Lambda]( / [Google Cloud Functions](
* [webtask]( / [](
* [Graphcool Functions](
* [Amazon API Gateway](
* PaaS
* See _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Deployment > DevOps > PaaS_
* CaaS
* [Amazon ECS]( / [Google Container Engine](
* Storage
* Object Storage
* [Amazon S3]( / [Google Cloud Storage](
* [imgix](
* DBaaS
* In-Memory Key-Value NoSQL - [Amazon ElastiCache](
* Redis - [Compose]( / [Redise Cloud]( / [Heroku Redis](
* Document NoSQL - [Amazon DynamoDB]( / [Google Cloud Datastore](
* MongoDB - [Compose]( / [mLab]( / [MongoDB Atlas](
* CouchDB - [Couchbase]( / [Cloudant](
* Wide Column NoSQL - [Google Bigtable](
* SQL - [Amazon RDS]( / [Google Cloud SQL](
* PostgreSQL - [Compose]( / [Heroku Postgres](
* MySQL - [Compose](
* NewSQL - [Google Cloud Spanner](
* Queue - [Amazon SQS]( / [Amazon Kinesis]( / [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](
* Kafka - [Heroku Kafka](
* RabbitMQ - [Compose](
* Analytics - [Amazon CloudSearch](
* Elasticsearch - [Amazon Elasticsearch Service]( / [Elastic Cloud]( / [Bonsai](
* Warehouse - [Amazon Redshift]( / [Google BigQuery](
* BaaS
* Realtime
* [Firebase Realtime Database](
* GraphQL
* [Graphcool]( / [Scaphold](
* [ REST API]( / [Contentful]( / [DatoCMS]( / [GraphCMS]( / [Baasic](
* Auth
* [Auth0]( / [Amazon Cognito]( / [Firebase Authentication](
* [](
* [reCAPTCHA](
* Search - [Algolia](
* Email - [SendGrid]( / [Mailgun]( / [Mandrill]( / [Amazon SES](
* SMS - [Nexmo]( / [Twilio]( / [Amazon SNS](
* Payment - [Stripe](
* Maps - [Mapbox](
* Customer Support - [Intercom]( / [Zendesk](
* IM - [Discord](
* Form - []( / [](
* AIaaS / BDaaS
* Natural Language
* NLP - [Google Natural Language API](
* Speech Recognition / Speech Synthesis
* [Amazon Lex]( / [Google Cloud Speech API](
* [Amazon Polly](
* Translation - [Google Cloud Translation API](
* Computer Vision
* [Amazon Rekognition]( / [Google Cloud Vision API](
* [Google Cloud Video Intelligence API](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Cloud Services (China)

