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YOURLS QRCode plugin with exposed options and full integration

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YOURLS QRCode plugin with exposed options and full integration




YOURLS Integrated QRCodes plugin with exposed options and full integration

This is an updated fork of [Inline QRCode]( which is more compact, configurable, and just as efficient with more features.

## Requires:
- PHP-GD on your system
- YOURLS 1.7.9 +
- [U-SRV]( v2.0.0 +

## Features
### Old
* QRCodes are generated and cached for every new short url
* A new QRCode is generated when a short url is edited
* Cached QRCodes are deleted when its corresponding short url is deleted
* QRCodes are displayed within the sharebox whenever the sharebox is displayed
* QRCodes are generated for pre-existing shorturls when sharebox is displayed
* Codes are generated from a standalone php based QRCode library
* No calls to google!

### New
* All options are available in the admin interface
* Code size
* Border width
* ECC level
* Image file type
* Optional logo watermark (image preview, scale, location on QR Code)
* Image cache location
* Auto-delete or preserve cache on plugin deactivation
* Scan the entire database at once and generate QR Codes for any short url that is found to be missing one
* Plenty of well documented, practical examples in the options page to help get started with integration
* Code links are served using U-SRV, a secure system allowing greater integration
* Updated and minimized md5.js
* Streamlined version of the QR Code generation library
* Almost 1/2 the size of its predecessor
* This can halfed again by disabling and deleting the PHP QR Code cache, which was left in for enhanced performance. This setting can be found on lnie 100 of `assets/phpqrcode.php`
* Append `.qr` to any short url to display qr code

## Installation
1. Download and install YOURLS and U-SRV. U-SRV will have created it's cache, within which will sit the IQRCodes's cache.
2. Download the [latest release]( of this repo and extract the `iqrcodes` folder to `YOURLS/user/plugins/`
- the following commands are run from `YOURLS` root folder. Eg, `/absolute/path/to/YOURLS`
3. Symlink or copy `qrchk.php` into the `pages` folder. Automation of this task is planned for a future release.
- Symlink:
`ln -s user/plugins/iqrcodes/assets/qrchk.php user/pages/qrchk.php`
- Copy:
`cp user/plugins/iqrcodes/assets/qrchk.php user/pages/qrchk.php`
3. Set permissions and cache
- There needs to be two cache folders (relative to YOURLS root)
- `user/plugins/iqrcodes/cache`
is included with the plugin download
- `/path/to/U-SRV/cache/qr`
iqrcodes will attempt to create this
- In case of failure just do somethign like the following (as root):
- `mkdir /PATH/TO/U-SRV/CACHE/qr`
- `chmod -R 777 /PATH/TO/U-SRV/CACHE`
- `chown -R www-data:www-data /PATH/TO/U-SRV/CACHE`
- `chown -R www-data:www-data /PATH/TO/YOURLS/user/plugins/iqrcodes`
4. Enable module, default config works fine, or visit IQRCodes page to fine tune.
5. Have fun!

### Hint:
Want to embed these QR codes into a worpress widget? Check out [this gist](
### Note:
If you are using YOURLS with Nginx and using [this]( directive, you may end up with [404's instead of images]( You may want to have a look at [this]( comment and thread.

If this becomes an issue, try changing
(try_files $uri $uri/ /yourls-loader.php;)
if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^(.+)$ /yourls-loader.php?q=$1 last; }
## Credits
[Inline QRcode]( by Savoul Pelister is the base of this fork

[PHP QR Code]( by Dominik Dzienia (aka deltalab) generates the actual QR Codes

[JavaScript MD5]( by Sebastian Tschan (aka BlueImp) hashes the filenames in js

### Tips
Dogecoin: DARhgg9q3HAWYZuN95DKnFonADrSWUimy3


Copyright (C) 2016 Josh Panter

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .