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Generate plantuml diagrams from go source files or directories

diagram generate go golang plantuml

Last synced: 11 days ago
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Generate plantuml diagrams from go source files or directories




# go-plantuml
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go-plantuml generates plantuml diagrams from go source files or directories.
It supports generic fields.

## Installation

go install

Please consider that `$GOPATH/bin` should be on our `$PATH`.

## Usage

go-plantuml [command]

Available Commands:
generate Generate a plantuml diagram from given paths
help Help about any command

-h, --help help for go-plantuml
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle

Use "go-plantuml [command] --help" for more information about a command.


go-plantuml generate [flags]

-d, --directories strings the go source directories (default [.])
-f, --files strings the go source files
-h, --help help for generate
-o, --out string the graphfile (default "graph.puml")
-r, --recursive traverse the given directories recursively
-x, --exclude exclude file matching given regex expression, not used if using -f flag

## Example

For example we have to files in the directory `test`.

// address.go
package models

import "fmt"

var (
EmptyVariable, AnotherEmptyVariable string
A, B = "1", 2
PackageVariable = "Teststreet"
AnotherPackageVariable = "Anotherteststreet"

const (
StartingStreetNumber = 1

type (
AddressLike interface {
FullAddress(withPostalCode bool) string

Address struct {
A, B string
Street string
City string
PostalCode string
Country string
CustomChannel chan string
AnInterface *interface{}

func (address Address) FullAddress(withPostalCode bool) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"%s %s %d",


// user.go
package models

import ""

type (
User struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
Age uint8
Address *models.Address
privateAddress models.Address

func (user *User) SetFirstName(firstName string) {
user.FirstName = firstName

func PackageFunction() string {
return "Hello World"


Then we run `go-plantuml generate` or `go-plantuml generate -d . -o graph.puml`.

This will create a `graph.puml` file and check for .go files inside your current directory.

Which looks like this:

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

## License