> The evil twins inside [the Great Firewall of China](

* Compute
* FaaS / Serverless / WebHook
* [阿里云-函数计算]( / [腾讯云-无服务器云函数 SCF](
* [阿里云-API 网关](
* PaaS
* See _[Tooling > Workflow](#workflow) > Deployment > DevOps > PaaS_
* CaaS
* [阿里云-容器服务]( / [腾讯云-容器服务 CCS]( / [DaoCloud](
* Storage
* Object Storage
* [阿里云-对象存储 OSS]( / [腾讯云-对象存储 COS](
* DBaaS
* In-Memory Key-Value NoSQL
* Redis - [阿里云-云数据库 Redis 版]( / [腾讯云-云存储 Redis](
* Document NoSQL
* MongoDB - [阿里云-云数据库 MongoDB版]( / [腾讯云-文档数据库 MongoDB](
* Wide Column NoSQL - [阿里云-表格存储 OTS](
* HBase - [阿里云-云数据库 HBase 版]( / [腾讯云-列式数据库 HBase](
* PostgreSQL - [阿里云-云数据库 PostgreSQL 版]( / [腾讯云-云数据库 CDB for PostgreSQL](
* MySQL - [阿里云-云数据库 MySQL 版]( / [腾讯云-云数据库 CDB for MySQL](
* Queue - [阿里云-消息服务 MNS]( / [腾讯云-消息服务 CMQ](
* Kafka - [腾讯云-消息服务 CKAFKA](
* Analytics - [阿里云-开放搜索 OpenSearch]( / [腾讯云搜 TCS](
* Warehouse - [阿里云-MaxCompute (ODPS)]( / [腾讯云-大数据处理套件TBDS](
* BaaS
* [LeanCloud-数据存储](
* Realtime
* [野狗-实时通信引擎]( / [LeanCloud-实时通信](
* Auth
* [野狗-身份认证](
* [极验]( / [腾讯云-验证码服务 YY](
* Search -
* Email - [阿里云-邮件推送]( / [SendCloud](
* SMS - [阿里云-短信服务]( / [腾讯云-短信 SMS]( / [云片]( / [野狗-短信](
* Payment - [Ping++](
* Maps - [高德开放平台]( / [百度地图开放平台](
* Customer Support - [美洽]( / [微金小云客服](
* IM - [野狗-即时通讯]( / [腾讯云-云通信 IM](
* Form - [金数据](
* AIaaS / BDaaS
* Natural Language
* [腾讯云-文智自然语言处理 NLP](
* [阿里云-机器学习PAI-文本分析](
* Speech Recognition / Speech Synthesis
* [阿里云-智能语音交互]( / [腾讯云-智能语音服务 AAI](
* Translation - [腾讯云-机器翻译](
* Computer Vision
* [腾讯云-万象优图 CI](
* [阿里云-印刷文字识别](
* Graphs / Networks / Clusters
* [阿里云-推荐引擎]( / [腾讯云-云推荐引擎 CRE](
* [阿里云-关系网络分析](
* [阿里云-机器学习PAI-网络分析](
* Persona
* [阿里云-画像分析]( / [腾讯云-智能推荐 IR](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

## Tooling

### Testing

* Unit Testing / Test Runner
* [Jest](
* [AVA](
* [Mocha]( + [Chai](
* [Cypress](
* [Karma](
* Web Testing
* Integration Testing
* Components - [Enzyme](
* Reducers
* [redux-test-utils]( + [enzyme-redux](
* [redux-testkit](
* Functional Testing / E2E Testing
* Headless Browser Automation
* DevTools API
* Headless Chrome - [Puppeteer]( / [Chromy](
* [End-to-end Tests that Don’t Suck with Puppeteer](
* AWS Lambda - [Chromeless](
* electron-prebuilt - [Nightmare](
* WebDriver API - [Selenium WebDriverJS]( / [WebDriverIO]( / [Nightwatch.js]( / [CasperJS]( / [Protractor](
* AWS Lambda - [Lambdium](
* Cloud - [BrowserStack Automate]( / [Sauce Labs](
* Visual Testing
* [React Storybook]( / [React Cosmos](
* [BrowserStack](
* Monkey Testing
* [gremlins.js](
* Headless Browsers
* Browsers
* Chromium - [Headless Chrome/Chromium](
* Chromium + Node.js - [electron-prebuilt](
* WebKit - [PhantomJS](
* [Why you should stop using PhantomJS](
* Gecko - [SlimerJS](
* In-memory X11 Display Server
* [xvfb]( - [xvfb-run]( / [headless](
* Docker
* [lighthouse-ci/builder/Dockerfile.headless](
* [electron-headless](
* Server-side Testing
* Functional Testing
* [supertest](
* Load Testing
* [k6](
* [loadtest](
* Benchmark Testing
* JS
* [Benchmark.js](
* [Speedracer](
* [stats.js](
* Network
* [wrk]( / [httpstat](
* [Test Doubles]( ([Fakes, Mocks, Stubs]( and Spies)
* Fake Data
* [Faker.js]( / [Chance.js](
* [JSON Schema Faker](
* [](
* HTTP Mocking - [Nock](
* Monkey Patching - [Mockery](, [babel-plugin-rewire](
* [SinonJS]( / [testdouble.js](
* [Best Practices for Spies, Stubs and Mocks in Sinon.js](
* [testdouble.js vs. sinon.js](
* Analysis
* Code Coverage
* [Istanbul](
* Software Complexity
* [escomplex]( / [complexity-report](
* Node.js Security
* [nsp]( / [snyk](
* [NSP Advisories]( / [Snyk - Vulnerability DB](
* Web Page
* [Lighthouse]( / [pwmetrics](
* [PageSpeed Insights](
* [Varvy SEO tool](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Documentation

