
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A GitHub API client library for .NET

c-sharp hacktoberfest octokit-net sdk

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

A GitHub API client library for .NET




# Octokit - GitHub API Client Library for .NET

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Octokit is a client library targeting .NET Framework 4.6 or greater and .NET Standard 2.0
and above that provides an easy way to interact with the
[GitHub API](

## Usage examples

Get public info on a specific user.

var github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("MyAmazingApp"));
var user = await github.User.Get("half-ogre");
Console.WriteLine(user.Followers + " folks love the half ogre!");

## Supported Platforms

* .NET 4.6.1 (Desktop / Server) or greater
* [.NET Standard 2.0]( or greater

## Getting Started

Octokit is a GitHub API client library for .NET and is [available on NuGet](

dotnet add package Octokit

There is also an IObservable based GitHub API client library for .NET using Reactive Extensions:

dotnet add package Octokit.Reactive

## Documentation

Documentation is available at

## Build

Octokit is a single assembly designed to be easy to deploy anywhere.

To clone and build it locally click the "Clone in Desktop" button above or run the
following git commands.

git clone [email protected]:octokit/ Octokit
cd Octokit

To build the libraries, run the following command:

Windows: `.\build.ps1`

Linux/OSX: `./`

## Contribute

Visit the [Contributor Guidelines](
for more details. All contributors are expected to follow our
[Code of Conduct](

## Problems?

If you find an issue with our library, please visit the [issue tracker](
and report the issue.

Please be kind and search to see if the issue is already logged before creating
a new one. If you're pressed for time, log it anyways.

When creating an issue, clearly explain

* What you were trying to do.
* What you expected to happen.
* What actually happened.
* Steps to reproduce the problem.

Also include any other information you think is relevant to reproduce the

## Related Projects

- [ScriptCs.OctoKit]( - a [script pack]( to use Octokit in scriptcs
- [ScriptCs.OctokitLibrary]( - a [script library]( to use Octokit in scriptcs

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2023 GitHub, Inc.

Licensed under the [MIT License](