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CIRCL: Cloudflare Interoperable Reusable Cryptographic Library

circl cryptography csidh dilithium ed25519 ed448 elliptic-curves go golang hpke kyber pki post-quantum sidh

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CIRCL: Cloudflare Interoperable Reusable Cryptographic Library





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**CIRCL** (Cloudflare Interoperable, Reusable Cryptographic Library) is a collection
of cryptographic primitives written in Go. The goal of this library is to be used as a tool for
experimental deployment of cryptographic algorithms targeting Post-Quantum (PQ) and Elliptic
Curve Cryptography (ECC).

## Security Disclaimer

🚨 This library is offered as-is, and without a guarantee. Therefore, it is expected that changes in the code, repository, and API occur in the future. We recommend to take caution before using this library in a production application since part of its content is experimental. All security issues must be reported, please notify us immediately following the instructions given in our [Security Policy](

## Installation

You can get CIRCL by fetching:

go get -u

Alternatively, look at the [Cloudflare Go]( fork to see how to integrate CIRCL natively in Go.

## List of Algorithms

[FIPS 202]:
[FIPS 186-5]:

### Elliptic Curve Cryptography

| Diffie-Hellman Protocol |

- [X25519](./dh/x25519) and [X448](./dh/x448) functions. ([RFC-7748])
- [Curve4Q](./dh/curve4q) function based on FourQ curve. ([draft-ladd-cfrg-4q](

| Digital Signature Schemes |

- [Ed25519](./sign/ed25519) and [Ed448](./sign/ed448) signatures. ([RFC-8032])

| Prime Groups |

- [P-256, P-384, P-521](./group). ([FIPS 186-5])
- [Ristretto](./group) group. ([RFC-9496])
- [Bilinear pairings](./ecc/bls12381): with the [BLS12-381] curve, and hash to G1 and G2.
- [Hash to curve](./group), hash to field, XMD and XOF [expanders](./expander). ([RFC-9380])

| High-Level Protocols |

- [HPKE](./hpke): Hybrid Public-Key Encryption ([RFC-9180])
- [VOPRF](./oprf): Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom functions. ([RFC-9497])
- [RSA Blind Signatures](./blindsign/blindrsa). ([RFC-9474])
- [Partilly-blind](./blindsign/blindrsa/partiallyblindrsa/) Signatures. ([draft-cfrg-partially-blind-rsa](
- [CPABE](./abe/cpabe): Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. ([])
- [OT](./ot/simot): Simplest Oblivious Transfer ([]).
- [Threshold RSA](./tss/rsa) Signatures ([Shoup Eurocrypt 2000](

### Post-Quantum Cryptography

| KEM: Key Encapsulation Methods |

- [CSIDH](./dh/csidh): Post-Quantum Commutative Group Action ([CSIDH](
- [Kyber KEM](./kem/kyber): modes 512, 768, 1024 ([KYBER](
- [FrodoKEM](./kem/frodo): modes 640-SHAKE. ([FrodoKEM](
- (**insecure, deprecated**) ~~[SIDH/SIKE](./kem/sike)~~: Supersingular Key Encapsulation with primes p434, p503, p751 ([SIKE](

| Digital Signature Schemes |

- [Dilithium](./sign/dilithium): modes 2, 3, 5 ([Dilithium](

### Zero-knowledge Proofs

- [Schnorr](./zk/dl): Prove knowledge of the Discrete Logarithm. ([RFC-8235])
- [DLEQ](./zk/dleq): Prove knowledge of the Discrete Logarithm Equality. ([RFC-9497])
- [DLEQ in Qn](./zk/qndleq): Prove knowledge of the Discrete Logarithm Equality for subgroup of squares in (Z/nZ)*.

### Symmetric Cryptography

| XOF: eXtendable Output Functions |

- [SHAKE128 and SHAKE256](./xof) ([FIPS 202]).
- [BLAKE2X](./xof): BLAKE2XB and BLAKE2XS ([Blake2x](
- [KangarooTwelve](./xof/k12): fast hashing based on Keccak-p. ([KangarooTwelve](
- SIMD [Keccak]( f1600 Permutation.

| LWC: Lightweight Cryptography |

- [Ascon v1.2](./cipher/ascon): Family of AEAD block ciphers ([ASCON](

### Misc

| Integers |

- Safe primes generation.
- Integer encoding: wNAF, regular signed digit, mLSBSet representations.

| Finite Fields |

- Fp25519, Fp448, Fp511, Fp434, Fp503, Fp751.
- Fp381, and its quadratic, sextic and twelveth extensions.
- Polynomials in monomial and Lagrange basis.

| Elliptic Curves |

- P-384 Curve
- [FourQ](
- [Goldilocks](
- [BLS12-381](

## Testing and Benchmarking

Library comes with number of make targets which can be used for testing and

- ``test`` performs testing of the binary.
- ``bench`` runs benchmarks.
- ``cover`` produces coverage.
- ``lint`` runs set of linters on the code base.

## Contributing

To contribute, fork this repository and make your changes, and then make a Pull
Request. A Pull Request requires approval of the admin team and a successful
CI build.

## How to Cite

To cite CIRCL, use one of the following formats and update the version and date you accessed this project.

APA Style

Faz-Hernández, A. and Kwiatkowski, K. (2019). Introducing CIRCL:
An Advanced Cryptographic Library. Cloudflare. Available at v1.3.7 Accessed Dec, 2023.

Bibtex Source

title = {Introducing CIRCL: An Advanced Cryptographic Library},
author = {Armando Faz-Hern\'{a}ndez and Kris Kwiatkowski},
organization = {Cloudflare},
abstract = {{CIRCL (Cloudflare Interoperable, Reusable Cryptographic Library) is
a collection of cryptographic primitives written in Go. The goal
of this library is to be used as a tool for experimental
deployment of cryptographic algorithms targeting Post-Quantum (PQ)
and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).}},
note = {Available at \url{}. v1.3.7 Accessed Dec, 2023},
month = jun,
year = {2019}

CFF Style

See attached [CITATION.cff](CITATION.cff) file.

## License

The project is licensed under the [BSD-3-Clause License](./LICENSE).