* JS
* [JSDoc3]( + [documentation.js]( / [jsdox]( / [dox](
* [ESDoc](
* [React DocGen](
* [apiDoc](
* [GraphQL Voyager](
* [Ronn](
* [Docopt](
* Style Guide
* Markdown + JSX - [docz](
* JS - [Storybook](
* JS comments - [React Styleguidist](
* CSS comments - [KSS (Knyle Style Sheets)](
* [kss-node](
* [SC5 Style Guide Generator](
* Writing
* Static Web Generator - [GitBook]( / [ReadMe](
* Client-side Rendering - [Docute]( / [Docsify](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Toolchain

* Compiler / Transpiler / Preprocessor
* [Babel](
* [Setting up ES6](
* [Babel User Handbook](, [Babel Plugin Handbook](
* Presets
* [Preset Env](
* [Browserslist](
* [Preset React](
* [React Optimize](
* Plugins
* Proposals
* [Babel progress on ECMAScript proposals](
* Shims - [@babel/polyfill]( ([useBuiltIns]( / [core-js](
* async/await - [fast-async]( ([NoDent](
* [Stage 3](, [Stage 2](, [Stage 1](, [Stage 0](
* [Class properties](
* [Object rest spread](
* [Legacy Decorator]( / [Stage 2 Decorators](
* Dynamic Import- [Syntax](, [For Node.js](
* [Optional Chaining Operator](
* Node.js
* [add-module-exports](
* [Root Import]( / [Webpack Alias](
* React
* [JSX Control Statements](
* [React CSS Modules](
* Libraries
* [lodash](, [ramda](
* Optimization
* [transform-remove-console](
* [TypeScript](
* [TypeScript: the missing introduction](
* [PostCSS](
* Standards
* [Autoprefixer](
* [CSSNext]( / [postcss-preset-env](
* [Will Change](
* [Normalize](
* Utilities
* [Utility Library](, [Rucksack](
* [LostGrid](
* [Quantity Queries](
* [Easing Gradients](
* [Pxtorem](
* [Brand Colors]( / [Nippon Color]( / [Google Color](
* [Contrast]( / [Get Color](
* Assets
* [Assets](
* [Inline SVG](, [SVGO](
* [Font Magician](
* Syntax
* [PreCSS](
* [SCSS Parser](
* [JS](
* [node-sass](
* [PostHTML](
* Loader / Builder / Bundler
* [Webpack](
* [webpack-howto](
* [SurviveJS Webpack](
* [webpack-blocks](
* Loaders
* [babel-loader](, [ts-loader]( / [awesome-typescript-loader](, [vue-loader](
* [imports-loader](
* [Granular Shimming](
* [exports-loader](
* [Global Exports](
* [css-loader](, [style-loader]( / [isomorphic-style-loader](
* [postcss-loader](, [scss-loader](, [less-loader](
* [resolve-url-loader](
* [workerize-loader]( / [worker-loader](
* [raw-loader](
* [html-loader](
* [markdown-loader]( / [handlebars-loader](
* [shader-loader]( / [glslify-loader](
* [image-webpack-loader]( / [img-loader](
* [svg-react-loader](, [react-markdown-loader](
* [url-loader](, [svg-url-loader](
* [file-loader](
* [thread-loader](, [cache-loader](, [val-loader](
* Plugins
* [Extract Text Plugin](, [Webpack Manifest Plugin](
* [Copy Webpack Plugin](, [Clean Webpack Plugin](
* [HTML Webpack Plugin](
* [HTML Webpack Template](
