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Easily migrate your existing React codebase to use i18n

ast codemod i18n react

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Easily migrate your existing React codebase to use i18n




# AST i18n [![Build Status](](

The objective of this tool is to make easy to migrate an existing codebase to use i18n

## How it works
- it gets a list of files from the command line
- it runs a babel plugin transform to find all string inside JSXText
- it generates a stable key for the extracted strings
- it generates i18n files format based on this map
- it modify your existing code to use i18n library of your preference

## Example

Before this transform
import React from 'react';

const Simple = () => (
My simple text

After this transform
import React from 'react';
import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next'

const Simple = ({ t }) => (

## Usage of string extractor
yarn start --src=myapp/src

- It will generate a resource.jsx file, like the below:
export default {
translation: {
'ok': `ok`,
'cancelar': `cancelar`,
'continuar': `continuar`,
'salvar': `salvar`,
'endereco': `endereço:`,
'troca_de_senha': `troca de senha`,
'dados_pessoais': `dados pessoais`,
[key]: 'value',

### How to use resource with react-i18next?
- rename resource.tsx to your main language, like en.ts
- create other resource languages based on the generated one

import en from './en';

resources: {
fallbackLng: 'ptBR',
debug: false,

interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react!!
formatSeparator: ',',

react: {
wait: true,

## Usage of i18n codemod
npm i -g jscodeshift

jscodeshift -t src/i18nTransformerCodemod.ts PATH_TO_FILES

## How to customize blacklist
Use ast.config.js to customize blacklist for jsx attribute name and call expression calle

module.exports = {
blackListJsxAttributeName: [
blackListCallExpressionCalle: [