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Node.js framework agnostic library that enables you to forward an http request to another HTTP server. Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2

api fastify-library gateway http javascript js nodejs proxy rest server

Last synced: 19 days ago
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Node.js framework agnostic library that enables you to forward an http request to another HTTP server. Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2




# fast-proxy
[![NPM version](](

Node.js framework agnostic library that enables you to forward an http request to another HTTP server.
Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2

> This library was initially forked from `fastify-reply-from`:

`fast-proxy` powers: πŸš€
## Install
npm i fast-proxy

## Usage
The following examples describe how to use `fast-proxy` with `restana`:

const { proxy, close } = require('fast-proxy')({
base: ''
// options
const gateway = require('restana')()

gateway.all('/service/*', function (req, res) {
proxy(req, res, req.url, {})


Remote service:
const service = require('restana')()
service.get('/service/hi', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'))


Using imports:
import fastProxy from 'fast-proxy'

const { proxy, close } = fastProxy({
base: ''

## Benchmarks
Please see:

## API

### Options
#### `base`
Set the base URL for all the forwarded requests. Will be required if `http2` is set to `true`
Note that _path will be discarded_.

#### queryString
Set the query string parser and stringifier. By default `fast-proxy` uses the
[fast-querystring]( module. Configuration can be changed like so:

base: 'http://localhost:3001/',
queryString: {
parse: (value) => qs.parse(value),
stringify: (value) => qs.stringify(value),

#### http2
Set to `true` if target server is `http2` enabled.

#### undici
Set to `true` to use [undici](
instead of `require('node:http')`. Enabling this flag should guarantee
20-50% more throughput.

This flag could controls the settings of the undici client, like so:

base: 'http://localhost:3001/',
undici: {
connections: 100,
pipelining: 10
> See undici demo at: `demos/gateway-undici.js`

#### cacheURLs
The number of parsed URLs that will be cached. Default: 100.
> Use value = `0` to disable the caching mechanism

#### requests.http and requests.https
Allows to optionally overwrite the internal `http` and `https` client agents implementation. Defaults: [`http`]( and [`https`](

For example, this could be used to add support for following redirects, like so:

requests: {
http: require('follow-redirects/http'),
https: require('follow-redirects/https')
> If using `undici` or `http2` this settings are ignored!

#### keepAliveMsecs
Defaults to 1 minute, passed down to [`http.Agent`][http-agent] and
[`https.Agent`][https-agent] instances.

#### maxSockets
Defaults to 2048 sockets, passed down to [`http.Agent`][http-agent] and
[`https.Agent`][https-agent] instances.

#### rejectUnauthorized
Defaults to `true`, passed down to [`https.Agent`][https-agent] instances.
This needs to be set to `false`Β to reply from https servers with
self-signed certificates.

#### Extended configurations
Other supported configurations in can also be part of the `opts` object.

### close
Optional _"on `close` resource release"_ strategy. You can link this to your application shutdown hook as an example.

### proxy(originReq, originRes, source, [opts])
Enables you to forward an http request to another HTTP server.
originReq, // http.IncomingMessage
originRes, // http.ServerResponse
req.url, // String -> remote URL + path or path if base was set
{} // Options described below
#### opts

##### base
Optionally indicates the base URL for the current request proxy. When used, the global `base` config is overwriten.
> This configuration value is ignored when using HTTP2.

##### onResponse(req, res, stream)
Called when an http response is received from the source.
The default behavior is `pump(stream, res)`, which will be disabled if the
option is specified.

##### rewriteRequestHeaders(req, headers)
Called to rewrite the headers of the request, before them being sent to the downstream server.
It must return the new headers object.

##### rewriteHeaders(headers)
Called to rewrite the headers of the response, before them being copied
over to the outer response.
It must return the new headers object.

##### request
Extended options supported by `http[s].request` method (
The following options are dynamically assigned: `method, port, path, hostname, headers, agent`.

> `http2` options are limited to `timeout` only, while `undici` supports none.

##### queryString
Replaces the original querystring of the request with what is specified.
This will get passed to

## Related topics
- http-agent:
- https-agent:

## Contributions
Special thanks to `fastify-reply-from` developers for creating a production ready library from where we could initially fork.

## License