* Plugins
* [Favicons](
* [Harddisk](
* [Inline Source](, [Preload](
* [Include Assets]( + [Exclude Assets](
* [Inline Chunk Manifest](
* [Define Plugin]( / [Environment Plugin](
* [Provide Plugin](
* [Shimming Global](
* [Ignore Plugin](, [Watch Ignore Plugin](
* [Module Concatenation Plugin](, [Lodash Plugin](
* [UglifyJS Webpack Plugin]( / [Babel Minify Webpack Plugin](
* [Workbox Webpack Plugins](, [Offline Plugin](
* [Bundle Analyzer](
* [Fork TS Checker Webpack Plugin](, [HappyPack](
* [Rollup](
* [Webpack and Rollup: the same but different](
* Formatter
* ESLint with autofix feature - see Static Analysis
* [Prettier](
* [prettier-eslint](
* Codemod - [Effective JavaScript Codemods](
* [jscodeshift](
* [react-codemod](
* [Recast](
* [stylefmt](
* Static Analysis
* [ESLint](
* [ESLint Rules](
* [eslint-index](, [eslint-find-rules](
* Plugins
* [prettier](
* [babel](, [import](, [eslint-comments](, [unicorn](, [no-use-extend-native](
* [filenames](
* [eslint-import-resolver-webpack](
* [compat](
* [node](, [security](
* [react](, [jsx-a11y](, [graphql](, [mongodb](
* [jsdoc](, [flowtype](
* [jest](, [ava](, [mocha](, [chai-expect](
* [fp](, [lodash](, [lodash-fp](, [immutable](
* [promise](, [optimize-regex](
* Presets
* [eslint-config-webcube](./packages/eslint-config-webcube/) (Author's own project)
* [eslint-config-airbnb](
* [eslint-config-react-app](
* [Flow](
* [flow-typed](
* [Flow Runtime](
* [StyleLint](
* [doiuse](
* [Colorguard](
* [postcss-bem-linter](
* [HTMLHint](
* Minifier / Compressor / Optimizer
* [Prepack](
* [babel-minify]( / [uglify-es]( / [UglifyJS 3]( / [UglifyJS 2](
* [cssnano]( / [clean-css]( / [CSSO](
* [HTMLMinifier](
* [Critical]( / [Penthouse](
* [imagemin](
* [gifsicle](
* [jpegtran]( / [mozjpeg](
* [optipng]( / [pngquant](
* [svgo](
* [webp](
* [fontmin](, [font-spider](
* Task Automation
* [npm-run-script](, [npm-scripts](
* [task automation with npm run](, \
[How to Use npm as a Build Tool](
* [Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts](
* Git Hooks
* [Husky](
* [lint-staged](
* [Make linting great again!](
* Environment Variables - [env-cmd](, [cross-env](
* [get-port](, [public-ip](
* [Gulp](
* [gulp - The vision, history, and future of the project](
* [Why you shouldn’t create a gulp plugin](
* [Gulpfile API](
* Utilities
* [The Problem with gulp-util](
* [through2](, [gulp-load-plugins](
* [gulp-size](, [gulp-count](, [gulp-notify](
* [gulp-debug](
* [gulp-if](, [gulp-filter](, [merge-stream](
* [gulp-changed]( / [gulp-cached](
* [gulp-exec](, [gulp-git](
* [gulp-rename](
* [gulp-replace]( / [gulp-inject]( / [gulp-useref](, [gulp-inline-source](
* [gulp-sourcemaps](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Workflow

