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Run the official Stable Diffusion releases in a Docker container with txt2img, img2img, depth2img, pix2pix, upscale4x, and inpaint.

dall-e dalle diffusion docker generative-art huggingface image-generation inpainting midjourney pytorch stable-diffusion tensorflow text-to-image

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Run the official Stable Diffusion releases in a Docker container with txt2img, img2img, depth2img, pix2pix, upscale4x, and inpaint.




# Stable Diffusion in Docker

Run the official [Stable Diffusion](
releases on [Huggingface]( in a GPU accelerated Docker

./ run 'An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert'

![An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert 1](
![An impressionist painting of a parakeet eating spaghetti in the desert 2](

./ run --image parakeet_eating_spaghetti.png --strength 0.6 'Bouquet of roses'

![Bouquet of roses 1](
![Bouquet of roses 2](

## Before you start

### Minimum requirements

By default, the pipeline uses the full model and weights which requires a CUDA
capable GPU with 8GB+ of VRAM. It should take a few seconds to create one image.
On less powerful GPUs you may need to modify some of the options; see the
[Examples](#examples) section for more details. If you lack a suitable GPU you
can set the options `--device cpu` and `--onnx` instead.

### Huggingface token

Since it uses the official model, you will need to create a [user access token](
in your [Huggingface account]( Save the
user access token in a file called `token.txt` and make sure it is available
when building the container. The token content should begin with `hf_...`

## Quickstart

The pipeline is managed using a single [``]( script.

Pull the latest version of `stable-diffusion-docker` using `./ pull`.
You will need to use the option `--token` to specify a valid [user access token](#huggingface-token)
when using [`./build run`](#run).

Alternately, build the image locally before running it.

## Build

Make sure your [user access token](#huggingface-token) is saved in a file called

To build:

./ build # or just ./

## Run

### Text-to-Image (`txt2img`)

Create an image from a text prompt.

To run:

./ run 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

### Image-to-Image (`img2img`)

Create an image from an existing image and a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the `input` folder. Next, to run:

./ run --image image.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

### Depth-Guided Diffusion (`depth2img`)

Modify an existing image with its depth map and a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the `input` folder. Next, to run:

./ run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-depth' \
--image image.png 'A detailed description of the objects to change'

### Instruct Pix2Pix (`pix2pix`)

Modify an existing image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the `input` folder. Next, to run:

./ run --model 'timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix' \
--image image.png 'A detailed description of the objects to change'

### Stable UnCLIP Variations (`unclip`)

Create different versions of an image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the `input` folder. Next, to run:

./ run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-unclip-small' \
--image image.png 'A detailed description of the image'

### Image Upscaling (`upscale4x`)

Create a high resolution image from an existing image with a text prompt.

First, copy an image to the `input` folder. Next, to run:

./ run --model 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler' \
--image image.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

### Diffusion Inpainting (`inpaint`)

Modify specific areas of an existing image with an image mask and a text prompt.

First, copy an image and an image mask to the `input` folder. White areas of the
mask will be diffused and black areas will be kept untouched. Next, to run:

./ run --model 'runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting' \
--image image.png --mask mask.png 'Andromeda galaxy in a bottle'

## Options

The following are the most common options:

* `--prompt [PROMPT]`: the prompt to render into an image
* `--model [MODEL]`: the model used to render images (default is
* `--height [HEIGHT]`: image height in pixels (default 512, must be divisible by 64)
* `--width [WIDTH]`: image width in pixels (default 512, must be divisible by 64)
* `--iters [ITERS]`: number of times to run pipeline (default 1)
* `--samples [SAMPLES]`: number of images to create per run (default 1)
* `--scale [SCALE]`: how closely the image should follow the prompt (default 7.5)
* `--scheduler [SCHEDULER]`: override the scheduler used to denoise the image
(default `None`)
* `--seed [SEED]`: RNG seed for repeatability (default is a random seed)
* `--steps [STEPS]`: number of sampling steps (default 50)

Other options:

* `--attention-slicing`: use less memory but decrease inference speed (default
is no attention slicing)
* `--device [DEVICE]`: the cpu or cuda device to use to render images (default
* `--half`: use float16 tensors instead of float32 (default `float32`)
* `--image [IMAGE]`: the input image to use for image-to-image diffusion
(default `None`)
* `--image-scale [IMAGE_SCALE]`: how closely the image should follow the
original image (default `None`)
* `--mask [MASK]`: the input mask to use for diffusion inpainting (default
* `--negative-prompt [NEGATIVE_PROMPT]`: the prompt to not render into an image
(default `None`)
* `--onnx`: use the onnx runtime for inference (default is off)
* `--skip`: skip safety checker (default is the safety checker is on)
* `--strength [STRENGTH]`: diffusion strength to apply to the input image
(default 0.75)
* `--token [TOKEN]`: specify a Huggingface user access token at the command line
instead of reading it from a file (default is a file)
* `--vae-slicing`: use less memory when creating large batches of images
(default is no vae slicing)
* `--vae-tiling`: use less memory when creating ultra-high resolution images but
massively decrease inference speed (default is no vae tiling)
* `--xformers-memory-efficient-attention`: use less memory but require the
xformers library (default is that xformers is not required)

Some of the original `` options [have been renamed](
for easy-of-use and compatibility with other pipelines:

| txt2img | stable-diffusion-docker |
| `--H` | `--height` |
| `--W` | `--width` |
| `--n_iter` | `--iters` |
| `--n_samples` | `--samples` |
| `--ddim_steps` | `--steps` |

## Examples

These commands are both identical:

./ run 'abstract art'
./ run --prompt 'abstract art'

Set the seed to 42:

./ run --seed 42 'abstract art'

Options can be combined:

./ run --scale 7.0 --seed 42 'abstract art'

Many popular models are supported out-of-the-box:

| Model Name | Option using `--model` |
| [Stable Diffusion 1.4]( | `'CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4'` |
| [Stable Diffusion 1.5]( | `'runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5'` |
| [Stable Diffusion 2.0]( | `'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2'` |
| [Stable Diffusion 2.1]( | `'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1'` |
| [Stable Diffusion XL]( | `'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0'` |
| [OpenJourney 1.0]( | `'prompthero/openjourney'` |
| [Dreamlike Diffusion 1.0]( | `'dreamlike-art/dreamlike-diffusion-1.0'` |
| [and more!]( | ... |

./ run --model 'prompthero/openjourney' --prompt 'abstract art'

On systems without enough GPU VRAM, you can try mixing and matching options:

* Give Docker Desktop more resources by increasing the CPU, memory, and swap in
the Settings -> Resources section if the container is terminated
* Make images smaller than 512x512 using `--height` and `--width` to decrease
memory use and increase image creation speed
* Use `--half` to decrease memory use but slightly decrease image quality
* Use `--attention-slicing` to decrease memory use but also decrease image
creation speed
* Use `--xformers-memory-efficient-attention` to decrease memory use if the
pipeline and the hardware supports the option
* Decrease the number of samples and increase the number of iterations with
`--samples` and `--iters` to decrease overall memory use
* Skip the safety checker with `--skip` to run less code

./ run --height 256 --width 256 --half \
--attention-slicing --xformers-memory-efficient-attention \
--samples 1 --iters 1 --skip --prompt 'abstract art'

On Windows, if you aren't using WSL2 and instead use MSYS, MinGW, or Git Bash,
prefix your commands with `MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1` (or export it beforehand):

MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 ./ run --half --prompt 'abstract art'

## Outputs

### Model

The model and other files are cached in a volume called `huggingface`. The
models are stored in `/diffusers//snapshots//unet/`.
Checkpoint files (`ckpt`s) are unofficial versions of the official models, and
so these are not part of the official release.

### Images

The images are saved as PNGs in the `output` folder using the prompt text. The
`` script creates and mounts this folder as a volume in the container.

## Contributing

See the []( file for more details. In short,
follow the style guidelines, agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin, and
submit a PR.