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Acceptance Tests for Quorum

docker features gauge protocols-team-goquorum quorum test

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Acceptance Tests for Quorum




![Standard Acceptance Tests](
![Extra Acceptance Tests](

# Quick Start

- Install [Docker Engine]( or [Docker Desktop](
- Run basic acceptance tests against a new GoQuorum network using Raft consensus:
docker run --rm --network host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp/acctests:/tmp/acctests \
quorumengineering/acctests:latest test -Pauto -Dtags="basic || networks/typical::raft" \
-Dauto.outputDir=/tmp/acctests -Dnetwork.forceDestroy=true

# Development

Development environment requires the following:

- JDK 14+
- [Gauge](
- Run `./mvnw compile` to initiate the project with generated Java sources from Solidity source

With built-in provisioning feature:
- [Docker Engine]( or [Docker Desktop](
- [Terraform]( 0.14+

**For more details on tools and versions being used, please refer to [Dockerfile](Dockerfile)**

## Writing Tests

- Use [Gauge]( test automation framework
- Test Specs are stored in [`src/specs`](src/specs) folder
- Folder `01_basic` contains specifications which describe GoQuorum's basic functionalities. All specifications must be tagged as `basic`
- Folder `02_advanced` contains specifications which are for making sure GoQuorum's basic functionalities are working under different conditions in the chain. All specifications must be tagged as `advanced`
- Glue codes are written in Java under [`src/test/java`](src/test/java) folder
- Tests are generally written against 4-node GoQuorum network

## Running Tests

### With auto-provisioning network

> :bulb: Tag `networks/typical::raft` means:
> - Executing tests which are tagged with the value
> - Instructing Maven to provision `networks/typical` with profile `raft` when using Maven Profile `auto` (i.e.: `-Pauto`)
> - `networks/typical` is a folder that contains Terraform configuration to provision the network

- Run basic tests for raft consensus:
./mvnw clean test -Pauto -Dtags="basic || basic-raft || networks/typical::raft"
- Run basic tests for istanbul consensus:
./mvnw clean test -Pauto -Dtags="basic || basic-istanbul || networks/typical::istanbul"
- Force destroy the network after running tests:
./mvnw clean test -Pauto -Dtags="basic || basic-raft || networks/typical::raft" -Dnetwork.forceDestroy=true
- Start the network without running tests:
./mvnw process-test-resources -Pauto"networks/typical::raft"
- Destroy the network:
./mvnw exec:[email protected] -Pauto -Dnetwork.folder="networks/typical" -Dnetwork.profile=raft

Below is the summary of various parameters:

| Parameters | Description |
| `"::"` | Terraform folder being used to create GoQuorum Network |
| `-Dnetwork.profile=""` | Terraform workspace and `terraform..tfvars` being used |
| `-Dnetwork.forceDestroy` | Destroy the GoQuorum Network after test completed. Default is `false` |
| `-Dnetwork.skipApply` | Don't create GoQuorum Network. Default is `false` |
| `-Dnetwork.skipWait` | Don't perform health check and wait for GoQuorum Network. Default is `false` |
| `"::"` | Terraform folder being used to create the infrastructure |
| `-Dinfra.profile=""` | Terraform workspace and `terraform..tfvars` being used |
| `-Dinfra.forceDestroy` | Destroy the infrastructure after test completed. Default is `false` |
| `-Dinfra.skipApply` | Don't create the infrastructure. Default is `false` |
| `-Dinfra.skipWait` | Don't perform health check and wait for GoQuorum Network. Default is `false` |
| `-DskipToolsCheck` | Don't check local tools required to run tests. Default is `false` |
| `-DskipGenerateSol` | Don't generate Java stubs for Solidity files. Default is `false`. When running Permission spec, this should not be set to `true` as the spec depends on version of Solidity files |

### With local binaries

In order to run acceptance tests during GoQuorum/Tessera development:

- Build GoQuorum/Tessera binaries locally targeting Linux arch.
E.g.: GoQuorum binaries are in `/xyz/go-ethereum/build/bin` folder and Tessera jar file is in `/abc/tessera/tessera-dist/tessera-app/target`
- Mount binaries dynamically to overrride existing ones in the containers
> :bulb: Indices 0,1,2,3.. indicate Node id which you want to use the local binaries
- GoQuorum:
export QUORUM_DEV_LOCAL='{host_path="/xyz/go-ethereum/build/bin", container_path="/usr/local/bin"}'
export TF_VAR_additional_quorum_container_vol="{0=[$QUORUM_DEV_LOCAL],1=[$QUORUM_DEV_LOCAL],2=[$QUORUM_DEV_LOCAL],3=[$QUORUM_DEV_LOCAL]}"
- Tessera:
export TESSERA_DEV_LOCAL='{host_path="/abc/tessera/tessera-dist/tessera-app/target", container_path="/tessera"}'
export TESSERA_APP_DEV_LOCAL='"/tessera/tessera-app-20.10.1-SNAPSHOT-app.jar"'
export TF_VAR_additional_tessera_container_vol="{0=[$TESSERA_DEV_LOCAL],1=[$TESSERA_DEV_LOCAL],2=[$TESSERA_DEV_LOCAL],3=[$TESSERA_DEV_LOCAL]}"

### With custom GoQuorum/Tessera Docker images

By default, official Docker images `quorumengineering/quorum:develop` and `quorumengineering/tessera:develop` in [Docker Hub]( will be used.
If you need to use your custom images, please follow the below guides:

- Name the branch with prefix `dev-`. E.g.: `dev-mybranch`
- Push custom GoQuorum/Tessera Docker images to [Github Container Registry]( of this repo with image name and version convention
- GoQuorum: `quorum-dev-mybranch:develop`
- Tessera: `tessera-dev-mybranch:develop`
- Pushing changes to `dev-mybranch` will kick off github Action workflow running tests using custom images

### With existing `quorum-examples` network

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local.7nodes ./mvnw clean test -Dtags="basic || basic-raft || networks/typical::raft"

## Remote Docker

:information_source: Because Docker Java SDK [doesn't support SSH transport]( hence we need to open TCP endpoint.

`networks/_infra/aws-ec2` provides Terraform configuration in order to spin off an EC2 instance with remote Docker API

E.g.: To start `networks/typical` with remote Docker infrastructure:

- Make sure you have the right AWS credentials in your environment
- Run:
./mvnw process-test-resources -Pauto"networks/typical::raft""networks/_infra/aws-ec2::us-east-1"

## Logging

- Set environment variable: `LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_QUORUM_GAUGE=DEBUG`


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