* Development
* Micro Generator
* [Plop](
* Live Reload / Watch / Preview
* [webpack-serve](
* [webpack-dev-server](
* [webpack-dashboard](
* [webpack-dev-middleware](
* [Hot Module Replacement]( / [React Hot Loader](
* [Browsersync](
* Electron - [Electron Connect](
* React Native - [Expo](
* Node.js - [nodemon](
* Dev Tools
* [Chrome DevTools]( / [Firefox Developer Tools]( / [Safari Web Inspector]( / [Microsoft Edge F12 Dev Tools](
* Console - [Console API](, [Command Line API](
* Third-party Panels
* [React DevTools]( / [AngularJS Batarang]( / [Augury]( / [Vue.js DevTools](
* [React Perf](
* [Redux DevTools](
* [Immutable DevTools](, [Immutable.js Object Formatter](
* [Apollo Client Devtools](, [GraphQL Network](
* [JWT Inspector](
* [WebGL Insight](, [Three.js Editor Extension](
* [Reactotron](
* Electron - [Devtron](
* [React Native Debugger](
* HTTP Inspector
* [Paw]( / [Postman]( / [HTTPie](
* Debugging Proxy
* [AnyProxy]( / [Fiddler](
* [Tamper Chrome](
* Deployment
* Publishing App
* Server-side Rendering
* [Hypernova](
* [React Isomorphic Render](
* [React Engine](
* [Express React Views](
* Static Web
* Dynamic Routing + CDN
* [Superstatic](
* Object Storage + CDN
* Global
* [Amazon S3 + CloudFront]( - [aws-sdk]( / [awscli](
* [Google Cloud Storage + Cloud CDN]( - [google-cloud]( / [gcloud](
* [Firebase Hosting]( - [firebase-tools](
* [Netlify]( - [netlify-cli](
* [Surge]( - [surge cli client](
* China
* [阿里云 OSS + CDN]( - [aliyun-sdk]( / [oss-nodejs-sdk](
* [腾讯云 COS + CDN]( - [cos-nodejs-sdk-v5](
* Packaged App
* [Electron Builder](
* [Auto Update](
* [CodePush](
* DevOps
* Process Supervisor
* [pm2](
* [pm2-docker](
* [Process File](
* Containers
* [Docker](
* Learning
* [Play with docker classroom](
* [Docker Curriculum](
* [Docker Cheat Sheet]( / [Docker Cheat Sheet](
* [Dockerfile reference](
* [Docker run reference](
* [Docker Compose](
* Docker Images
* [node]( / [risingstack/alpine]( / [keymetrics/pm2-docker-alpine](
* [docker-lambda](
* Container Clusters
* [Docker Engine in Swarm Mode](
* [Compose file reference](
* []( / [dockerize](
* [Kubernetes](
* [Kubernetes Cheat Sheet](
* PaaS
* Global
* [now](
* [heroku]( - [heroku-cli](
* China
* [LeanCloud-云引擎]( ([云函数](, [网站托管]( - [lean-cli](
* Monitoring
* Error Tracking
* [Capturing client-side JavaScript errors](, [Front-End Error Handling](
* [A Guide to Proper Error Handling in JavaScript](
* Services
* [TrackJS]( / [Errorception](
* [Sentry]( / [Rollbar]( / [Bugsnag]( / [Airbrake]( / [Raygun](
* Logging
* Global
* [Amazon CloudWatch]( / [Google Stackdriver](
* [PM2 Plus](
* China
* [阿里云-云监控]( / [腾讯云-基础监控 BCM](
* APM (Application Performance Management)
* Global
* [New Relic]( / [AppDynamics]( / [Datadog APM](
* [Pingdom]( / [SpeedCurve]( / [AppNeta](
* [Trace](
* China
* [OneAPM]( / [听云](
* [监控宝]( / [百度云观测]( / [360网站服务监控]( / [腾讯云-云拨测 CAT](
* [阿里云 Node.js 性能平台](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Command-line Environment (Mac)

* Intro
* [The Art of Command Line](
* [The Bash Guide](
* [Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial (LSST)](
* Terminal
* [iTerm2](
* [iTerm Color Schemes](
* [Hyper](
* [Awesome Hyper](
* Package Manager
* [Homebrew](
* Shell
* [Oh My Zsh](
* [Spaceship ZSH Theme](
* Zsh Plugins
* [zsh-better-npm-completion](
* [Awesome Zsh Plugins](
* Vim
* [Vimtutor](
* [spf13-vim]( / [YVim](
* Git
* [Git-it](, [TryGit Simulator](
* [Become a git guru](, [Git Glossary](
* [Pro Git - Index of Commands](
* [commitizen](
* [Docker for Mac](
* [dotfiles](
* Utilities
* Analysis - [cloc](
* Finding - [rg (ripgrep)]( / [ag (The Silver Searcher)](, [peco](, [jq](, [fzf](
* Processes - [glances]( / [vtop](, [fkill](
* Help - [tldr]( / [howdoi](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Command-line Libraries (Node.js)

