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A library for developing Gui based on SDL2

btk cpp17 generic gui-toolkit sdl2 simple

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A library for developing Gui based on SDL2




# Btk


Btk is a C++ tiny retained mode GUI library based on SDL2 and nanovg.

It was written in morden C++,so it was very easy to use.

***Still developing***

## CI

|Platform| CI Status|
| --- | --- |
|Linux |![C/C++ CI on Linux](|
|Windows |[![C/C++ CI on Windows](](|


## Tiny example

Just create a window and add widget on here

//Include all headers

using Btk::Library;
using Btk::Window;
using Btk::Button;

struct App:public Window{
App():Window("Hello World",100,100){
//Add a button and connect signal
auto &btn = add("Close the window");
// auto *btn = new Button("Close the window");
// add(btn);

// Set the button's position and size

//You can connect to a limbda
// btn.signal_clicked().connect([this](){
// close();
// });
//Or connect to a member fucnction
//when the object was destroyed,
//The connection will be disconnected automatically
int main(){
Library lib;//< For initialize / Quit
//Or call Init() and Quit() explicitly
App app;


## Features

- Almost no macro,the signal system was written in template
- The Library will use the font in os
- UTF-8 support


## TODO List

- [ ] Add more useful widgets
- [ ] MessageLoop need to be refactored
- [ ] Rewrite ImageView By OpenGL to implement AntiAlias
- [ ] Add CMake
- [ ] Add GLX and WGL OpenGL Adapter
- [ ] Add API to get system color and system metrics
- [ ] Widget Interface need to be refactored
- [ ] String Interface need to be refactored to fit STL
- [ ] Font need to be refactored,Current font backend is not good enough(need hb support)
- [ ] Renderer backend DPI support


## Widgets List

| Widgets | Done? | TODO | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Button | | | |
| RadioButton | | | |
| CheckButton | | | |
| ImageView| | | |
| TextBox | |Refactoring| |
| ProgressBar | | | |
| EmbedWindow | No | | |
| ScrollBar| | | |
| SilderBar| | | |
| Canvas | | | |
| GLCanvas | | | |
| GLWidget | No | | |
| Label | | | |
| Line | | | |
| Layout | | | |
| BoxLayout| | | |
| StackedWidget| | | |


## Renderer Backend

| Backend | Done? | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Vulkan | No | |
| Software | | Has many bugs|
| OpenGLESv3 | | |
| Direct3D11 | | |
| SDLRender | No | |


## Building prerequisites

### Linux

- G++ with C++17 support
- SDL2
- SDL2-image (optional)
- fontconfig (optional,for select font)
- libgif (optional,for display gif)
- freetype2 (optional)
- scons or xmake

### Windows

- MINGW or vs2017
- SDL2
- SDL2-image (optional)
- freetype2 (optional)
- libgif (optional)
- scons or xmake

### Android

- Still developing


## Build

btk@btk:sudo apt install libsdl2-dev



## ThirdParty

[SDL2]( - For Event Handling
[SDL_image (optional)]( - Load image
[stb (optional)]( - Load image,render font,textbox edit etc...
[nanovg]( - Render UI


## License


## Some md for dev

[Folder strucutre](./src/