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A secret engine plugin for Hashicorp Vault that stores quorum accounts and uses them to sign data


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A secret engine plugin for Hashicorp Vault that stores quorum accounts and uses them to sign data




# Quorum Signer plugin for Hashicorp Vault

The Quorum Signer plugin is a [custom plugin backend for Hashicorp Vault]( that adds a new `quorum-signer` secret-engine type to Hashicorp Vault.

The `quorum-signer` secret-engine creates and stores Quorum accounts that can be used to sign data.

When used in conjunction with the [Hashicorp Vault plugin for Quorum](, Quorum can sign transactions and data as normal, with the added security benefit that account private keys never leave the boundaries of Vault and never have to be directly managed.

## Building

## Quickstart
> This quickstart uses the `vault` dev server. The dev server is quick and easy to set up but should not be used for production.
> The dev server does **not**:
> * persist data between restarts
> * encrypt HTTP communications with TLS
> For more advanced Vault topics (such as configuring storage, TLS, and approle token renewal) see the [Vault docs](

vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root \

The output should include something similar to the following to indicate the plugin is available:
The following dev plugins are registered in the catalog:
- quorum-signer-

In another terminal:
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
export VAULT_TOKEN=root
vault secrets enable -path quorum-signer quorum-signer-

The `quorum-signer` secret-engine will now be available for use.

### Vault non-dev mode

Using plugins with a non-dev mode Vault server requires additional Vault configuration and for the plugin to be registered before it can be used. See [Plugin Registration]( for more info.

1. Add `plugin_directory` and `api_addr` fields to `config.hcl`, e.g.:
plugin_directory = "path/to/quorum-signer-plugin-for-hashicorp-vault/build"
api_addr = "https//localhost:8200"
1. Register the plugin in Vault
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/secret/quorum-signer- \
sha256= \
command="quorum-signer- --ca-cert= --client-cert= --client-key="
* ``: Hash of plugin binary (e.g. from `shasum -a 256 /hashicorp-vault-signing-plugin/build/quorum-signer-`)
* ``, ``, ``: The plugin acts as a client to the Vault server. If TLS is configured on the Vault server then the paths to the necessary client TLS certs must be provided

## API
The `quorum-signer` secret-engine stores accounts with a user-defined `acctID` (e.g. `myAcct`). Interacting with accounts is made possible through the plugin's API.

### List acctIDs

vault list quorum-signer/accounts


### Create new account
> Note: Overwriting existing secrets (i.e. using the same `acctID` is not supported)

vault write -f quorum-signer/accounts/

Key Value
--- -----
addr 874f98d93427b145fcf1bb2c34f733f6c14597df

### Import existing account
> Note: Overwriting existing secrets (i.e. using the same `acctID` is not supported)

vault write quorum-signer/accounts/ import=1fe8f1ad4053326db20529257ac9401f2e6c769ef1d736b8c2f5aba5f787c72b

Key Value
--- -----
addr 6038dc01869425004ca0b8370f6c81cf464213b3

* `import`: hex-encoded private key

### Get public account data
vault read quorum-signer/accounts/

Key Value
--- -----
addr 874f98d93427b145fcf1bb2c34f733f6c14597df

### Sign data with an account
> Note: The `quorum-signer` is a "dumb" signer - it simply signs the provided data with the specified account. Quorum data is prefixed and hashed before it is signed (e.g. [EIP-191]( The `quorum-signer` expects any data to have already been prefixed and hashed.
> This is handled automatically when using `quorum-signer` in conjunction with the [Hashicorp Vault plugin for Quorum](

vault read quorum-signer/sign/ sign=bc4c915d69896b198f0292a72373a2bdcd0d52bccbfcec11d9c84c0fff71b0bc

Key Value
--- -----
sig 01b4402e23ae8cbff32e708ab485f8e708ccd8b47707b91fad42a5b6353b31ba02579620df93c1a6a189303fcf7a8095eb9c24a7bbc0039ab34e7df7bb6f3b5a01

* `sign`: hex-encoded data (prefixed and hashed) to be signed

## Further reading
* [Hashicorp Vault's plugin system](