* Input
* Options/Arguments Parser - [minimist]( / [commander]( / [yargs](
* Interactive - [inquirer](
* Rapidly Building - [vorpal]( / [cli](
* Configuration - [Liftoff](
* Output
* Color / Style - [Chalk](
* Icon - [log-symbols]( / [figures](
* Updating Log
* Low-level - [log-update](
* Indicator - [ora]( / [progress]( / [pace](
* Pretty Log - [DraftLogs]( / [listr](
* Notice - [boxen](, [cfonts](
* Columns - [cli-table]( / [columnify](
* Curses-like - [blessed](
* Drawing - [drawille-canvas](
* Image - [term-img](
* Delivery
* [update-notifier](
* Reporting Usage - [insight](
* Self-contained Executable - [pkg](
* Framework
* Generator - [Yeoman](
* OS
* Shell Commands - [ShellJS](
* Filesystem
* Filesystem API - [fs-extra]( / [fs-jetpack](
* Wildcard Matching - [glob]( / [globby](, [matcher](
* Virtual Filesystem - [vinyl](
* Temporary File - [tmp](
* File Locking - [proper-lockfile](
* Finding - [find-up](, [readdirp](
* Watch - [chokidar]( / [gaze](
* Local
* [network-address](
* [clipboardy](
* Git - [simple-git]( / [nodegit](
* Docker - [dockerode](
* SSH - [ssh2](
* Parser
* JS - [Acorn]( / [Babylon]( / [Espree]( / [Esprima](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### IDE / Editors

* [VS Code]( Plugins
* UI
* [vscode-icons](
* [Indenticator](
* Operating
* [VSCodeVim](
* [Search node_modules](
* [Path Intellisense](
* [npm Intellisense](
* [Lorem ipsum]( / [Chinese Lorem Ipsum](
* Snippets
* [JavaScript (ES6) code snippets](
* [JavaScript Snippet Pack](
* [Reactjs code snippets](
* [React Redux ES6 Snippets](
* [eslint-disable-snippets](
* [HTML Snippets](
* [SVG Icons](
* [Icon Fonts](
* Formatting
* [ESLint](
* [Prettier]( / [stylefmt](
* [EditorConfig](
* [change-case](
* [Align](
* Static Analysis
* [Flow Language Support](
* [Stylelint](
* [HTMLHint](
* Syntax
* [CSS Modules](
* [vscode-styled-components](
* [GraphQL for VSCode](
* [Docker](
* Docs
* [Dash](
* [Regex Previewer](
* [Color Picker](
* [Swagger Viewer](
* [API Elements extension](
* Assistant
* [Settings Sync](
* [Project Manager](
* [Bookmarks](
* [TODO Highlight](
* [Quokka.js - Live Scratchpad for JavaScript](
* Integration
* [Git Lens](
* [Git History](
* [Open in GitHub](
* [Share Code](
* Debug
* [Debugger for Chrome](
* [Node Debug 2](
* [Jest](
* [React Native Tools](
* [Cordova Tools](
* Write
* [Markdown Preview Enhanced](
* [Mermaid Preview](
* [Atom]( Plugins
* UI
* [fonts](
* [file-icons](
* [highlight-line](, [highlight-selected](
* [indent-guide-improved](, [trailing-spaces](
* Operating
* [vim-mode-plus](, [jumpy](
* [Sublime-Style-Column-Selection](
* [Emmet](
* Snippets
* [turbo-javascript](
* Formatting
* [auto-detect-indentation](, [editorconfig](
* [prettier-atom](
* [atom-stylefmt]( / [postcss-sorting]( / [atom-beautify](
* [aligner]( / [atom-alignment](
* [toggle-quotes](
* Static Analysis
* [file-types](
* [language-babel](, [atom-ternjs](
* [language-postcss](
* [language-mjml](
* [linter-eslint](, [linter-flow](, [linter-stylelint](, [linter-htmlhint](, [linter-mjml](, [linter-jsonlint](, [linter-js-yaml](
* Docs
* [dash](
* [Hyperclick](, [js-hyperclick](
* [keybinding-cheatsheet](
* Assistant
* [Project Manager](
* [todo-show]( / [imdone-atom](
* Integration
* [GitHub for Atom](
* [Build](
* [AtomBuild](
* [Markdown Preview Plus](
* Out-of-the-box Atom IDE
* [YAtom]( (author's own project)
* [Nuclide](
* [Reactide](
* Other Electron-based IDE
* [Deco](
* [WebStorm](
* Programming Fonts
* [Hack](
* [Anonymous Pro](
* [Source Code Pro](
* [Fira Mono](
* [Google Noto Mono](
* [Droid Sans Mono](
* [Space Mono](
* [M+](
* [Mononoki](
* [Profont](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Useful Apps

* Playground
* [CodePen]( / [CodeSandbox](
* CDN for npm - [unpkg](
* [RunKit](
* [RequestBin](
* [jsPerf](
* [CSS in JS Playground](
* [GraphQL Playground](, [Apollo Launchpad](
* [GLSL Sandbox](
* [ImmutableJS REPL](
* Visual Tools
* Performance
* [Cuzillion](
* [Critical Path CSS Generator](
* [](
* [EnjoyCSS](
* Easing - [cubic-bezier]( / [Ceaser CSS Easing Animation Tool]( / [Custom easing functions]( / [Easing functions](
* Flexbox - [Fibonacci Flexbox Composer]( / [CSS Flexbox Please!]( / [Flexy Boxes]( / [Flexbox Playground]( / [flexplorer](
* Animation - [CSS3 Keyframes Animation Generator]( / [Mantra]( / [Bounce.js](
* Gradient - [Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator](
* [Quantity Queries Builder](
* Shapes - [CSS triangle generator](, [Tridiv CSS 3D Editor](
* [HTML Table Generator](
* JS
* [Keyboard Event Viewer](
* [Web Audio Playground](
* [Regex101]( / [Debuggex](
* Viewer
* [JSON Viewer](, [XML Tree](
* [JS Nice]( / [JS Beautifier](
* [GraphQL Voyager](, [GraphQL Docs](, [GraphQL Visualizer / graphqlviz]( / [graphqlviz](
* [AST Explorer](
* [DevTools Timeline Viewer](
* [Text Escaping and Unescaping in JavaScript](
* [HTML Entity Lookup]( / [HTML Arrows](
* Docs
* [Dash]( / [DevDocs]( / [Velocity]( / [Zeal](
* Automation
* [RobotJS](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)

### Collaboration

* Version Control
* Workflow
* [Comparing Workflows](
* [Understanding the GitHub Flow](
* [A successful Git branching model](
* [SourceTree](
* Github
* [GitHub Cheat Sheet](
* [Github Help](
* [How we organize GitHub issues: A simple styleguide for tagging](
* Chrome Extensions
* [OctoLinker](, [Octotree](, [Code Climate](
* [Awesome browser extensions for GitHub](
* ChatOps
* [What is ChatOps? And How do I Get Started?](, \
[What is ChatOps? A guide to its evolution, adoption, and significance](
* [Hubot](
* Adapters - [Slack]( / [Discord]( / [IRC]( / [Wechat]( / [QQ](
* Kanban
* What is Kanban? - [A](, [B](
* [Getting Started With Trello](
* [Github Project Boards](
* Presentation
* Markdown
* [Mastering Markdown](
* [Markdown: Syntax](
* Diagram
* [Mermaid](
* [Mermaid Live Editor](
* Slides
* [Remark](
* [remarker](
* Design
* [Sketch]( / [Figma](
* [InVision]( / [Atomic]( / [](
* [Zeplin]( / [Sympli]( / [Avocode](
* [After Effects]( + [Lottie]( / [bodymovin]( / [Inspector Spacetime]( + [Sketch2AE](

\>\> Return to [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)